Norfolk Southern Fires C.E.O. After Ethics Investigation

There are a couple of fascinating things about this stunning example of how true it is that "What Goes Around Comes Around!" To begin with this guy had worked at the company for 30 years, so he obviously knew the corporate rules of ethics and behavior, particularly the one against personal relationships among employees. Then to exacerbate the matter to certain calamity, the pair would travel together to various events that other execs were also attending. However, they would go together but apart from the others, as well as both stay in a different hotel from where the others were staying. In short, they blatantly and obviously flaunted the policies of the company they worked for. 

The result is that he's been terminated from a job that paid him $13million last year. Then add lost stock options, projected bonus, his reputation and however he has damaged Ms. Nag's reputation to the cost of those mindless actions, and it makes one's head spin to wonder... What the heck was he thinking!!??! would seem that he wrongly considered himself to be safe from scrutiny due to his position in the company and what he delusionally considered his clever cover-up (NOT)! Clearly, he had come to believe that such matters as "Cause & Effect" might possibly be important for others to consider, but that he was somehow impervious to it. Apparently, he was not! Nor are any of us!

Peter Nygard, Former Fashion Mogul, Is Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison

He was convicted in Toronto of sexually assaulting four women in his company’s headquarters and also faces trials in Montreal, Winnipeg and New York. 

He was a fashion industry star and got away with his crimes for a long time. But the way the rules of life, otherwise known as "The Law of Cause & Effect" work, is that the longer the offender gets away with their nasty behavior, the deeper the pit they dig for themselves when the truth finally comes to light. He thought he had the perfect gig. He was terribly mistaken!

NASA Extends Boeing Starliner Astronauts’ Space Station Stay to 2025

Aha!!! More evidence of Boeing management's decline from the teams that built America's greatest manufacturing company and largest exporter, to the incompetence and benign neglect of more recent ones, that took root well before the crashes and has continuously been revealed since.

Where once those management teams were all about attention to detail and excellence, the recent versions have stressed maximizing profits and the stock price, to protect their own personal wealth as their "holy grail." Shame, Shame, Shame!!!

The results keep showing their ugly head. Here's another!

Persistent concerns with the vehicle’s propulsion systems mean Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore will return home next year in a SpaceX vehicle.

George Santos Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud and Identity Theft

Has it ever not been obvious that it was just a matter of time before George Santos got served his rightful medicine? Of course it is the same for us all, but George takes the cake for being the most obviously deserving that any of us have seen for a long time! 

The same is true for all of us, as far as being deserving of our rightful medicine. Hopefully the rest of us realize the metaphor he represents and determine to stay on the right side of "The Law of Cause & Effect," rather than where George now resides. 

The only thing left to know is how deep the hole is that he has doomed himself to, entirely by his choices.

Justice Thomas Failed to Reveal More Private Flights

Is it true that where there's smoke, there's fire? Looks like we are in the process of finding out in the case of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' intransience. Yes, it is true that these Judges exist within an invisible cloak, which largely protects them from the scrutiny of their behavior. 

But it is also presumed that these Judges are people of honor who make required disclosures honestly and in a timely manner. That may now be changing, we'll see!
If there is change, it will unfold because that protective cloak was abused and "The Law of Cause & Effect" activated by a force which no person can fully describe, but that we are all subject to. 

He Took His 68-Year-Old Secret to Court and Finally Confronted His Ghost

Robin Davis spent a long career in finance and philanthropy, haunted by what had happened to him as a boy. Could an unusual trial on Long Island help him find peace?

California education official embezzled over $16 million

Isn’t it true that they do come in all sizes and shapes? 
This gent thought he had a fool-proof way to take a good position in a school district for disadvantaged children and turn it into a cash-flow machine for his bank account. Moreover, he got away with his deception for 7 years. However, he missed the fact that there is a Law that applies here, ie: 

“The longer someone gets away with duplicitous & evil behavior, the deeper the pit they fall into, when at last they are revealed!”

What a Professor’s Firing Shows About Sexual Harassment in China

It seems it is no less true in China than here! The word “Karma,” "The Law of Cause & Effect,” and the meaning behind the popular expression, “What Goes Around Comes Around,” all of which mean the same thing, is alive and well in Beijing. Of course different cultures have different ways of dealing with such behavior, but eventually every action creates a reaction.

Moreover, it looks like the professor in this case has “made his bed,” and soon will have to lie in it! Yes Prof! "What Goes Around…does…Come Around!"

Ex Goldman Sachs Associate Gets 28 Months for Insider Trading

Foolish boy! He heard the words many times, but ever learned..."What Goes around Comes Around!" (...Omg, you mean it is true?)

States and Creditors for Purdue Pharma Threaten Sacklers With Gush of Lawsuits

It was a shocker when it came out a while ago, that the Sackler family might succeed in not only ducking out on their legal liabilities and keep the lion's share of their family fortune, but that in exchange for putting up $6 Billion to compensate opioid victims, the family could stash $11plus billion away in overseas accounts untouchable by their victims, to continue funding their lifestyle!

Could it be possible? If so it would be a victory for them and for McKinsey, the one-time esteemed consulting giant before it was revealed that the Sackler/Purdue combo was their largest client. Now a Supreme Court ruling last month has denied the Sackler family immunity from liability over its role in the opioid crisis, opening the door to a tidal wave of lawsuits. 

 "Damn, So Close!" says the Sacklers...

Legal maneuverings followed a Supreme Court ruling last month that denied the Sackler family immunity from liability over its role in the opioid crisis.

Astronauts Are Not Stuck on the ISS says Boeing

I'm not saying that this article describing a somewhat scary and concerning situation is not 100% truthful. But seeing who it is from, ie: Boeing, and considering that the astronauts in question were supposed to have returned home weeks ago, if I was a family member of either Butch or Suni I would be very upset right now. It speaks to multiple aspects.

First, that I'd feel much more confident in Mark Nappi's comment that, "We're not stuck on I.S.S, if he were anyone other than the program manager at Boeing for BA's Starliner spacecraft project! And that speaks to the "fallout" from having been caught deceiving the world about other subjects, in this case the Boeing 737Max crashes and subsequent garbage and lies dispensed by Boeing's top management!

In other words, once a situation is tainted by deception & dishonesty of any kind, as is the case with Boeing, a cloud of doubt hangs over everything else they say and do, and multiplies the fallout from what it otherwise would have been. This is not an accident but rather a manifestation of the basic principle of "Cause & Effect," that "What Goes Around Comes Around!"

We collectively pray that both Butch & Suni return safely.

Astronauts Are Not Stuck on the I.S.S., NASA and Boeing Officials Say
Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams will spend additional weeks in orbit as teams on the ground study malfunctioning thrusters on the Starliner spacecraft.

How Boeing CEO’s Catastrophic Reign Could Become Criminal

Actually, what is emerging now is just the tip of the iceberg, of the most significant fraud in American corporate history! In fact, the soon to be removed CEO Calhoun, is just one of the gang of thieves. They enormously enriched themselves at the cost of Boeing’s once pristine and well earned reputation as America’s greatest company!

Then there are the wholly unnecessary deaths of the 346 passengers of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, whose families have suffered not only the loss of their loved ones but also the outrageous lies and obfuscation of Boeing’s in-house murderers, oops, I mean management!

Going forward, much more will be revealed about the conspiracy between BA‘s leadership and the FAA, to launch a deeply flawed 737 Max. They jointly withheld critical information from the most important players in the drama, the pilots and the passengers. In doing so, they ignored the most fundamental law of aeronautics and everything else in life, ie:“The Law of Cause and Effect.” In essence they failed to apply even the most basic code of ethical conduct to themselves, all to increase the value of management’s enormous holdings of the stock.

How has that worked out for them? Their lessons are just beginning! For us it is to always keep our standards high, if for no other reason than the fundamental truth that,“What Goes Around DOES Come Around!”

Our deepest sympathies to the families. We are just an observer, but so sorry for your losses and the pain you have endured..

Neil Goldschmidt Portland Mayor Who Abused Teenager Dies at 83

Another sad story about someone who could have been remembered for all the good things he did. Instead, however, he’ll forever be known as someone who took advantage of his position to abuse and ruin the life of an innocent young girl. He must have thought that he was surrounded by a protective force of some kind because of his celebrity. It is a common trait of abusers. They are always mistaken.

What is never wrong is “The Law of Cause & Effect,” the fundamental Law of Nature and all human experience! These days when we hear a story like this we invoke the words, “What Goes Around Comes Around.” You can throw in “Karma” to complete the trifecta! All are attempts to explain the same concept that originated from different eras of history. Certainly, Neil had heard those words many times as we all do. Hopefully we’ll do better!

Paul Pressler Disgraced Christian Conservative Leader Dies at 94

The first thing I thought when I saw this was, “how must this obituary headline make his family, siblings, children, grandchildren feel? Did he ever consider that as he was sexually abusing people? I guess not!

People who sexually abuse others seem to have the common characteristic of believing that their actions are sufficiently hidden from view to avoid being nailed. That they are too smart & clever to be caught. Actually, the unfortunate fact is that depending on how clever, intelligent and conniving a perpetrator is, it can take a long time! In fact, we’ve seen plenty of cases where years pass before the “light” finally exposes them. But when it does...

Paul Pressler! You were in the position to do tremendous good and leave a wonderful legacy that your parents, siblings and future generations would be proud of and inspired by. Instead you made really bad choices Paul. Hopefully you being revealed will stop others from thinking they too are impervious. Hopefully they will make better decisions! Its all about our decisions Paul. Nobody forced you. Shame, shame, shame!

I just wonder how many times that the words “What Goes Around Comes Around,” came out of your mouth. I’d bet it was many. Yet you missed that those words also applied to you! A shame on many levels

What Have We Liberals Done to the West Coast

Looks like its just a matter of time before Senator Bob Menendez will run out of maneuvers to avoid "the Light of Truth" finding him in the shadows and revealing the truth. He's been going from shadow to shadow to hide from it for a while now.

Sean Combs Charged with Sex Trafficking

For quite a while Sean Combs was on an upward trajectory, eventually reaching the pinnacle of a large and profitable business. How he got there was not a mystery. He did because of his talent, intelligence, charm and ability to make positive, creative choices that benefited all involved.

Somewhere along the way those choices shifted, and his current downward spiral appears headed for oblivion!

What happened and can he recapture the persona of that first Sean are the questions? For him as for all of us, it is primarily about the choices we make! For some reason he stopped leading with fairness and something else took over. Hopefully he recovers so we can get more of the Sean we used to know. Great personality, great music, great choices that benefit all involved!

Why? Because as sure as tides rise and fall, and as sure as night follows day, “What Goes Around, Comes Around!”

It's physics! It's in the book!

Nine People Arrested in $14.5 Million Gold Heist

It makes you wonder, right? What must have these nine people have been thinking, in order for them to take part in this fiasco?  Was it that there's safety in numbers? Or that's its a once in a lifetime opportunity for riches, so therefore worth taking the risk of spending a good part of the rest of your life in prison? Who knows! 

The only certainty now is that their lives and the lives of those closest to them, have changed in the worst possible way! 

Unfortunatly for them and their loved ones, they must never have learned that "The Law of Cause & Effect" applies equally in their lives, as it does in every other part of nature and human existence. This turn of events is a tough way to learn that. 

Sometimes, what is so easy to see in others, is so hard to see in ourselves!

The stolen gold was partly used to buy guns that were bound for Canada, the police said.

How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Sentence Compares With Other White-Collar Cases

This is a big one, ie: example of "the law" unfolding. He's only 31years old and already Sam Bankman-Fried is on trial for one of the most outrageous and costly frauds ever witnessed, with billions of investor funds up in smoke. Think Madoff for the size and devastation. But Madoff was by far the more-clever fraudster, largely by virtue of keeping his circle of conspirators extremely small. 

In this case, all three of Bank-man Fried's "close friends" and "partners in crime," have admitted their own guilt and agreed to testify against him, which pretty much blows any chance he has to walk away unscathed. The others will likely get reduced sentences due to their cooperation. However, Bankman-Fried is toast and will likely have a long time to consider whether his short reign competing for the title of "Guru of Crypto," was worth the price he now faces. 

Not to mention that his parents are also at risk, from however they may have been ensnared in their son's criminal enterprise. They seem simply to be loving parents, but even giving them the benefit of doubt, they must be asking themselves how they had raised one of the worst business cheats/criminals in history and where they went so wrong? Certainly, they  flopped badly in teaching him "The Law of Cause & Effect," even though I'd bet all three of them used the words, "What Goes Around Comes Around" many times in describing the foibles of other people!

Actually, it is an object lesson for all parents! Children need to know that "Cause & Effect" is the fundamental Law of Nature, every branch of science and all human experience! In other words, an unavoidable "Law of physics." How we teach them, is a function of how we live that truth, in our lives!

Charlie Hustle

While reading this story, I could almost picture Pete Rose, super-star of my "Babe Ruth League" baseball youth, like it was yesterday. There he’d be arguing with the Ump, or exasperating the other team by digging out an extra base that nobody else would even try! In other words pure fun to watch and a good reason why his nickname was "Charlie Hustle!”

That he ultimately became a victim of his own rebellious nature, as every baseball fan of a certain vintage knows, speaks directly to the subject of…Is it true that “What Goes Around Comes Around?”

Even today with legalized betting a prolific part of major league sports, it is still a crime for professional athletes to place bets on their OWN team! That Pete Rose did exactly that, is why he was forced out of baseball and failed to achieve the “Hall of Fame” recognition he otherwise would have.

That he was an awesome player is unquestioned. He broke Ty Cobb’s unbreakable record of 4,191 hits and "stole” countless bases! However, because he was a fan favorite, Pete’s “other side" thought he could get away with anything and he tried hard to prove it. More to the point as it says in this article, he is still trying.

But an interesting shift has occurred that I recently saw an example of. It was a father speaking to his son about fairness and sportsmanship and using the story of Pete Rose to do so. But rather than stressing Pete’s greatness as a player, the Dad used Pete to drive home to his child the consequences of doing the “wrong thing” rather than the “right thing!”

I have to admit to my heart leaping just a bit when I heard him say, "You see what happens when you make bad choices? What Goes Around Comes Around, that’s what!” Did the kid get it? Hope so, but don’t know. Time will tell. But at least this particular Dad seems to!

Mississippi ‘Goon Squad’ Police

This article reminds me of stories about gangs of white boys from all-white neighborhoods carrying baseball bats and going hunting to find black kids to beat the crap out of. That didn't happen in my town, which was racially diverse from kindergarten on up. The cops in this story were just older and poorly educated versions, who'd replaced their bats with billy clubs & were still looking for black heads to smash! They planted their seeds. Now they get their harvest!

Weirdly Warm Winter Has Climate Fingerprints

Is it true that "What Goes Around Comes Around?" Well, how about a global example, because we just experienced the hottest February on record and also the 9th consecutive month of record temps!  Holy-Moly! Which brings us to former Vice-President Al Gore! It was in 2006 at the Sundance Film Festival, that he introduced his documentary film, "An Inconvenient Truth," becoming one of the most prominent advocates for addressing climate change. In the film, Gore presents scientific evidence of global warming and its potentially catastrophic consequences. While there were environmentalists and scientists who praised him for raising awareness about the issue, skeptics mocked the validity of his claims and accused him of exaggerating the threat for political purposes. To his credit Gore continues to be a prominent figure in raising awareness about climate change and advocating for action to address it. But when does the rest of the world jump on that wagon? Nine months in a row not enough? To fully understand, order the book titled "What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works," in the lives of us all, on Amazon or Audible.Recent heat waves in cities worldwide have the hallmarks of global warming, researchers said. And last month was the hottest February on record.

Businessman Pleads Guilty to Bribing Sen. Bob Menendez

Looks like its just a matter of time before Senator Bob Menendez will run out of maneuvers to avoid "the Light of Truth" finding him in the shadows and revealing the truth. He's been going from shadow to shadow to hide from it for a while now.

Supreme Court Allows the $2.4 Billion Boy Scouts Sex Abuse Deal

This article highlights the gruesome parallel of abuse shared by "The Boy Scouts of America" and "The Catholic Church!" When discussing the latter, it has been pointed out that while the Church provides comfort to many people, it is also the longest standing and most successful criminal organization that has ever existed. But sadly, second place goes to The Boy Scouts.!

We've long heard of reports about Cub & Boy Scouts being abused by their so-called "Counselors," the "kissing cousins" of Catholic Priests. Yet it is still stunning that this case includes 82,000 people making these claims. Stunning because we also know that for reasons including shame and not wanting others to see it as part of their "story," the vast majority of victims will not have signed up to participate. 

How many people would be in that category?  Five times or ten times? We can't know for sure, but my guess is it lands somewhere right in that range. That would imply a "real" number, of between 400,000 & 900,000 Scouts who were abused! Moreover, abused by an organization which just like the Catholic Church, disguised their evil by wrapping it with a noble cause! In both cases, the reality was unconscionable deceit!

However,  something we can and do know,  is that "What Goes Around Comes Around," and just as night follows day is now coming swiftly around in this case! That includes whether caught at the time or not! Irrespective, now that the drum is beating, imagine knowing that any day the phone may ring, or there will be a knock at the door! 

Jonathan Majors Had a History of Abuse in Relationships

What was it in his development that led him to believe he existed in a kind of protective bubble that would make it ok for him to be serially cruel and abusive, without it eventually being ruinous in his life? What happened to the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" concept in his life? 

Those of us considering the question can't really know at this point. But hopefully what is now a lost, once promising career along with years of incarceration will be sufficient for it to finally dawn on him.

The actor denied physical abuse. Separately, he said he wasn’t told of accusations of misbehavior on the set of “Lovecraft Country.”

Scores of N.Y. Public Housing Workers Charged in Record Corruption Case

Wow, this one was a doozie! What happened here, is that in order to be more timely in fixing things like faulty furnaces not providing sufficient heat to tenants, as well as plumbing, window and other problems, the New York City Housing Authority gave building superintendents budgets so they could hire contractors directly and ostensibly improve the living conditions for tenants in a more timely way.

What actually happened is that many of those supers made deals with select contractors to get kickbacks of between 10% & 20%. "You need to take care of me," they'd say. The result was $2million in bribes and now extortion charges against 70 former-employees.

It is another of those, "What were they thinking" kinds of situations. Sadly, it also means brutal disruption for dozens of families and tremendous distress for wives and children.

Those Supers have probably all said the words, "what Goes Around Comes Around," when pointing at someone else's predicament. Now they get to consider them about their own. The fact is, we're not properly taught growing up that those words, along with Karma and The law of Cause & Effect, are actually an immutable Law of Physics.

Manhattan’s federal prosecutor said the number of bribery charges, 70 in all, amounted to a single-day record for the Justice Department.

Israeli Women Fight on Front Line in Gaza

The ultimate example of "The Law of Cause & Effect" on a global level. What do you think about it? What's important is for each person to consider whether and how it may apply to their own life?

Hamas leaders say they waged their Oct. 7 attack on Israel because they believed the Palestinian cause was slipping away, and that only violence could revive it.

U.S. Engine Maker Will Pay $1.6 Billion to Settle Claims of Emissions Cheating

Wow! Who would have thought that following the spectacular hit that Volkswagen took from the emissions scandal it perpetrated, ie: more than $15billion in fines plus the repurchase of 11 million cars, that other similar offenders out there would have quietly folded their tents of fraud and changed their stripes, grateful that they hadn't also been caught in that dragnet! 

But NO!!! Apparently, Cummins the truck engine manufacturer, was also guilty! They must have just figured that they were better liars and had escaped scrutiny! That they, were that much more-clever than Volks! 

Well yea, ok, it did take a few more years to see through their version of deception.  But now the jig is up for them too! It is just how it goes. Smarter and more clever liars and cheaters may be able to stay in the shadows longer, but when the light finally shines on them and reveals their treachery, the pit they've dug for themselves is that much deeper! 

It sounds here like the company is trying to put their best spin on having been nailed, but the damage they've done is significant and so will be the penalties they face, responsible individuals and company!!!

Unsealed Documents Shed Light on Epstein’s Misdeeds

Hopefully this will be the last blog entry about Mr. Epstein. I just received a little chill down my spine from the reminder that he got away with his nasty crimes for 20 years! GEEZ!!! They came close to nailing his butt in 2012, but he slipped through that net with the help of a friendly Florida prosecutor, who turned him loose for another 8 years of abuse! Was that guy also a customer? Say what we may about what a creep he was, he was also a smart creep to keep it going that long.

Which brings up "The Rule To Remember," which is that the longer a perpetrator of crimes gets away with them, the deeper the pit they dig for themselves when the light finally does shine on them, and there's nowhere left to hide!" 

In his case it was at least a six-foot deep pit! 

Willie Nelson’s Sense of Style

Being a Willie Nelson fan with a couple of his songs in my performing repertoire and many others I can sing along with, I found this article to be a terrific representation of the Law of Cause & Effect on the positive side of the equation. Namely that being your genuine self can only enhance the quality of what you deliver. It is instructive that when Willie reverted to himself, is when his career took off.

Claudine Gay Turmoil Forces Harvard’s Secretive ‘Corporation’ Into Spotlight

Now even Harvard University takes its place as a fascinating example of "The Law of Cause & Effect" in action. It is happening as the most secretive Board in major academia is thrust into the light for their handling of newly revealed allegations of plagiarism, purportedly committed by the also newly appointed President of the University, Claudine Gay. 

In question, is how those revelations had slipped past the scrutiny of the "search committee!"  It was reported by the Harvard Crimson student newspaper that they had considered more than 600 applications, over the five-month search before naming Dr. Gay. Was that too short a time for such a process? It was reported to be the shortest on record. Had that led to shoddy or rushed procedures? Hmmm!?! 

The thought arises that Dr. Gay certainly would have known if she'd pushed the envelope, in properly citing sources in her own academic work. At the time, she may not have conceived someday being in the running for President of Harvard.  Has she been worrying about the possibility of being "outed" all along? 

We can't know all these answers at this moment but will get greater clarity at some point! What we do know now is whether there is a "Law of Cause & Effect," that is playing out in the life of Claudine Gay right now. We also use the words "What Goes Around Comes Around" and the Buddha's choice of "Karma" to describe the same inescapable process. It is Physics either way.

Harvard’s powerful board has backed its president and said little else, yet a member privately said “generational change” may be needed.

Jury Orders Giuliani to Pay $148 Million to Election Workers He Defamed

Could there possibly be an example with greater clarity than this one, that "What Goes Around Comes Around?" 
I'm sending Rudy a gift copy of my book and a mirror, so he'll understand where that bus came from that just ran him over!

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, wrongfully accused by Rudolph W. Giuliani of having tried to steal votes from Donald J. Trump in Georgia, were awarded the damages by a federal court in Washington.

Binance Founder Pleads Guilty to Violating Money Laundering Rules

So now another “Bad Boy” of crypto bites the dust to join Bankman-Fried, as Chengpen Zhau the Binance billionaire CEO’s bad actions are revealed. It is reminiscent of the beginning of the insider trading, convictions witnessed over a decade ago and this era’s version of financial wrong-doing on a very large scale. 

Will it be a wake-up call for other players to adhere to the law and keep it clean, or is it just the beginning of many more revelations? We don’t know yet, but we do know that "The Law of Cause & Effect" is working it’s ways through the field of players and WILL let us know. 

We know that because we all say the words, “What Goes Around Comes Around” and will most likely be saying them again about Zhau! The question is do we apply them to ourselves with the same zeal??????

Hamas’s Bloody Gambit to Create a Permanent State of War

The ultimate example of "The Law of Cause & Effect" on a global level. What do you think about it? What's important is for each person to consider whether and how it may apply to their own life?

Hamas leaders say they waged their Oct. 7 attack on Israel because they believed the Palestinian cause was slipping away, and that only violence could revive it.

China Is Lending Billions to Countries in Financial Trouble

In following the demise of FTX and it's Founder Sam Bankman-Fried, we just witnessed how "The Law of Cause & Effect" relates to companies and the individuals who start and manage them.  But surely those rules don't apply to entire they? This cautionary tale about China's "Belt & Road" initiative, is instructive in that regard.Starting in 2013, China began their plan to outflank U.S. influence in "developing" countries by making $1.3 trillion in loans to them for infrastructure projects like dams, roads and bridges. They also sent the workers and materials to complete those projects, in essence employing and paying the workers they brought with them, with the very funds they were lending, rather than hiring & training local workers as well. However, most egregious was that the loans they made, used "adjustable rate" debt, which is now significantly more expensive to service and has left the countries involved strapped with payments they can't hope to maintain. This has forced China to shift to a strategy of refinancing and bailing out those borrowers, to avoid write-offs and a big, global black eye! So yes! The "Law" works the same for countries, as for companies, as for individuals. Moreover, whether the Law is referred to as "Karma" or "The Law of Cause & Effect," or "What Goes Around Comes Around," which all mean the same thing, the result will also be the same!Instead of lending money for highways and bridges, China has shifted to providing emergency rescues for previous borrowers.

Peter Nygard Former Fashion Mogul Convicted of Sexual Assault

So, another monster is removed from circulation and will join Harvey Weinstein, and the rest of the #MeToo crowd cooling their heels in some prison. This Nygard jerk used his "business mogul" position like the certifiable monster he is, luring young women into an office and then raping them. 

So now at 82 his business mogul days, and access to potential victims are over! Moreover, he will most likely be sentenced to ten years behind bars to contemplate the suffering he caused...if he lives that long. There'll be no celebrations of the things he accomplished in life, or 

The question is, what made him think he was safe to do those things, on multiple occasions, to multiple women?  Regardless, he was not safe. Nobody is! Rather it is well established that the "Law of Cause & Effect," gets activated in such cases to balance things out. A life of good deeds most likely leads to a sweet ending. Unfortunately, Peter's will probably be harsh. Yes Peter! "What Goes Around Comes Around," sure as the tides rise and fall, and sure as night follows day!

The verdict in Toronto concludes the first of Mr. Nygard’s criminal trials in Canada. The 82-year-old also faces charges in the United States.

FIFA Bars Former Spanish Soccer Chief for 3 Years

In a Spanish #MeToo moment, the former president of Spain's soccer federation has been suspended for three years after planting a nonconsensual kiss squarely on the lips of the Spanish team's star player, moments after the team's victory in the Women's World Cup final. He says it was no big deal! She says it was just more of the misogyny typical of what team members have endured for years and wants no more of. Hey buddy, welcome to this century!

Luis Rubiales, who led the country’s soccer federation, departed in disgrace after he forcibly kissed a player after the Women’s World Cup final.

For Israel a War Unlike Any Other

There is a "Law of Cause & Effect" moral here for both sides. Netanyahu lost his compass becoming obsessed with his own legal issues, political dominance and legacy, and took his eye off the crucial ball of the security of his people! Based on his actions now and in recent years, he is obviously a blockhead who needs to be put out to pasture ASAP!
It seems clear that he will never be part of a viable solution. He would not himself consider ushering in “fresh-blood” now, as he would if he put the best interests of his country first. That will likely only happen by dragging him out kicking and screaming that only he can fix the mess.

Hamas has also created a no-win situation for themselves, that can only end in calamity and misery for many. At this moment there is no telling where this thing goes, but it is clear that much suffering will be the cost of the idiocy on both sides. In fact, each has created a no-win for themselves through terrible judgement by Israeli officials that their defense apparatus was secure and by Hamas that their ten minutes of brutality would somehow be a winning strategy.

A terrible price has already been paid! However, the almost certain sacrifice of the 240 hostages still in Hamas’ hands and the murder of countless Palestinian innocents would go down in history as egregious beyond belief, and a very "black mark" on all involved. We can collectively only hope that reason prevails, including a Palestinian solution to eliminate the ugly sore that has prevailed for decades.


Fallen Crypto Mogul Convicted

So now we know that he wasn’t able to finesse his way out of this the way he’d hoped he could. Life as he’s known is is over for Sam Bankman-Fried and perhaps he’ll be able to find solace into longer living on the edge and devoting himself to using his considerable intelligence, to in some way help other inmates. Perhaps in understanding crypto!

Goldman Insider Trader Gets 3 Years in ‘Squash Buddies’ Case

Here's the thing about this joker's story. In the few years leading up to 2011, more than 100 hedge fund managers and other investors were fined and/or served time for insider trading. It was all over the news for months and months, as all the cases were revealed and adjudicated. There were a few who beat the rap, but most of the cases ended in convictions.  

For the most part, these were successful, wealthy and highly educated people and it all unfolded only 12-15 years ago. It was recent enough that most finance professionals can remember when Galleon's Raj Rajaratnam was given the longest sentence of all in 2011, eleven years of which he served eight! 

Certainly, this guy from Goldman would have known Raj's story, and considering the notoriety, about all the others who also bit the dust. Yet here he is thinking that HE has the "magic formula," that all the other dummies who got caught missed out on! Moreover, at least in his mind, the one that would keep him in the shadows and provide safety from discovery!


You see folks, there are some people who are just plain smarter, more resourceful and clever, better liars and manipulators and more skilled at evading the light from shining on them. But the Rule is, that the longer they evade, the deeper the hole they dig for themselves, when they can evade no longer! 

Prosecutors Turn Sam Bankman-Fried’s Own Words Against Him

It is not going well for Sam Bankman-Fried, and although with a jury trial there's always the possibility of a hung-jury or acquittal, I'd say that in this case it is extremely low. It is however instructive, that even with a two-professor set of what appears to be loving parents, he was brought up without any comprehension of "The Law of Cause & Effect," and the end-game we're now seeing unfold that he was creating for himself. We'll see!

Asked during his cross-examination about his public statements and how he ran his crypto empire, the FTX founder repeatedly said he couldn’t remember.

Its Even True For Bananas

I find myself frequently taking notice of stories reported about people behaving in ways that end up having repercussions in their lives. Sometimes they are good ones with great outcomes, but more frequently they entail some poorly thought-out action taken, that ends up with unfortunate results. It is due I believe, to the general lack of understanding that the frequently used expression, "What Goes Around Comes Around," is actually true!

Today's revelation in this article, is that in addition to people, it even applies to bananas of all things! Moreover, I just could not pass up including it in my series of posts purporting that those "What Goes..." words are indeed, an immutable law of nature! 

Make sure to read the article if you are a banana lover like me, to learn how just a minimum of attention will keep them around longer. Hey, it sounds a bit like what's required in every relationship! 

The Botched Hunt for the Gilgo Beach Killer

The fact that it took twelve years to catch this killer, just informs us that he was particularly charming, smart, brutal and cunning. Moreover, it is unlikely that his wife, children or business associates had any idea whose company they were in, when he was with them. On the contrary, he had an extra measure of intelligence & savvy and was highly proficient in the skill to deceive.

The point being that people like Heuermann who get away with bad things for a long time have essentially perverted the good they might otherwise have done with those talents.They also are good at staying in the shadows and evading detection.

But those very qualities and the actions they perpetrated, also naturally attracted an opposing force to be reckoned with, when the experienced Rodney Harrison was appointed police commissioner. Following 12 years of conducting investigations for the N.Y.P.D., Harrison immediately focused on this case and applied the prosecutorial tricks of the trade he'd learned, with what now appears to be stunning success.

Why? Because what goes around does come around. It is just a challenge to know when! But regardless, the bottom line is that “The Law of Cause & Effect,” which means the same thing as the title, is over time the great equalizer both in nature and all human experience!

For 13 years, police failed to scrutinize the man now accused of the infamous murders. Why did it take so long?

Judge Won’t Let Alex Jones Use Bankruptcy to Avoid Sandy Hook Damages

Who will shed a tear with me for the dilemma facing Alex Jones? "What Goes Around Comes Around" Alex. It's the "Karma" you've created for yourself. It's "The Law of Cause and Effect" providing payback to you for the lies you've allowed to come out of your mouth and the pain & suffering you've purposely caused people to endure. 

These things do not just disappear into the ether Alex. They are recorded and rewarded in exactly the right measure. 

Sorry you didn't learn this earlier in life Alex, but perhaps your example will give pause for other people to become more thoughtful, as we all wish you had. Also, please keep in mind that once the dust settles on all this, you'll still have time to "see the light," make more mindful choices, and create a better ending for your story.
In this case, all three of Bank-man Fried's "close friends" and "partners in crime," have admitted their own guilt and agreed to testify against him, which pretty much blows any chance he has to walk away unscathed. The others will likely get reduced sentences due to their cooperation. However, Bankman-Fried is toast and will likely have a long time to consider whether his short reign competing for the title of "Guru of Crypto," was worth the price he now faces. 

Not to mention that his parents are also at risk, from however they may have been ensnared in their son's criminal enterprise. They seem simply to be loving parents, but even giving them the benefit of doubt, they must be asking themselves how they had raised one of the worst business cheats/criminals in history and where they went so wrong? Certainly, they  flopped badly in teaching him "The Law of Cause & Effect," even though I'd bet all three of them used the words, "What Goes Around Comes Around" many times in describing the foibles of other people!

Actually, it is an object lesson for all parents! Children need to know that "Cause & Effect" is the fundamental Law of Nature, every branch of science and all human experience! In other words, an unavoidable "Law of physics." How we teach them, is a function of how we live that truth, in our lives!

Sam Bankman-Fried Steered Misuse of Funds

This is a big one, ie: example of "the law" unfolding. He's only 31years old and already Sam Bankman-Fried is on trial for one of the most outrageous and costly frauds ever witnessed, with billions of investor funds up in smoke. Think Madoff for the size and devastation. But Madoff was by far the more-clever fraudster, largely by virtue of keeping his circle of conspirators extremely small. 

In this case, all three of Bank-man Fried's "close friends" and "partners in crime," have admitted their own guilt and agreed to testify against him, which pretty much blows any chance he has to walk away unscathed. The others will likely get reduced sentences due to their cooperation. However, Bankman-Fried is toast and will likely have a long time to consider whether his short reign competing for the title of "Guru of Crypto," was worth the price he now faces. 

Not to mention that his parents are also at risk, from however they may have been ensnared in their son's criminal enterprise. They seem simply to be loving parents, but even giving them the benefit of doubt, they must be asking themselves how they had raised one of the worst business cheats/criminals in history and where they went so wrong? Certainly, they  flopped badly in teaching him "The Law of Cause & Effect," even though I'd bet all three of them used the words, "What Goes Around Comes Around" many times in describing the foibles of other people!

Actually, it is an object lesson for all parents! Children need to know that "Cause & Effect" is the fundamental Law of Nature, every branch of science and all human experience! In other words, an unavoidable "Law of physics." How we teach them, is a function of how we live that truth, in our lives!

Crypto Goes on Trial as Sam Bankman-Fried Faces His Reckoning

Ok, so accepting that all people, even those who stand accused of some crime, are  presumed innocent until proven guilty, how would Sam answer the question, "What Goes Around Comes Around" - True or False? 

As the author, the question I would ask, which of course there is no way to know the answer to, is would he have taken the same path if he'd found my book on Amazon and read it, or listened to the Audible version of it first?  Of course, I'd like to think maybe not! Maybe it would have given him pause. But is there a good dose of wishful thinking on my part in there? Of course! That answer is yes!

He’s a Dab of Glue in a Broken City. Can He Hold It Together

In America’s overwhelmed downtowns, private security guards like Michael Bock have become the solution of last resort.

Trump Co-Defendant in Georgia Election Interference Case Pleads Guilty

Scott Hall's decision to "work "with the prosecution" in return for relatively minor punishment, sounds to me like a major breakthrough for Fani Willis. Hall was most likely pressed to make a deal, because of the onerous provision of the racketeering charges she levied, that if she wins her case, all involved would be guilty of the worst of the charges levied against all the others. Mr. Hall has now removed himself from that potential body-slam and serves as a model to others, of the benefit of working out a deal with Ms. Willis! Good move Scott, you can now count your blessings!

Jimmy Carter admirers across generations celebrate the former president’s 99th birthday

Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! Now we know that Jimmy was essentially cheated out of his second term as President. But how he chose to deal with it is pretty inspiring. No, rather…very inspiring!!!

Build houses for people who need them, help settle international disputes and save lives and a long list more, that all together add up to a life well lived. Best of all, here he is now at 99 years old enjoying his favorite peanut butter ice cream and still serving as a role-model for us all! God bless Jimmy!

Judge Rules Trump Committed Fraud, Stripping Control of Key Properties

So, the first shoe drops. The only thing that remains to be determined, in this case at least, is the size of the monetary penalty that will be imposed. That the Trump family is out of business in New York State now seems assured. A rough day for "The Donald!"

The decision in a lawsuit that could go to trial next week is a major win for Attorney General Letitia James, who says former President Donald J. Trump overvalued his holdings by as much as $2.2 billion.

Jann Wenner’s Rock Hall Reign Lasted Years. It Ended in 20 Minutes

He was the co-founder and editor of Rolling Stone Magazine and ruled over the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for years. Rock & Roll royalty for sure. But in a blunder of unconscionable arrogance and mindless stupidity, he now has dropped a grenade into his own life. 

For him, it is a terrible development, that he can only blame on the person who stares back at him in the mirror. For us, it is a gross example of the "Law of Cause & Effect" in action. The same Law also works in much more subtle ways, but in this case it cannot be denied!

Former Wells Fargo Executive Avoids Prison in Sham Accounts Scandal

Who would have suspected that for years the highly revered Wells Fargo, was actually systematically & egregiously screwing its clients, in particular its eldest clients! Unbelievable! Couldn't be! But alas...yes, true! What's more at the center of it, was management including long-time employee Carrie L. Tolstedt. 

Now after $billions in fines for Wells Fargo, $millions for Carrie & numerous terminated CEO's, plus intense continued scrutiny by the Federal Reserve, the final judgement has been rendered. While it doesn't include jail time, the ass-kicking taken by company and executives seems appropriate to the crime.  

In his day it should be noted, the Buddha would opine that a single act of stupidity did not necessarily predict a ruinous result for the perpetrator. But he would add that if the stupidity was to become chronic, the resulting Karma would attach to that person or entity and attract exactly the appropriate corrective action in precisely the right measure.

I'd guess that the individuals responsible including Ms. Tolstedt, would likely get chills of regret about never having learned that the words "What Goes Around Comes Around," are actually an unavoidable "Law of Physics!" I can only wish they'd read my book!

Mattel’s Windfall From ‘Barbie’

When I saw the Barbie film it was the week after seeing Oppenheimer in the same theatre.  It was one of those multi-theater complexes showing many films at the same time. We had been struck repeatedly by how sparse the audiences had been, along with barely any waiting time to get one's requisite popcorn and drink. But walking in to see Oppenheim was a revelation, with the large lobby full of movie-goers and long lines for those refreshments. However, it was only a preview of the "Barbie" phenom that came next! Girls of every age decked out in pink, literally jammed the place even more. 

Tardy as usual in securing seats, as there had never been a problem getting two together, we luckily ended up with two of the last few available, way to the side against the far wall.

Many of the articles chosen for this blog are about why things don't work out well for people, because of ego dysfunctions and the bad choices made by participants. It is instructive to read how this juggernaut was given wings for a much more rewarding outcome. The point being that, "The Law Of Cause & Effect" embodied in the current vernacular of those words, "What Goes Around Comes Around," is a law of physics that is active in every person's life and certainly reflective in the success of Barbie. Good for them!

President of Powerful Realtors’ Group Resigns After Sexual Harassment Claims

As the President of the powerful National Association of Realtors, Kenny Parcell had the power to either be helpful and nuturing to the people he worked with and supervised...or not. He chose "not" and has now been ousted as President, with his reputation in tatters! He thought his position was so powerful that he was safe to indulge his lower-self whims. Oops!!! Not! 

Can't do that stuff Kenny. How many times in your life have you said the words, "What Goes Around Comes Around?" Did it ever occur to you that they apply to everyone, regardless of rank, wealth or position, including you? 

Recommendation! You can buy the book with that title on Amazon, with a blue cover and picture of me! I feel bad that you had not already been turned on to it. If you had, you might have avoided this misery you now have to contend with. But life's not over Kenny and you still have a chance to create a better future. Get the book or its counter-part on Audible. It will help! Good luck Kenny!

Former Cardinal McCarrick Found Unfit for Trial Over Sexual Abuse

In the past when stories like this have come up, I have noted what a wonder it is to me, how an entity that provides comfort to so many people around the world, could on the other hand be the most successful and longest standing criminal organization the world has ever seen! As the King said to Anna in The King & I, "It is a puzzlement!" 

Consider that as a Cardinal, this sick individual was one of the most prominent clerics in the U.S. Catholic hierarchy, holding a ranking second only to the Pope! It is unbelievable, but also true! In the end, he was found guilty of abusing countless children as well as adult seminarians. And now finally disgraced, with the sword over his head, he is found not competent to stand trial! Geez!!!

How do those things square?  A global institution that provides comfort for sure! But primarily as a very effective cover for sexually abusing children! It raises the question, of "what mafia chieftain would not have loved to have the same cover as the abusing priests of the criminal, Catholic Church have had for centuries?"

Please note that this does not deny the "comfort" provided. But what a price has been paid!

Spanish Soccer Chief Finds His Defenders Backing Away

It remains to be seen how this ends up playing out. However, Luis Rubiales the President of the Spanish Soccer Federation, has by virtue of the kiss he planted on the lips of spanish soccer star Jennifer Hermoso, following the spanish teams World Cup victory, set in motion an #MeToo reckoning in Spain and beyond. 

We'll see where it goes, but as support for Mr. Rubiales evaporates, we are reminded what the Buddha taught us, ie: that while a single, thoughtless act might not ruin one's life, if that bad behavior were to become habitual, the karma created would attract to that person exactly what is needed for their personal growth. That appears to be what Mr. Rubiales is currently finding out. 

Many people will likely then point to him and say in knowing fashion, "See! What goes around comes around!" Some of them will then turn around and do something equally mindless themselves. "What is so easy to see in others, is so hard to see in ourselves!"

10 California Officers Face Corruption Charges in F.B.I. Inquiry

One of the things that I find a combination of fascinating and scary as hell, is the role that having "compatriots in evil actions," plays in cases like this. Did they feel safe in their duplicity, because there was a gang of them? Or was it a belief that as long as they were on the inside, so to speak, that they'd be able to deflect detection indefinitely?

All that's clear is that the choices they made will now have many people saying the words, "See! What goes around comes around," about them! Will other rogue police officers see this as a reason why they'd better straighten their own butts out? Will they? Will we?

Queens Doctor Charged With Drugging and Assaulting Patients on Camera

Oh no! Not another one! It boggles the mind that after all that work, all that education, all the support received from family and loved ones over the many years it took to qualify for the caregiver role he worked so hard to achieve, that this fool chose to use his intellect & powers to rape and sexually abuse patients and dates, plus to record these events so he could revisit them again & again! 
We’ve now witnessed enough of these convictions to expect that any relatively intelligent person, nonetheless a medical school graduate, would know enough to steer clear. But No!!! This person, like the others, thought they had the perfect scheme to protect them from detection. WRONG!!!
The Buddha said it best. “Do something really stupid, dangerous or hurtful once, and depending on how stupid/hurtful it was, the doer might escape a cataclysmic result in their life. However, let that sort of activity become habitual and Karma WILL lock itself onto that person and draw to them exactly what is needed to properly address their actions.
It remains to be seen what that will be in this case, but the same "Law of Cause & Effect” described by the Buddah is alive and in full operation, today as always!

Epstein Victim May Pursue Claims Against Two Wall St. Executives

Seeing this article leaves me wondering what went through the minds of Staley and Black when confronted with the temptation of having sex with an underage girl, which they absolutely knew was not only a crime, but a rotten thing to do to that child? Even more, what made them think they'd be safe in doing so? That it would never come back to bite them? Bad decision right? And doesn't it always come down to exactly just that! The decision we make in any given moment, in any given circumstance! In this case, they now have one literally for the record books, that they will be regretting for many, many moons. My guess would be that nobody ever effectively taught them, that the popular saying "What Goes Around Comes Around," is more than clever words and actually, an irrefutable Law of Physics!

Supreme Court Pauses Opioid Settlement With Sacklers Pending Review

How's this?

Thank goodness that the Supreme Court has paused the horrendous opioid settlement with the Sackler family, for further consideration. Many multiple hundreds of thousands of Americans have died and are still dying because of their incredibly evil schemes to hook people on their murderous brew. 

So what that they are offering a $6billion settlement if the government agrees to shield family members from any future penalties! So what if they are able to go "scot-free" to enjoy the $12-20billion they still most likely have stashed in safe places around the globe. 

NO!!! They should not be allowed to get away with zero incarcerations for the chief villains of their evil empire! NO!!! they should not be able to live high and mighty off the spoils of their cruelty. Any settlement should be for a much larger amount along with personal criminal liability for the senior Sackler's involved! 

Moreover, considering "The Law of Cause & Effect," I believe that events are swiftly heading that way!

Doctor Who Abused Women Sentenced to 20 Years Imprisonment

As with so many of these kinds of cases where bad people get away with doing their nasty crimes for a long time, before something or someone trips them up and the truth comes pouring out, it turns out that the villain was exceptionally intelligent.  In this case, smart enough to earn a medical degree and devise ways and places to sexually abuse his patients for twenty-five plus years! 

How can someone get away with such a thing for all those years? They do by devising twisted ways to exploit that intelligence they were gifted with, along with exceptional charm, skills of manipulation and a complete lack of conscience. 

Joe Lewis Billionaire Owner of Tottenham Hotspur Is Charged With Insider Trading

What is apparent from reading this story about the billionaire Joe Lewis and the litany of others he included in his supposed acts of generosity, is that they all knew on some level that the game they were in was illegal. But they also thought, most of all Lewis himself, that they were safe and had some sort of protection from being revealed and dealt with accordingly. Maybe for him it was that he'd gotten away with so much in the past, that he was duped into believing that his position and wealth protected him generally.

Whatever it may have been, the light has now revealed the whole sordid shebang, and the consequences will now begin to be revealed. The thing is that with his wealth, he could have easily been generous to people that mattered to him, without taking the risk of flouting the various laws he'll now be charged with violating and also implicating the others!

I wonder how many times he has witnessed someone else's downfall from similar stupidity and opined, "See there! What Goes Around Comes Around!"

Former Church Minister Charged With 1975 Murder of 8-Year-Old Girl

It is such a sad and tragic story, obviously for Gretchen to have her life ended so early,  but  also for her family and friends having to endure almost 50 years of not knowing what happened. That wait is now over, but why such a long time? It is one of the remaining mysteries of how "The Law of Cause & Effect" plays out in terms of the time frame required for the "Effect" side of the equation to be expressed. In this case, why did it take the woman who eventually came forward with the information that broke the case, so long to do so? We can't know that answer right now, except that she now has, and the 83 year-old perpetrator will spend the rest of whatever life he has left in prison! Also, the intervening years were most likely hell for him in multiple ways, impossible for us to evaluate. Regardless, the Life Principle that "What. Goes Around Comes Around," is reaffirmed yet again!

Gilgo Beach Suspect’s Home Held a 279 Weapon Arsenal and a Walk-In Vault

This is an entirely different aspect of how "The Law of Cause & Effect" works, than was illustrated by the case of Gynecologist Robert Hadden's sentence of twenty years in prison for sexually abusing his patients. In the former, he was eventually given up by his patients. In this case, the serial rapist/murderer Rex Heuermann was apprehended only after years of tenacious detective work, conducted by officers who would just not give up! 

The "Law" doesn't care how it is expressed. It just keeps working until the proper destination is reached!

Suspect Arrested in Serial Killings of Women Near Gilgo Beach

It is at once at horrific story of depravity and horror for the families and victims preyed on by Rex Heuermann and at the same time an example of "The Law of Cause & Effect" in action. All this time, but the wheels never stopped turning until all the little threads of evidence came together and identified the despicable villain. He thought he was too clever to ever be caught, but he was badly mistaken. 

He had never been properly taught, that just like everything else in nature, "What Goes Around Comes Around," as surely as night follows day. The time frame it can take may throw us off from believing it is actually true, to the chagrin of every person who habitually brings harm to others.

In Texas, Dead Fish and Red-Faced Desperation

All those many centuries ago when The Buddha addressed his flock, he told them that even a single act of stupidity, thoughtlessness or other lowly quality of action, would rebound back to them in equal measure. But he added, that unless truly horrendous and serial in nature, just a one-time fall from grace would not likely be ruinous to the life of the offender.

However, he explained that if that kind of act or others like it were to become "habitual" in nature, then Karma would attach to that individual and consequences exactly befitting the situation, assured! He told them that once the "Cause" was established, there was no possibility of ducking the "Effect."

The Buddha went on to opine, that the idea of Karma applied not only to individuals, but also to groups of individuals, who form with the purpose of perpetrating coordinated harm to others, or the planet. It would be interesting to hear what he'd say about those contributing to what is described in this article, but I think I can guess!

Heat Records Are Broken Around the Globe as Earth Warms, Fast

When the Buddha was plying his craft he was known to advise certain individuals, that it was possible they might get away with modest indiscretions from time to time without ruining their lives. However, he'd then add that if those indiscretions were to become habitual, the Karma created would attract to them exactly what corrective measures they required to straighten their butt's out, or something along those lines! He would also invariably add that it worked exactly the same way on the positive side of the equation, hoping to motivate as many as possible to make better decisions.

Then he was known to go into his favorite pet peeve, which was the multiplier effect when people or groups of people would join forces for bad intentions! It could become more difficult and time consuming for the "Law of Cause & Effect" to concoct the appropriate response for each individual involved. But not to worry, in due time each participant would be dealt the exact measure of what they deserved due to their level of participation. In other words, finely customized reward or punishment for all, depending!

Now we're dealing with what the consequences of our climate crisis are going to be, for who? At this point I think the question is, who is not guilty on some level of making a contribution to global heat readings setting records all over the globe. Thankfully, we don't have to make those computations, because "The Law of Cause & Effect" will be doing it for us.

In a way, I'm glad the Buddha doesn't have to be here to see how badly he failed in convincing enough people about how Karma works, thereby allowing this tragedy now on our hands, to get so bad.

The Latecomer’s Guide to TikTok

It has become impossible to ignore TikTok. It’s been a hugely popular short-form video app for hyperkinetic bursts of self-expression for years, now with more than a billion active users worldwide (some even use it as a search engine).TikTok is not just for viral dance videos — it’s also wildly complicated. Its algorithm, which makes it easy to consume videos, has been blamed for amplifying misinformation and other harmful content. The Biden administration is currently negotiating with ByteDance, TikTok’s Chinese parent company, over concerns about national security and the safety of Americans’ personal data on foreign servers. And there are ongoing concerns about the mental health harms the app may pose to teenagers and young people.

How Tom Brady’s Crypto Ambitions Collided With Reality

If ever there was an example of the price potentially paid by influential people making promotional statements, plus getting paid large sums for making them, when in reality they had no idea what they were talking about, this is it! The question is, whether now that the S*#T is hitting the fan and consequences being assigned, will crypto emerge as a legit investment opportunity? Don't I wish I knew? 

Key Figure in ‘Heinous’ Murder Scheme Sentenced to 24 Years in Prison

It is one of the most heinous, "underbelly of life" stories I've ever heard. The fact that these kinds of things actually happen in life, is the explanation for why we need prisons and trials and judges, but also how lacking our educational system is in effectively teaching the fundamental "Law of Cause & Effect!" The fact that we grow up, never being formally educated in this crucial law of nature, including all human experience, speaks to a gap that needs addressing. 

Victims of Convicted Gynecologist Confront Him in Sentencing Hearing

How warped does a person have to be to go through all that education, just to abuse the patients they serve. He got away with it for way too long, but in doing so has also dug himself a very deep pit!

Coast Guard Apologizes for Covering Up Long History of Sexual Assault

This article refers to the cover-up of at least 62 incidents of rape, sexual assault, & sexual harassment at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, in New London, Connecticut between 1988 and 2006, including the revelation of leaders who discouraged disclosure. Those cases do not include at least 42 more that have been identified as not having been properly investigated. That is not to mention new Pentagon published statistics showing student-reported assaults at West Point, the Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy.

A victim of one of these cases would have long given-up, on ever getting justice. It is one of the confounding aspects of all forms of abuse that it can take a maddeningly long period of time, for justice to be served. However, as in this case when it is served, the longer it took, the more severe the effect will be on those who thought they were "home-free!"

Bill Cosby Admission About Quaaludes Offers Accusers Vindication

So after all the accusations and denials, the truth is finally revealed about Bill Cosby's lifetime of raping young women, who were unfortunate enough to cross his path. The answer as to how he got away with it for so long, lies in his skill of slipping a Methaquolone pill, otherwise known as a Quaalude, into a drink he would give them. It would render them helpless to escape his subsequent sexual assault. Of course, he had also built a persona of America's Grandpa, that was the ultimate deception.I first heard about quaaludes ('ludes) in college in the 60's. Apparently, he did as well! The word was that if you could slip one into a girl's drink, she would be more compliant than otherwise. The records show that Cosby had multiple prescriptions filled at least throughout the 70's, then apparently, subsequently found other sources. It became his "MO" and many women his victim. But that game is over now, most likely for the duration of his life! As with most abusers, Cosby felt he had a way to evade the light from shining on what he was up to. He thought he was safe and would never get caught, but If accused, he could claim it was consensual. It is what all abusers think, regardless of the form that abuse takes, and sometimes it can work for a long while. But when the light finally does shine and reveals the truth, the rule is that the longer the perpetrator got away with their nasty deceptions, the deeper the hole they will have dug for themselves. Epstein escaped via suicide. I think they'll be keeping a close eye on Bill!

JPMorgan to Pay $290 Million in Settlement With Epstein’s Victims

Just goes to show that "The Law of Cause & Effect" is just as active on an institutional level, as in the lives of individuals. Of course, many people acting in concert for evil ends, may be trickier to discern and take longer to bring to heel.  Think Volkswagen, Wells Fargo, the Catholic Church, the Sackler's. However, when the time does come, the consequences appear for them all.

It is that "Timing" question that makes it so tricky to get our arms around grasping and believing that "What Goes Around Comes Around," is actually a Principle of Physics . One question is why are some people nailed in ten minutes while others are still plying their deceptions ten years later?  It is precisely because of that conundrum that people drop their guards and get caught up in behavior that they absolutely know they should not participate in. They fool themselves into believing that their nonsense is more clever and less detectable than all the others who have been caught. 

‘Forever Chemicals’ Makers Settle Public Water Lawsuits

How discouraging that American corporations would engage in such low-life behavior, regarding such an important subject as our drinking water!!! Thankfully, some force of life included, "The Law of Cause & Effect" when setting this life up, so those behind such lowly schemes, would by definition, suffer the appropriate results!

JPMorgan Faces Reckoning for Long Ties With Jeffrey Epstein

Considering that the most fundamental, cornerstone Principle of any "financial services" business, is the "Know Your Customer Rule," Jamie Dimon must be very unhappy. Imagine his frame of mind having to face the music about his bank's ties with Mr. Epstein, during Mr. Dimon's tenure as CEO. I would think he's not a very happy camper. But just goes to show that even mega-corporations, are every bit as subject to the same "Law of Cause & Effect," as individuals!

Elizabeth Holmes Reports to Prison

It is now official!  Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of blood testing company Theranos, woke up today in the federal prison, F.P.C. Byran.  She now starts her eleven-year sentence for defrauding investors in her company. The questions arise. Why would she put herself in such a position? At the prime of her life and with two young children, she will now be restricted to seeing them only on weekends. Not to mention all the other limitations of incarceration. 

The question that comes to mind for me, is whether reading my book, "What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works," might have changed her trajectory? She's probably said those words herself dozens of times, but like most of us, only about some other person's self-made predicament. She most likely never considered their relevance, for herself!

The Mountain of FTX Evidence

The case against Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX is looking like it may be the most complex example of corporate malfeasance in history. Yet from all the resources being put to work described herein, we can have a fairly high degree of assurance that eventually, clarity will emerge, and consequences assigned. 

The genius and obfuscation on such a grand scale, can only make it seem impenetrable for a while. However, "The Law of Cause & Effect" is ever at work to even the playing field.

Emails, Chat Logs, Code and a Notebook: The Mountain of FTX Evidence
Prosecutors investigating Sam Bankman-Fried, the cryptocurrency exchange’s founder, have accumulated more than six million pages of documents and other records.

Nearly 2000 children abused by Catholic leaders in Illinois

Shades of western Pennsylvania a few years ago, where it came to light that more than 1,500 children had been sexually victimized by priests over the past few years. One priest in particular had nailed five kids, whose parents had all brought charges against him. What happened next makes the blood boil, though the truth took many more years to come out.

Apparently, the head of the Catholic Diocese went to the District Attorney in that part of Pa. and told him he would lose the next election if he indicted that priest. Yup, the bastard let him off the hook and was re-elected!

Years later, after that district attorney had retired, he was brought back to testify about another case and broke down in tears, finally admitting what he’d done. Meanwhile, that priest had been transferred to another part of the country, where he had continued abusing child after child.

Eventually he was defrocked, which could have and should have happened all those years before!

The Catholic Church, ie: Bringing comfort to millions on the planet on a daily basis, while at the same time being the most successful criminal organization in the history of the world!

Untangling Rosalind Franklin’s Role in DNA Discovery

So interesting how "The Law of Cause and Effect" plays out. In this case it involves a scientist whose contribution to the discovery of DNA was diminished for years. Why? Looks to me like "old boy's club" crap, but it's not completely clear! Plus, we don't know enough about her to discern what other factors might have been involved. 

But according to this article there have always been people who knew she deserved more recognition. So double Why so long??

The time factor at play here is often what throws us off about whether it is true that "What Goes Around Comes Around," or rather that it just constitutes meaningless words, ok to be ignored! Moreover it is a conundrum that applies to both sides of the equation, ie:

* Why does it seem to take so long for bad actors to get caught?
* In this case, why has it taken so long for this person's brilliant contribution to be recognized?
What we can be sure of is that at some point in time we will have the "breakthrough" to that understanding, that will make us feel foolish that we'd missed something so obvious!

Carlson’s Text That Alarmed Fox Leaders

I don't mean this example of "The Law of Cause & Effect" as any kind of political statement on my part. But it is perfect proof, that "What goes around, (does indeed) Come Around." The pertinent question is why it took so long? For that there is presently no answer. But someday, we can be sure that there will be. 

In nature it's the same, in that we accept and know nothing happens in nature (Effect), that isn't explainable by some Cause, even though there are still some things that the scientists can't explain yet! But we accept and know that someday, a scientist in that field will at long last have a breakthrough and be able to explain it. Also, that because they will have moved our understanding of nature incrementally forward, they may even end up with a Nobel Prize!

In Tucker Carlson's case, we will be learning more details over the next months. What strikes me, is how could anyone have been on this planet for these past years and not have had it drilled into them to never let something from their mouth or pen get recorded on the internet, that they wouldn't want someone to someday see? It kind of boggles the mind, right! 

While Tucker most likely gave that advice to many others over the years, he must not have believed that policy also applied to himself! Big mistake and of course he's not the only one! For example, everyone says the words "What Goes Around Comes Around," right? So true! But think about it. They only do so when pointing out some other person's screw-up.

What is so easy to see in others is so hard to see in ourselves.

Former Audi Chief to Plead Guilty in Emissions Scandal

What do you call a company that is a global, household name, known for it's engineering brilliance and production ingenuity, that has now also been proven to be a fraudulent organization from top to bottom? You call that organization Volkswagen, which has paid multiple fines to date, exceeding $20Billion! It follows their guilty plea to fraud charges, admitting that engineers rigged nearly 600,000 diesel cars sold in the U.S. to cheat on emissions tests. They were programmed to recognize when they were being tested, so the cars produced emissions that were compliant, when in actuality they were worse than long-haul trucks! Management at all levels and at least some of the rank and file participated in order to protect their franchise and source of income, encouraged no doubt, by the mistaken belief that there was safety in numbers! They were incorrect and now following a trial that started in 2020, many more heads have rolled including the former CEO of the Audi Division who will pay a fine of $1.2million.

Prince William got large sum in Murdoch phone hacking settlement

So, we don’t know exactly what a “very large sum” means, but apparently Harry also has an “axe to grind” with the Murdochs. Moreover, considering the resolution of the Dominion suit, with Smartmatic in the wings, the Murdoch/Fox contingent is having a comeupance of significant proportion.
The Buddha taught that unless extremely egregious, a single transgression of thoughtlessness would not necessarily mean punishment for the perpetrator. But then he cautioned that if such behavior were to become habitual, the resulting Karma would provide exactly the appropriate lesson for those involved. So far, the dollar amount awarded to Dominion is the highest such settlement in history, with more to come. Moreover, it doesn’t begin to address the reputational ruination inherent.
Yes Virginia, The Law of Cause & Effect is live and well, and we can see clearly that while it took its sweet time to show up, “What Goes Around (does indeed) Comes Around!”

Ousted NBC Executive Jeff Shell Loses $43.3 Million

Ouch! The Law of Cause & Effect is tough, but always in exactly the right proportion to the input it receives. Of course we're only seeing the surface repercussions. What must be going on in his personal world of family plus self- recrimination for his mindless, self-indulgence must be brutal.

Jeff Shell out at NBC

This is the same Universal that went through the Matt Lauer fiasco, yet Jeff Shell thought it was ok to have a secret affair with a colleague who inconveniently decided to file a complaint. One can only imagine what might have ,prompted that reaction. Had he promised a future and then tried to back out? Has she put it to him, marriage or bust? 

Either way, and whether his actual wife was aware it his affair or not, she now is, along with his children, neighbors and everyone else he knows. Yesterday he was the CEO of NBCUniversal after two decades with Comcast. His career even included replacing Ron Meyer, who himself left in 2020 because of the revelation of an affair!  But today Mr. Shell  is a pariah in the business he spent his career in, that had rewarded him well. Inexplicably, he felt safe in following the path he took. Why?

How does one so mis-read their power and ability to finesse this kind of high profile exposure, even having been close witness of others who failed to do so. None of us are perfect, but a hydrogen bomb has just landed in the life of Jeff Shell and he’s the one who dropped it. 

I so wish for the sake of his family that he’d read “What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works,” before embarking down that road.

N.F.L. Suspends Five Players for Gambling

Makes you want to scratch your head in wondering...WHY? Here are five strapping young NFL players who had family and friends and teachers and coaches all supporting and encouraging them over the years. They were outstanding athletes doing the right things for success and being good role models for younger children. 

Then they were among the very few who made it to the ultimate high of being drafted by an NFL team. They screamed with unbridled joy, along with family and other supporters, at their good fortune. They did so many of the right things to achieve the honor, not to mention the earning potential to provide well for not just themselves, but for many others as well. They were also now in the position to encourage and inspire countless other young people to do all the right things they had done to also achieve success.

What happened? What were they thinking? I wonder if they even stopped to consider the consequences of getting caught? Did they think about how disappointed their family and other supporters would be, or the enormous earning power they would be throwing down the drain if they were caught? Did any of that cross their mind?

Too late now! "What Goes Around Comes Around," as sure as night follows day! It is Karma! It is Cause & Effect! It is "how life REALLY works!"

JPMorgan’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Were Deeper

Is this the "mother" of all "What Goes Around Comes Around" illustrations? Time will tell, but it's likely that Jamie Dimon is not too happy about having to testify about the "Bank of Banks" much deeper ties, for much longer, to JPM than previously recognized,. Also, whether the bank actually facilitated payments to Epstein's victims?

What’s Next for Dominion After Settlement With Fox News?

This victorious Dominion case against Fox News and Rupert Murdoch's gang of liars, is another reminder and confirmation of the age-old adage my Nana would invoke, when I was bellyaching about some punishment I was suffering, due to some bone-headed thing I'd done! 

My Nana would intone, "You made your bed young man, and now you'll have to lie in it. Just remember, you made it all by yourself!" How I hated to hear those wor

But now, how I wish she was still around, so I could tell her how right she was and how grateful I am. Grateful to have had those words ringing in my ear, to save me from bad choices I could have made, but at least in some cases did not! However in truth, I still made too many and sometimes think to myself, thank God there was Nana!.

But it sure would have been great to ask her, "Hey Nana, what do you think about Fox News' and Mr. Murdoch's spanking?" I can just hear the words! :) Miss you Nana!

The End of Faking It in Silicon Valley

How is it that all these people caught up in this mess did not know, that as the article enlightens, "playing fast and loose with the truth actually has consequences? ”Yup! Its that same old reason!

Namely, that we are not properly taught growing up, that "The Law of Cause & Effect” is actually a law of physics, that calculates and delivers exactly the right measure of rewards or punishments for our thoughts words and actions, whether on an individual or collective basis.

There are articles every day about people doing mindless things that hurt them and their loved ones. Yet for sure, the next day will have it’s own examples! The saying must be true must be true that "what is so easy to see in others, is so hard to see in ourselves."

As noted, our educational systems, spiritual institutions and family structures all fail to teach our children the most important lesson of all. Namely, that “What Goes Around Comes Around” as sure as night follows day. How can they, when the adults in all those categories never learned themselves!!!

To try and help correct that is why I wrote the book..

Recent charges, convictions and sentences all indicate that the start-up world’s habit of playing fast and loose with the truth actually has consequences.

Judge Imposes Sanction on Fox for Withholding Evidence

It seems almost silly that the lawyers defending Fox News in the Dominion Voting Systems' lawsuit, would actually exacerbate the already tough job they have on their hands, by deliberately withholding evidence. It was sure to aggravate the Judge overseeing the case, who has now imposed a "sanction" on the network. Good role model for how to make a bad situation worse! It's a big deal as it's a case that could reshape libel law, perhaps even be referred to as the "Super Bowl of Libel Law!"

Rupert Murdoch Can Be Forced to Testify in Defamation Trial

This would appear to be good news for the Dominion voting machine folks and bad news for the Fox News' Principles. Of course, they are innocent until proven guilty. However, early indications are not encouraging.. 

We can't yet grasp the full story, because it seems so implausible that people in such a position of responsibility, could/would perpetrate such malfeasance as they are accused of. After all, how could they, in their position as a leading news organization counted on by millions to give them the straight scoop, feel safe to simply throw all rules of "reporting propriety" out the window, in order to pad their profits? The Judge's ruling that all must testify with no exceptions, will soon reveal the answers. 

It is too soon to proclaim final results, but early appearances would indicate they considered such notions as "Cause & Effect" or "What Goes Around Comes Around," to apply strictly to others.

Jeffrey Epstein Bites Again

Here’s a whopper, Just the fact that JPMorgan’s name is mentioned in the same sentence as Jeffrey Epstein's, is already a black eye for the pre-eminent U.S. bank. But the implication that the bank knowingly facilitated payments to Epstein’s victims, is a whole other kettle of fish!

Hopefully it will not turn out to be the case, that certain JPM executives felt compelled to help Epstein out, particularly it was to stay on his good side and possibly reap some “Epstein Benefits.” If that was the case, what a colossal mistake they would have made, not just as it relates to their lives, but their loved one's as well.

If it was true, one could only conclude that those executives felt “safe” in doing so, certain that they were shielded and protected in some way, that they had “cover." It would mean that while they often said the words “What Goes Around Comes Around,” when referring to other people’s foibles, they’d never internalized them as the “acid” test for their own thoughts, words and actions.

Fox News Suffers Major Setback in Defamation Case

We'll see what happens with the Fox News / Dominion Voting Systems $1.6Billion lawsuit, but at this moment it is not looking good for Fox. Just goes to show how "The Law Of Cause & Effect" applies as readily to groups of people as it does to the individual players. There may be more clever schemes by groups putting their heads together, but it just means that the eventual plunge is that much greater. We'll see how this situation shakes out. My guess right now, is not good for Fox News! I wish they'd read my book, "What Goes Around Comes Around," BEFORE deciding to spin a false narrative.

SVB’s Collapse Proves the World’s Favorite Safe Asset is NOT Risk-Free

Is there anyone on the planet who doesn't know that banks large and small have just gone through the wringer because of a fairly simple screw-up by the geniuses who run our financial system. On retrospect it seems implausible at best, that there was not better planning to mitigate what was glaringly obvious, ie: that interest rats would be going up. The Law of Cause & Effect in its most obvious expression. It's not always so obvious to observe in action, but the results are just as predictable. Just not something that we are properly educated about. Yes! "What Goes Around, Comes Around," and is actually a Law of Physics.

Another crypto mess

Here’s another example of how “Ignorance Is Not Bliss,” when it comes to “Cause & Effect,” particularly for the celebs who are being included in this prosecution. I’d say it is a 90% probability that none of them have
the slightest idea about what they were endorsing, other than to say, “Hey its crypto, so it must be good, right?” I’d guess the charm of that mindless pursuit of a paycheck has worn off, now that they are facing responsibility for their influencer roles.

Crypto Entrepreneur and Celebrity Promoters Face S.E.C. Charges
The agency charged Justin Sun with violations of securities law in a scheme involving the actress Lindsay Lohan and other celebrities.

The Law of Cause & Effect in action with a Crypto twist!

The Law of Cause & Effect in action with a Crypto twist! How Onetime Crypto Titan Do Kwon Became a Fugitive. South Korean Do Kwon presided over one of the biggest busts ever in the volatile crypto sector. His Terraform Labs Pte created the TerraUSD stablecoin, which was meant to have a constant $1 value via a complex mix of algorithms and trader incentives involving a sister token, Luna. Their combined value soared past $60 billion until confidence in the system evaporated in May 2022, prompting investors to flee and denuding the tokens of value. Kwon’s whereabouts became unclear four months later.

Ja Morant’s Impact Can Be Bigger Than Basketball

It should be noted that the Principle of Life we refer to as What Goes Around Comes Around works both ways! Yes, in this blog we often point out the folly that some people allow themselves to perpetrate, which ends up with regrettable consequences because of it. In many cases it is due to ignorance that there is such a universal law of nature and human experience, that actually does responds in kind to our thoughts, words and actions. 
Call it What Goes Around Comes Around, or The Law of Cause & Effect or Karma, they all mean the same thing

Real-Estate Broker Pleads Guilty in Homeless-Shelter Bribery Scheme

What does two shady characters conspiring to cheat the effort to provide shelter and other services to homeless people, to the tune of putting hundreds of thousands of dollars in their own pockets add up to? The answer is very large fines, jail time and reputations destroyed! 

The stunning reality is that each of these individuals had a good thing going by just honestly providing the services they contracted with the city to provide. Instead they put their trust in other equally conniving individuals, to maintain their evil secret. No doubt they believed they would fly under the radar and be safe in the process. But they could not have been more wrong in that appraisal! 

Why do people have such downfalls? They do because they never learned that "The Law of Cause & Effect" is as inescapable in human lives, as it is in any other part of nature. Unfortunately, they never had the opportunity to read the book, "What Goes Around Comes Around!" The good news is they still have the opportunity to upgrade the quality of the rest of their days by doing so now. (Book available on Amazon or Audible; Review at

Ex-Goldman banker Ng sentenced to 10 years

Well, we sure got this answer to Roger's pleas for leniency, fast! Namely, ten years in the hoosegow.  No surprise there. This blog is about how the words "What Goes Around Comes Around” are actually an inescapable Law of Physics. Thanks Rog, for making the point in such a powerful way! 

Roger Ng, the only Goldman Sachs banker tried and convicted in the global 1MDB scandal, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his part in what the judge described as “one of the biggest financial crimes in the history of the world.” Ng had pleaded for leniency and looked stunned at the decade-long sentence, following his earlier conviction of conspiring to violate US anti-bribery laws and to launder money. 

Meanwhile, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim appointed a vocal critic of Goldman Sachs to chair a task force formed to resolve matters linked to the multi-billion dollar scandal surrounding the state-owned investment fund.

Ex-Goldman Banker Ng Says Malaysian Jail Was ‘Absolute Hell’

It is some kind of incomprehensible how Roger & his henchmen thought they could pull off this caper. They must have thought they had the magic formula, that they were flying under the radar, that they were safe! If only they had read this book!

Russia’s Human Wave Attacks Are Another Step Into Hell

Reading this story, I now believe it is a virtual certainty that Putin will fail in his efforts to subdue Ukraine. I put a high probability that someone will put a bullet in his head, which might turn out to be the parent of one of the boys this article describes, who perished in one of the madman’s human-wave assaults. However, whether that prediction is correct or not, I am fully convinced that his fate is sealed - that he is now destined by his own actions to suffer the inglory of bitter defeat and go down in history as another Hitler, or Milosevic.

All of our hope is that this war does not devolve into a broader global struggle. Time will tell. We don’t know. But of Putin’s place in history, there is already no doubt!

London Police Officer Sentenced to Life for Rape and Sexual Abuse

We wrote about this person recently, wondering how Officer Carrick thought he'd finesse serially raping 12 women over a 17 year period, all the time while wearing a police uniform. Seriously, how does one even do that, keep such an intense pre-occupation with controlling and abusing people going, and still maintain some semblance of doing their job? I guess the point is that he and all of us now have plenty of time to contemplate that and other questions. 

Certainly the words "What Goes Around Comes Around," or "The Law of Cause and Effect" or the word "Karma," all of which mean the same thing, get in their licks from this case. They speak to the basic law of nature and every branch of science, including all human experience. One cannot go to the dark side and do such harm as this person did, without eventually facing the music in precisely the right measure. For him that is the rest of his life in prison. 

Still questions abound. How did he get away with it for so long and with so many, before getting caught and his evil derailed? The answer goes to the perpetrator's skill, intelligence, charm, ability to lie persuasively, lack of empathy and more such factors, enjoined with the benefit of the doubt someone's position lends to shielding them from discovery. One would have to conclude that this guy's skills were finely honed. How that came to be we may never know, as is the case with all abusers. 

What we do know, however, is that there is a Law of Cause & Effect that does operate in the human realm and will return to each person exactly the result they deserve. It should also be noted that the "Law" is just as true on the other side of the equation. Do good things for others and the world in general and there will be a response in exactly the correct measure. It is why some people die happy and loved and others are awarded a Nobel Prize, etc. 

Making the world a more hygienic, sustainable, and equitable place

It should be noted that the Principle of Life we refer to as What Goes Around Comes Around works both ways! Yes, in this blog we often point out the folly that some people allow themselves to perpetrate, which ends up with regrettable consequences because of it. In many cases it is due to ignorance that there is such a universal law of nature and human experience, that actually does responds in kind to our thoughts, words and actions. 
Call it What Goes Around Comes Around, or The Law of Cause & Effect or Karma, they all mean the same thing

London Police Officer Admits to 49 Charges of Sexual Abuse

A story like this is one of the reasons why people question the veracity of the idea that "What Goes Around Comes Around." Anyone knowing this police officer and what he was up to would have said it was a lot of bunk, "because look at what this guy does with no repercussions." And there's no argument here that it is disappointing to know that his evil doings went on as long as they did. 

But what it tells us, is that like Madoff and other long-term offenders, that David Carrick is highly intelligent and clever in how he conducted his criminal activities. He could have used that intelligence for good and noble purposes, but instead he used it to carefully select his victims according to certain criteria and cover his tracks skillfully. He willfully chose to express his talents on the dark side and now will descend into the pit of his own creation, effectively ending his freedom for the duration. Hopefully his demise will serve to deter others from similar endeavors.

Hopefully, the takeaway will be that "What Goes Around Comes Around!" That sticky time element messes with us. Makes us think it doesn't apply to us! That we are safe. Uh oh!

London Police Officer Admits to 49 Charges of Sexual Abuse, Including Rape
David Carrick, who worked for the Metropolitan Police, carried out “a relentless campaign” of violence over 17 years, prosecutors said, using his position of authority to manipulate victims.

The Long Arm of the Law of Cause & Effect

A simply incredible story of tenacity, tireless pursuit of the truth and technology coming together to reveal the facts about a horrific murder committed in 1973! The long arm of "The Law of Cause & Effect!"

Man Pleads Guilty to 1973 Murder of a Stanford Law Librarian
John Getreu, 78, who the authorities say is a serial killer, is already serving a life sentence in the 1974 killing of another young woman, who also had connections to Stanford.

Former U.S.C. Official Sentenced to Six Months for Role in College Admissions Scandal

Dr. Donna Heinel was the "Inside Person" at U.S.C. who collaborated with William Singer in his scheme dubbed "Operation Varsity Blues." The idea was to get students fraudulently admitted to U.S.C. as athletic recruits, at a substantial cost in bribes from the parents. In doing so Dr. Heinel abused her role as administrator and gatekeeper for athletic recruits at the University and corrupted the water polo and soccer coaches who went along with the scheme. But the damage doesn't end there. She is also responsible for two young children!

The result is she now begins a sentence of six months in prison, forfeiture of the $160,000.00 she had received in bribes and the title of convicted felon! Nice job Donna!

The question is, why would an intelligent person allow herself to be caught up in such an absurd deception?  How could it not become obvious at some point that people were showing up as athletes who were not qualified to be playing on a High School team, let alone a top college team? 

I would venture to guess that Dr. Heinel had used the words "What Goes Around Comes Around," when pointing our someone else's folly any number of times. Yet in this case she not only jumped into a hopelessly complex and illegal scheme, but also brought others with her. The question screams out to be heard..."What Was She Thinking???" Must have been that she thought she was safe because the parents and kids wouldn't tell, right? And the coaches weren't a problem since they were in on it and being paid off too!  Right? What could go wrong?

The challenge is that we are not properly educated that while we may think nobody is watching, there is a "Law of Cause & Effect" taking note that responds to us according to our choices. Dr. Heinel now knows that.

Former U.S.C. Official Sentenced to Six Months for Role in College Admissions Scandal
Donna Heinel, as the gatekeeper for athletic recruits, played a key role in the sweeping college admissions scandal.

Woman Accuses Steven Tyler of Sexually Assaulting Her in the 1970s

The long arm of "The Law of Cause & Effect" strikes again! I'm sure that Steven Tyler, the frontman of the iconic rock group Aerosmith never expected he would be facing the music for sexual abuse of a minor, fifty years after the fact. However, that is exactly what is happening. 

Two associates of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried have pleaded guilty

What happens when three or more people put their heads together about how to take advantage of others' thirst for wealth, in order to defraud them out of their life savings. The answer includes employing "slight of hand" and exceptional skills of deceit. But, Ponzi schemes like this always end badly. Still people keep thinking they've got the "secret way.!" But nope! There is no secret way to avoid "the lessons in "What Goes Around Comes Around" on Amazon or Audible.

The Parents in the Middle of FTX’s Collapse

In the American banking/brokerage system, investors assets are segregated from those of their custodians. That is the case, so that if the custodian has problems or goes under, the investor's assets cannot be touched for legal expenses or any other kind of expense and are eventually returned to their owner. However, that was not the case in Cripto-Land, which luckily, except for a token toe in the water, kept me away. For those not so lucky, the path forward is likely to be rough at best.

Distressing beyond belief, however, is that this Bankman-Fried yokel even brought his parents, unsuspectingly (I think) into his deception. But why? Two respected Professors from Stamford University, forever now famous for their son's fraud and possibly their role in it, whether wittingly or unwhittingly. Whichever way that goes, there won't be much holiday cheer in that household this year.

It all boggles the mind, but not the understanding that "The Law of Cause & Effect," obviously now in motion, will do it's thing and provide just the right results for all the actors, including these and others we haven't met yet. I expect we'll be watching it unwind and unfold for a while. Just another example that "What Goes Around Comes Around," also the title of my book on Amazon & Audible.

Ex-Theranos President Balwani Gets 13-Year Prison

I wonder about when this train actually went off the rail and Balwani and Holmes both knew it. It reminds me somewhat of Bernie Madoff's $20 Billion deception in that if Bernie had fessed up when his performance first went south and he tried to cover it up, only to make it worse, he might largely have been forgiven and returned to his original trading business. But he just couldn't do that and as time went on...well we know the result.

Was there a similar trajectory for this pair? A time when they looked at each other and said, "Uh oh!" Not that it matters really. Somewhere along the way they knew what was going down and kept it going for as long as they could. Now have to face the music as eventually, always is the case. It is simply "The Law of Cause and Effect" unfolding. Hopefully for them there will be less tragic endings than Bernie. It depends on how they handle what they have wrought! We'll see.

Florida Ex-Congressman Arrested Over Secret Contract

It is a source of never-ending amazement how people can put themselves into such convoluted situations and positions as this guy has done to himself. So far, he's just been charged, but whether found guilty or not the question is...what was he thinking??? Another case where he must have believed he was safe and somehow existed in a protected shell of some sort, but why? The point being that there is no protective shell for any of us. There is only "The Law of Cause and Effect" and now David Rivera is facing the "effect" of his "cause" as we all must do.

Two Fintechs Fueled Extensive Pandemic Relief Fraud

Wouldn't it be nice to think that the government efforts to help businesses get though the worst part of the pandemic, would have been met by sincere efforts of the people and entities who were tapped to participate in the $800billion Paycheck Protection Program? Well unfortunately, some saw it as Opportunity with a capital O, not for others who it was intended for, but for themselves. Although challenging to understand how they thought they would get away with keeping grossly excessive fees once they came to light, one can only assume that they believed there was a layer of protection of some kind, that would keep their scheme undetected. Oops!

It is simply reflective of the fact that we are not properly and effectively taught as we grow up, that there is in nature and life a Law of Cause & Effect that is not man made, and of which nobody can explain the origin, that balances these things out. Ultimately, there is no protection from detection. Sure, there may be diversionary tactics that can seem to work in the short run. But eventually? Nope! Eventually the truth comes out and now the process begins of discovery and consequences.

Five New Haven Officers Charged in Paralysis of Black Man

Is $100million too much to award someone for the tragic results described in this article? It is a question for others to determine, but it is disappointing that even in this day and age when police violence and racism have been so dissected, that these officers would display such callous disregard for another human in the disposition of their jobs. Another of those "What Were They Thinking" moments, that will only add fuel to the debate and erode trust further. 

It is for sure that they should have read my book, as all police officers and indeed anyone who has power over other people's lives, should do! It might have saved this man from the suffering he will now have to endure for the rest of his life because of these ignorant jerks. By the same token, they will now be subject to "The Law of Cause and Effect" and spend the rest of their days dealing with the results of their mindless behavior ie: what their disrespect and irresponsibility has caused.

The man was being taken to a Connecticut police station when the driver of a police van hit the brakes hard, shattering the man’s spine.

Court Appears Ready to End Special Master Review

It just is looking like the folks on the Supreme Court, especially the ones nominated by the former President, do not want to project any appearance of being politicized in their decisions regarding him.

It just means it is likely that his normal genius at deflecting trouble will be severely tested over the coming months.
It must be remembered, however, that all these charges against him are just that, ie: charges! In the U.S., citizens charged with crimes of any kind are innocent until proven guilty. The drama is easy to speculate on, about what results may be, It will certainly be closely watched by many.

Two of the three judges had already expressed skepticism about a court’s intervention after the F.B.I. seized records from the ex-president’s home.

HFC Comeback Event

This was HFC's first major post-covid event. It was held in the magnificent ballroom of the Plaza Hotel, in NYC. Since then, we've had a over-subscribed golf outing in Greemwich, Ct, a dynamite poker tournament at a large armory type building that was jam-packed and a concert by the awesome band Foreigner, that blew everyone's socks off! :)

"I've Been Waiting For a Girl Like You - To Come Into My Life."

It was high voltage all the way, held in Sony Hall in the theater district and at some points you could barely move because it was SO jammed. But the years not over, and either is HFC as we wait for what will be an awesome night of fun and many laughs, at the Broadway Comedy Club. The tears will be flowing, but from only uncontrollable giggles! A great way to say farewell to a challenging 2022 and welcome in the potential of a great year ahead!

French Cardinal’s Admission Renews Scrutiny of Church Sexual Abuse

Who could have made up a story such as this? Even the greatest imagination would not have conceived that one of the most prolific religious organizations the world has ever known, would also be revealed as a bastion of such prolific and wide-spread child sexual abuse, that it bogles the mind to comprehend the extent of damage perpetrated over the centuries of the Catholic Religion's existence. "It's just not believable," they would have reasoned. Don't be ridiculous! And yet...

In his brilliant essay "Compensation," Ralph Waldo Emerson said that every seed planted in our garden of life by our thoughts, words and actions, already contained the blossom or the thorn that would ultimately be revealed when they completed germination. In addition, he allows that it is impossible to predict how long that process might take.

In the case of the Catholic Church the process has begun! It remains to be seen how the institution will evolve, either adjusting and rising, or not adjusting and fading away...

For sure there will be many more offenders from the church revealed, as the vile creatures they are. They will be dealt with accordingly, as tolerance has worn thin to say the least.

As for the institution itself, I suspect that there are too many people around the globe who treasure being Catholics in spite of the revelations. They want to see reform, but not lose the aspects of the religion they cherish. Hopefully that result will happen swiftly. We will see!

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree

When I saw this notice, what came to mind was the tremendous satisfaction the people involved with all elements of the project must receive from seeing the results of their efforts. Imagine how their chests must just puff-out with pride and their hearts sing with the kind of joy one gets from being part of such an uplifting happening. Imagine how they’ll feel when the tree goes up and the lights come on, not only for their personal sense of achievement, but knowing that their efforts will effect and infect literally thousands, if not millions of people with holiday spirit and joy. Many who were down will be uplifted and all will be moved.

Many of us will be a part of that. We’ll see the tree in person or on TV and feel or say our “oh’s” and “ah’s.” We’ll feel grateful to those who made it happen. Image how disappointing it would be to hear an announcement that there would be “NO” tree this year. It would be terrible for New Yorkers to be sure, but awful for tourists! Visitors would bemoan their bad luck to have picked THIS year for their NY holiday trip. 

Well, because of all those people who will play their roles to perfection, it looks like we will have our tree at least once again. I for one will be there to see it and bask in it’s beauty. I hope you make it al well. 

The Law of Cause & Effect plays out in life daily, in a million ways! For all the people helping to bring us this magnificent tree to enhance our holiday experience ”What Goes Around will indeed Come Around” and brighten their holidays immensely! 

Les Moonves and Paramount to Pay $9.75 Million for Sexual Misconduct

Aha! I had been wondering recently what happened to Les Moonves. Until being "outed" by the investigative journalist Ronan Farrow, he was a "God" of the entertainment industry, in the position of tremendous power to influence careers. To create good entertainment and help people make the best decisions for their higher good. Instead, he took advantage of that power to pressure women into giving him sexual favors. 

He must have felt like he was safe to do so. Instead, like so many others who had the same, false sense of entitlement and imperiousness, he now joins them in a life of dishonor. They include politicians, doctors, coaches, Harvard professors and others, all who thought they had some kind of protective shield from discovery. In some cases, they appeared to bbe right for what seemed like a long period of time. Until that is, they were revealed for the villain they were. That question of "the time it takes," is the great conundrum to unravel in these matters. More about that later. 

Catholic Diocese of Buffalo Will Submit to Government Oversight

Over and over we have heard this story of Catholic priests abusing children, not just in the U.S. but globally. The over-riding question of all time is, how can an organization that brings such comfort to millions of people, literally becoming an important component of the fabric of their lives, also be responsible for such suffering as has been revealed, regarding the endemic sexual abuse of countless children perpetrated by the very people they are brought up to trust and revere? 

On one hand Catholicism stands as a bastion of spiritual caring for its adherents, while at the same time functioning as the most successful and pervasive criminal organization in history! As "The King" said to Anna..."It's a puzzelment!"

Fundamental to the conversation is "The Law of Cause & Effect," the fundamental Law of nature, every branch of science and human experience! In our current-day culture, we use the words "What Goes Around Comes Around" to express the same idea. The Buddha referred to it as Karma, when discussing what follows as "effect" from "cause." 

One of the conundrums surrounding the issue is how long a period of time can elapse between the cause and the effect. We're still working on that one, but in truth the same condition exists in all branches of physics, ie: understanding how the world around us works. In due time we will undoubtedly figure that one out as well!

Emerson’s Roadmap and Guiding Principles

Of all the inspiring writers and “thinkers” I have studied, I have to say that Ralph Waldo is at the very top of my list. What better goals are there than these? They are “the” roadmap and guiding principles for all to follow, irrespective of religion, or nationality, or any other designation of humanity. If at the end we can read these words and feel the glow of satisfaction that our lives have been a expression of them, then we have truly had a well-lived life! Moreover, as Emerson would surely have said, it is never either too soon or too late to begin planting those seeds and expressing those values.

Emerson on How to Trust Yourself and What Solitude Really Means

Into this Blog of events unfolding that prove the fundamental law of nature and human existence we know as "The Law of Cause & Effect,” which assures us that what goes around, does indeed come around, I now drop this incredibly inspiring, yet challenging piece about the thoughts of America’s greatest philosopher and founder of the transcendentalist movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is here harvested from Maria Popover's wonderful newsletter, “The Marginalian.” If you’re not familiar with it I highly recommend that you sign up. If you are and already have seen it, the second read will be all the more meaningful.

After Hitting No 62 Aaron Judge Acknowledges Pressure of Chase

I think I speak for all sports fans when I say that this story is one of the most inspiring and even heart-warming examples of how true it is that "What Goes Around Comes Around," I've ever witnessed. And I'm not so much referring to the purely athletic genius of Judge's unprecedented achievement as a superb baseball player and slugger.

Where I'm coming from is how respected and even revered he is by his teammates and even opposing players because of what a great guy and teammate he is! How even in the midst of this awesome quest of his,  he gave more attention to encouraging his teammates and celebrating their achievements than his own. Obviously, just a great guy and someone you can feel good about achieving their goals and celebrating with them.

Heck, even Roger Maris's son was out there encouraging Judge to break his father's record, because if anyone was going to do it, he would rather it be Judge than someone else and that just speaks volumes! So, good for you Aaron Judge. Hope you get the greatest contract next year that the Yankees have ever given, and God help them if they let you get away!!!

Woman Rented Luxury Apartments for NYC

Wow! here we have a real-life "gun moll" defined as the female companion of a male professional criminal, in this case a lot of criminals. There's just no end to the ways that people try to get around the rules of life, only to eventually be brought back to reality by "The Law of Cause & Effect," not to mention the fact that "What Goes Around Comes Around!"

Victoria and Albert Museum Reverses Course and Removes Sackler Name

Great to see the evil Sackler family be getting their just due, as one after another of the cultural institutions which had taken their "blood" money are now moving as far away from that association as possible! It had bestowed a veneer of legitimacy to the Sackler name that allowed them to maintain their air of superiority in spite of their responsibility for the deaths of more than 500,000 Americans in recent years and the $billions in fines they've had to cough up. What do you have to brag about now Sacklers? In fact, it looks like The Law of Cause & Effect is operating at full blast when it comes to all things Sackler!

How McKinsey Got Into the Business of Addiction

So the world's leading consulting company doesn't only park their ethics at the door by helping the evil Sackler family sell more opioids and kill even more people, they also help Juul addict teenagers to nicotine. Ok, so Purdue Pharma wasn't the exception to the rule I thought it was for McKinsey. They actually embrace evil doers! You'd have to say that those folks don't buy off on the idea that "What Goes Around Comes Around." Let's see how that goes for them.

How McKinsey Got Into the Business of Addiction

The consulting firm’s work with opioid makers is well known, but for decades McKinsey worked with Big Tobacco and has also advised Juul, the e-cigarette company.

McKinsey Charged in South African Corruption Case

First, two of the highest earning partners at McKinsey were forced out because of their roles helping the evil Sackler family to sell more of their highly-addictive opioids, that have murdered half a million Americans in recent years. 

Now it is revealed that their bad intentions spread all the way to South Africa. One wonders WHERE they're NOT using their impressive name to perpetrate very bad actions! It surely looks like no lessons were learned from their misadventures in the U.S.! Where else are they doing the same nasty business? Careful folks! Where the name McKinsey shows up you should be rushing in the opposite direction.

Vatican Disciplined Nobel Laureate Bishop Over Child Abuse Claims

Some path here, from a Nobel Laureate to "disciplinary restrictions" stemming from allegations that he had raped and abused teenage boys. The guy obviously thought there was some kind of shield protecting him from discovery and consequences. He was wrong! There is a Law of Cause and Effect at play every waking day and night!Vatican Disciplined Nobel Laureate Bishop Over Child Abuse Claims

After accusations against him became public, the Vatican said that in 2020 it had punished Bishop Carlos Ximenes Belo, a hero of the independence movement in his native East Timor.

Robert Sarver loses his Phoenix teams

We wrote recently that Robert Sarver, the trash mouthed and offensive owner of the Phoenix based NBA and WNBA basketball teams had been fined and suspended for one year, due to his demeaning and destructive behavior. But apparently further feedback has now caused the league to determined that Sarver is not fit to be an owner of any team in the league and ordered him to sell the teams. When it rains it pours and it couldn’t happen to more appropriate person! Did “What Goes Around Come Around”? Yup!

Roger Federer A Career of Major Successes

Has there ever been an athlete in any sport who has achieved both the ultimate heights of success of Roger Federer and also the grace, respect and admiration he will receive from his rivals, the media and fans all over the world for the rest of his days? I don’t think so. Sure there have been other great ones in other sports who engendered similar status. Bill Russell, Johnny Unitas, Babe Ruth and more.

The Unexpected Power of Random Acts of Kindness

...And here is a genuine story about how even minimal effort to bring comfort to another human can result in outsized and wonderful results. How different the world might seem to many if that kind of true effort actually ran wild! It is a thought worth considering. It is also a siren call to each of us!
New research shows small gestures matter even more than we may think.

NBA Fines and Suspends Phoenix Suns Owner for Misconduct

Sometimes people forget who they are, where they are and who they are speaking to or about. They lose perspective on what is ok to do or say. Outsized economic power over others can exacerbate their tendencies in that direction, creating a false sense that they are not subject to the same rules of common, acceptable workplace behavior as everyone else. 

That mistake of judgement just took a big hit in the case of Robert Sarver, owner of the Phoenix Suns.

DNA Used to Identify Both Victim and Killer In 1988 Murder

Increasingly we see stories about the use of DNA to solve crimes, some committed years before, that most had given up on ever being solved. But not to worry! There is this drive that runs through the human race. A natural drive for closing the "cause/effect" loop to provide clarity about what caused some either natural or man-made effect. There are continual examples of the light finally shining on what before was hidden from view.

Take cyclones! We still don't know what causes them. But do we doubt that someday it will be revealed by the work of some "weather scientist?" On the contrary, we are collectively sure of it, because we have witnessed so many examples. The human-related versions are even more difficult to deal with, but rest assured that the same principle we know as "The Law of Cause & Effect" applies.

Failure to Slow Global Warming

How’s this for Karma on a global level? It is irrefutable that in nature, everything that occurs as an “effect,” has a “cause.”  And further, that even if in this moment we are not able to identify the “cause,” we have assurance that at some point in the future it will figured out by some scientist of that discipline.

It is the very reason why over the years since 1901, many Nobel Prizes have been awarded. It is the process by which answers that were previously unknown, become known!

This one has been dogging us for a long time. Have the excesses of humans messed with our planet to the degree that is becoming harmful to our very existence and if so, what to do about it. It is also a useful metaphor, for our own individual lives!

Plea Deal Requires Weisselberg to Testify at Trump Organization Trial

Oh Allen? What would your mother say if she was here to see this dismal news of her son, "The Accountant" and his extraordinary fall from grace? You're the one she was so proud of, the smart one! If she'd been asked if you would ever be caught with your pants down like this, she'd surely have said, "Oh no! Allen is the last one who would ever be caught doing something so stupid! He's an accountant! He would know better! Sad...right? Allen. Please go to Amazon and read my book, "What Goes Around Comes Around - A. Guide To How Life REALLY Works." Or here's an idea. Get the audio book on Audible so you can listen to it while you serve your time. At least then, perhaps you can turn that lemon to some degree, into lemonade. And if you need to read a review to convince you, go to Kirkus Reviews and look it up!

Woman Testifies R Kelly Sexually Abused Her When She Was 14

Just when we thought we'd heard the last of R. Kelly following his recent 2022 trial for racketeering, bribery, and child sex trafficking,  now comes another sordid story of his serial, sexual abuse of a young girl and a 2008 trial for producing child pornography, from which he was acquitted! The conundrum being that if the 2008 trial had been successful, all those 14 additional years of his sexual exploitation of many more children could have been avoided. In a particularly depressing coda, Jeffrey Epstein also beat charges of sexual abuse of minors in 2008. Two villains set free to continue their evil doings.

Prosecutors said Shaun Harrison lived a “double life”

It would be nice to find positive examples of how "The Law of Cause & Effect" works, but they don't get reported on as frequently as ones like this. Shaun certainly did not believe there was any substance to those words and now will spend twenty plus years in prison thinking about it. Will it change him? Perhaps, but hopefully and more importantly, it may serve as a lesson for others to not follow in his footsteps.

In Brooklyn Her Champagne Wishes Came True

Gratefully, though not surprisingly, "The Law of Cause & Effect" works both ways! Follow your dreams, listen, explore, be more than fair and the universe has a way of also doing the right things to support & assist you. It is the story of every successful entrepreneur or person with an idea to add to the general well-being and quality of other people's lives. Oh, and if you happen to need some really delicious champagne for a special event.

The opioid settlement is costing the Sacklers a fraction of their OxyContin sales

The price of freedom from prosecution for the evil Sackler family keeps going up, as it should. Their last offer was $4.5 billion. This one is $6 billion!

But what is the RIGHT price for the hundreds of thousands of lives lost because of their duplicitous and unbelievably, callous disregard for anything but their enrichment be? Not to mention that they have many more $billions from their nefarious activities well-salted away.

The way the "Law of Cause & Effect” works, is that eventually the correct toll is taken. It is the fundamental Law of Life to which we are all subjected. They will be too!
Of course they still want immunity for the family and their friends from future prosecution and will continue to enjoy billionaire status from the many more $billions they have reportedly stashed away in accounts around the globe. Apparently, they did so assisted by the best lawyers and financial minds their money could buy, But will this latest move get them out of Dodge, so to speak?

We’ll see how it goes. But what we can know right now is that the basic law of nature and physics, The Law of Cause and Effect, embodied in the words What Goes Around Comes Around, will extract exactly the right pound of flesh the Sackler's deserve.

Teva Reaches Tentative $4.25 Billion Settlement Over Opioids

We haven't touched base on the vicious, opioid crisis in a while and I'd almost forgotten about Teva's role as a huge supplier of opioids. They had ignored for years, obvious signs of abuse and red flags such as oversized pill orders for the communities involved. One question is, how do entire entities become infected with the same disease of deceit, where tens or dozens or hundreds of individuals join together in some criminal activity, thinking presumably that they are somehow protected by the institution? In this case it has taken or ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and left many others in pain, disillusion or ruin? Teva Reaches Tentative $4.25 Billion Settlement Over Opioids. 

There is a history of them, famously including Enron, Volkswagen, Wells Fargo and the Catholic Church and others. Now Teva, along with Purdue Pharma, Johnson & Johnson and many others join the Club of Infamy. May they be rewarded in just the right measure and may the rest who may be contemplating other brands of malfeasance be reminded that "The Law of Cause & Effect" is alive and well and that "What Goes Around (does indeed) Come Around."

Vince McMahon Retires as WWE CEO Amid Sexual Harassment Scandal

Does it surprise anyone to learn that Vince was taking advantage of his position as Emperor of professional wrestling? Disappointed perhaps, but hardly surprised. The Law of Cause & Effect winds its curious way to its inexorable conclusion, the one that each of us sets in motion with our thoughts, and words, and actions. Now Vince will have to live with whatever it hands him. We all do.  

Crypto Insider Trading

So! We now know that “Crypto” is here to stay! How do we know this? We do because we’ve just had the first case of “Insider Trading” filed in that space! Yes, it has taken this long for some genius to figure out their foolproof way to pull it off. “Heck” they thought. “Its a brave new world and it will take regulators years to figure out “which way is up! We’ll have a blast until then!

Well, “years” came a bit quicker for the trio involved here…a cautionary tale. Ie: Doesn’t matter what or when or where! What goes around comes around!

But who is in charge of that? What or who is watching and pointing it out to the regulators? What is their email address and phone number?

Sorry, unlisted! Its a force you can’t feel or touch but is real and tangible just the same. Its called “The Law of Cause & Effect" and it just struck a blow for the honest and good folks, yet once again! Wise up! It’s not a he or a she. Its a “Principle” and it is always watching and always responding in perfect measure.

Former Georgetown Tennis Coach Sentenced to Prison

What did we think when we first heard about the college admission scheme of William Singer. Really? People were doing that? Including their kids in such a deception and thinking that nobody would ever find out they were not the athletes they were supposed to be? What lesson did the parents think they were teaching their kids? Yea, cheating is fine. No Problem! Seemed so obviously a scheme destined to fail. it was! It also revealed the Law of Cause & Effect in action! Ask Gordon Ernst.

R Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years

More on R. Kelly. This New Yorker article says that, "his conviction was twenty-five years too late!" However, in actuality it was just the time it took! It’s the same as all the others who eventually get revealed. Exactly how long it takes is based on how intelligent, clever, deceitful and evil they are, in addition to the resources they have available. The result is always in exact proportion to the input received and works on both sides of the equation. Some people who spend their lives in fruitful ways end up with Nobel Prizes, happy and peaceful lives, while others like Mr. Kelly, generate some other befitting end.

Meta Scrutinizing Sheryl Sandberg’s Use of Facebook Resources

It was troubling to see this article in the Wall Street Journal, but more so I’m sure for Sheryl. First off I was surprised recently to see she was leaving the Meta because she seemed so integral to the company’s success and it had been such a great platform for her stature as a beacon for all women. It would be a shame for that to go up in smoke because of shoddy attention the "Law of Cause & Effect” that gets set in motion by all humans' actions. The article alleges possible improprieties in her use of Company resources for her personal activities.

It is not after all, that she lacked the personal resources to cover the costs associated with those activities. What she may have lacked, however, and the jury is still out for conclusions to be made here, but where she may have slipped up, is on meticulous consideration of how “The Law of Cause & Effect” might play out for such a prominent person as she has become. She may not have thought through her vulnerability to scrutiny of how she used assets of a company whose Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility to protect. It kind of reminds me of Andrew Cuomo’s use of staff and office as Governor to produce the book for which he personally received a $5 million advance.

That was another case where the brain shut down. If Sheryl is found to have been fiscally irresponsible for misuse of company resources and receives some penalty, sure as the sun will shine, some people will point to her as they did to Cuomo and utter the words, “You see! "What Goes Around Comes Around!”

We all use those words, but in the vast majority of cases only when describing someone else’s conundrum!

Boris Becker Sentenced to Two and a Half Years for Hiding Assets in Bankruptcy

Oh Boris! What a fall from grace! But how I relished watching you play your break-neck style of tennis in your heyday! I watched all three of your Wimbledon Championships and saw your '89 U.S. Open Championship, three-set win vs. Ivan Lendl in person. I even sat through your '87 Davis Cup victory over McEnroe, at 6 hours & 22 minutes the longest, ever recorded 5 set match. 

Such a meteoric rise! Six Grand Slam titles by 17; A 71-12 won/loss record at Wimbledon; Ranked No. 1 in 1991; Career winner of 83% of your single matches; Inducted into the Tennis Hall of Fame in 2003. It doesn't get much better than that Boris and you're not the first to lose your battle with drugs and alcohol. They have taken down many others who have gone on to pick themselves up and achieve redemption. You can do that too and there are many I'm sure, including me who are wishing that for you.

I have to believe that dropping out of school in the 10th grade was a harbinger of troubled times ahead and I hope you'll use the time in prison to address that. I also hope you'll read or listen to my book, "What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life Really Works," for the contribution it may make toward convincing you to avoid the kinds of thoughts, words and actions that got you into this pickle. 

And if/when you get down, remember these words..."The light of life surrounds me, the love of life enfolds me, the power of life protects me and the presence of life watches over me. Wherever I am life is and all is well!" Just dwell on those words and it will help you through those tough moments. Best wishes Boris. See you on the other side!

Man Posing as Students Convicted in $1.4 Million Loan Scheme

It is not as if Elliott Sterling was not enterprising, clever, persuasive and potentially helpful by offering his services to help college students apply for grants and loans from the program called Federal Student Aid and known as FAFSA.  But he also committed fraud by stealing the funds and spending them at casinos and elsewhere. Now he awaits sentencing! What in the world led him to think this could lead anywhere BUT to prison. The thing is that our educational system does not teach the Law of Cause & Effect or laws of Karma or that What Goes Around Comes Around. Until it does, these failings will continue to appear.

JP Morgan Warns Russia Faces 1998 Like Collapse in Economy

This Russia/Putin/Ukraine debacle, just goes to show, that as it relates to the subject explored in these pages, it proves out on all levels. There is a "Law of Cause & Effect" that operates on the tiniest to the most significant levels and is fundamental to the understanding of every aspect of nature and every branch of science! 

In this case it regards a country, Russia and it’s leader, Putin. It doesn’t get much more global than that! Moreover, it is a Law that is corroborated by all major religions and schools of philosophy. 

When we as individuals see it in action, we often use the current term of art, “What Goes Around Comes Around,” to express our observation of the dynamics at play. Many also use the traditional term, “Karma.” 

Essentially, they mean the same thing! Namely, that nothing happens in a vacuum and every seed planted will, at some point appear as life experience in proper measure. This does not bode well those participating in the brutality on display.

As our clarity on the subject of this natural law is ever evolving, there are aspects of it that we still don’t have a firm grip on. The timing of the appearance is one of them. But just like all branches of science, our knowledge advances in increments and there will come a time when that answer is clarified.

The key thing to know, is that it is also working in regard to every aspect, of every individual’s life!

JPMorgan Warns Russia Faces 1998-Like Collapse in Economy

by Bloomberg News

Russia is on course for an economic collapse that will rival or even eclipse the size of the 1998 slump which followed its debt default, although the financial fallout may be less than then.

Ex-Worker Wins $36.5 Million From Company That Hid Asbestos Damage

On all levels of life, individually, in groups, corporations, religions and even countries, abuses are perpetrated against others. The question is, why this is the case? One can only think its because the perpetrators believe they can get away with it

Surely if people believed that it was not possible to do so, they would not go there in the first place. They would reconsider! They would live and let live! They would turn the other cheek, they would leave that person alone and move on.

Wouldn’t they???

I mean that if they knew that their scheme to get away with something that harmed others was doomed from the start to fail, they wouldn’t do it, right?

Well, that message did not get through in the case of this upsetting tale. However, just as the Sackler family has been revealed for the evil they have perpetrated, just as Madoff and Epstein were so unveiled, the light now shines on this horror-show of human duplicity.

The thing is, like many of us they were not properly taught that there is a “ Law of Cause & Effect” in operation in nature and our lives that takes note and responds accordingly!

Every part of nature and every branch of science is explained by this Law. As part of nature, human beings are also subject to The Law of Cause and Effect, which states that every cause (thought, word, action) has an effect and that for every effect (outcome), there is a cause to be found.

The trickiest part of this idea of cause and effect is the timing. For example, how much time can go by before the “Effect” shows up? Also, what if a perpetrator dies before being revealed as a perpetrator? Does it mean they’ve gotten away with it? There are answers for them, but they are not yet rock solid. Like all areas of life and physics, such knowledge advances at it’s own pace.

That is why Nobel prizes are awarded, because someone figures something out we did not previously understand. Will this head stumper ever be figured out? Of course, but when? I’ll be sure to let you know!

Man Charged in Jan. 6 Riot Sold Forged Vaccination Cards

I have a great idea, Jia Liu must have said to Steve Rodriguez. Let’s make up phony vaccine cards! Hey, they just have to look “close” to the real ones, be the same size and stuff. Man, we’ll make a bundle! “Wow, that’s genius,” I surmise that Stephen replied.
“Yea! Cash in on all those anti-vexers. Who cares? I got my three!”

“Jia…Steve…What were you thinking? You & yourself only, make the bed you’re gonna lie in!"

Wife of Navy Nuclear Engineer Pleads Guilty in Submarine Spy Case

I’m not sure which of these is the more egregious from a “mindless stupidity” point of view, the forged vaccine cards or the spy case? I guess I’d have to go the latter because the husband not only masterminded the scheme, but dragged his wife in with him! However, both offer stark evidence of how far some of us are from understanding the natural laws of the nature and life, most importantly, "The Law of Cause & Effect!”

All of nature operates by it including humans! We are part of nature, not separate from it.
Why, in spite of all the evidence that we see of people trying to get away with one thing or another only to be caught, do people go on displaying such astonishing misunderstanding of how life works

As the King said to Anna, “Its a puzzlement!"

Private Equity Investor Sentenced to 15 Months in College Bribery Case

So neither being a Prince nor a private equity $ billionaire can save someone from the long reach of the Law of Cause & Effect that we continually see play out on life’s stage yet may be quickly forgotten. 

While we say the words "What Goes Around Comes Around," it is just the current nomenclature for the Law of Cause & Effect, the fundamental Law of all nature and science, reflected recently in the life of Prince Andrew and  John Wilson.

In John’s case, the thing is that his kids were good students! They would have gotten into fine colleges that were appropriate for them and most likely had memorable college experiences. Hopefully they still will and be stronger for the experience. This was not their fault. 

Purdue’s Sacklers Consider Adding Another Billion to Opioid Settlement

Aha! The evil Sackler are back in the spotlight. Since their last offer to buy themselves out of responsibility for the deaths of close to 500,000 Americans, over the still ongoing years of the opioid crisis for a measly $4.3 billion was rejected, they are trying again to escape the hammer by raising their offer by another $billion.

Of course they still want immunity for the family and their friends from future prosecution and will continue to enjoy billionaire status from the many more $billions they have reportedly stashed away in accounts around the globe. Apparently, they did so assisted by the best lawyers and financial minds their money could buy, But will this latest move get them out of Dodge, so to speak?

We’ll see how it goes. But what we can know right now is that the basic law of nature and physics, The Law of Cause and Effect, embodied in the words What Goes Around Comes Around, will extract exactly the right pound of flesh the Sackler's deserve.

The Jeff Zucker and CNN Saga

Can there be much Controversy about how Mr. Vincenz got himself in such a pickle? Choices he made is the only explanation. Something led him to believe that those choices were Invisible and hidden from view and that he could make them free from fear of discovery. 

What is now visible is most likely only the tip of the iceberg, so how did he get on this path? He still managed to reach the corporate heights. Must be very smart in certain ways, charming and disarming. Would have had a long and very good life. 

What he obviously lacked was the understanding that the seeds planted in one’s garden of life by their thoughts, words and actions, will eventually show up. That, as Emerson said, “The result is already in the seed. It is just difficult to know when it will bloom.” For Mr. Vincenz, the time is nigh!

Strip-Bar Habit Worth $220,000 Hangs Over Swiss Banker on Trial

Can there be much Controversy about how Mr. Vincenz got himself in such a pickle? Choices he made is the only explanation. Something led him to believe that those choices were Invisible and hidden from view and that he could make them free from fear of discovery. 

What is now visible is most likely only the tip of the iceberg, so how did he get on this path? He still managed to reach the corporate heights. Must be very smart in certain ways, charming and disarming. Would have had a long and very good life. 

What he obviously lacked was the understanding that the seeds planted in one’s garden of life by their thoughts, words and actions, will eventually show up. That, as Emerson said, “The result is already in the seed. It is just difficult to know when it will bloom.” For Mr. Vincenz, the time is nigh!

Lawsuit Says Faculty at a Top Arts School Preyed on Students for Decades

And now another School is in the news for all the wrong reasons. This time its the prestigious University of North Carolina School of Arts being charged with a whole range of abuses spanning a period of 40 plus years, of college age students to students as young as 14. 
Some of those accused have died, which also raises the question of whether they got away with it, because they passed away before they had to face the music? But does it mean they had no regrets, or debilitating and disease inducing fear of discovery, or deep and painful guilt? 
What about their legacy, how it reflects on the way they are remembered? The pain it may cause their children or grandchildren, friends, etc! Do those things count when considering whether death absolves someone who does bad things while alive?
Something to consider, but it is time for ALL schools to take vigilance to a higher level.

A Tale of Taking Incredible and Mindless Risk

A tale of taking incredible & mindless risk. As part of an effort started by Cyrus Vance, the former Manhattan District Actorney and continued by newly elected Alvin Bragg, billionaire hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt has returned 180 illegally, acquired artifacts valued at $70million to the countries where they originated and were hijacked from, by antiquities traffickers. 

Over the years these items were acquired by Mr. Steinhardt. It is notable that his attorney was quoted as saying, “His client was pleased that the DA’s years-long Investigation has concluded without any charges filed.” 

“Pleased” indeed! For such a high-profile and wealthy individual, the $70million he’d spent was a pittance compared to the public humiliation and added legal expense of a trial and possible conviction at 81 years of age!

Did Mr. Steinhardt know and understand the possible repercussions of engaging in making these illegal acquisitions or think he was protected by his stature as a billionaire or some other percieved protection? It is hard to imagine he would do so otherwise! I’d guess he’s most likely taken at least a few sighs of relief that his only loss in this matter is the money he spent to make his illegal acquisitions and no additional fine, or trial, or god-forbid the humiliation of a jail sentence! 

What a colossal risk to take! Michael, please be more mindful. Don’t do stuff like that and if there are other examples out there, please unwind them immediately! Yes, agreed! We do a bad job of teaching it properly and effectively to our children, but the words of the title are true! They are a law of nature and physics. They were for Madoff, they were for Spitzer, they were for Armstrong and they are for all of us! By the way, there’s a great book where you can learn more about it.

Credit Suisse Chairman Resigns Apologizes for Breaking Swiss Covid Rules

Only nine months after being hired as the Chairman of Credit Suisse, Horta-Osorio blows it with mindless disregard. 

As he says in his own words: “I regret that a number of my personal actions have led to difficulties for the bank and compromised my ability to represent the bank internally and externally,” Antonio Horta-Osorio said in the statement. “I therefore believe that my resignation is in the interest of the bank and its stakeholders at this crucial time.” 

Another way to say "personal actions” is to say choices or decisions. Humans can make them to a degree not available to any other living creature. It is a gift of life that we can do so, but is obviously from this story, also a potential curse, depending...The question is, how can a person at Antonio's level, in a sensitive role at a sensitive time and with all eyes upon him, be so cavalier or “mindless,” to make the choices he did??? As the King said to Anna, “Its a puzzlement!” 

Antonio must have thought that the rules applied to everyone but him. There’s no other way to explain it. He certainly did not subscribe to the notion that what goes around, does come around. Maybe for others, but not for him! Even though many is the time he has said those words about some other person’s downfall, only to turn around and make these  bone-headed moves. Pity for him! I wonder if he even makes that connection, or just racks it up to unfairness, or bad luck. 

But to not be so judgmental and harsh, the fact is we all to a greater os lessor degree, forget and make decisions we may later regret. Why is that? One reason is that we’re not properly taught that the fundamental law of all nature and science is the "Law of Cause & Effect." In other words, What Goes Around Comes Around! 

“Hey! You mean that’s really true?"

At the Australian Open Everyone Not Named Djokovic Is Ready to Star

So now we know! After back and forth by the Australian authorities, Novak Djokovic has been sent back to Serbia, having been expelled from Australia and the Australian Open tennis tournament he was favored to win for the tenth time. Not to mention the more than $2million in prize money he has forfeited and what may have been his best chance to leave chief rivals Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, in his dust by winning his 21st major(all three have won 20 majors). Now only Nadal has that opportunity, as the only one of the “Big Three” still scheduled to play (Federer is recovering from injury). 

It doesn’t mean the end for Djokovic by any stretch. He has bounced back from other setbacks! However, the hit he is taking to his reputation, may well besmirch his legacy. It is not simply his position on vaccines and the fact that he is not vaccinated, but derives from misrepresentations on his travel documents and concerns that he would become a symbol for defying vaccine rules in a closely aligned country locked in a Covid war. 

Adding further fuel were what appearsed to be attempts to finesse his way past requirements, by fudging certain information on his travel documents. For example, he said he had not travelled outside of Serbia in the period before going to Australia. But videos then emerged showing him training in Spain. He blamed his agent. 

In another troubling episode, it came out that one day after testing positive for covid in Serbia, Djokovic was interviewed by two journalists, without disclosing his test results to them. There was more, but that was enough for the Australian authorities to send him home. Adding to the spanking, he will be refused entry and miss the tournament for at least the next three years.

Will he gear up and bounce back at the upcoming Wimbledon tournament and win his twenty-first title there? We’ll see! Does he now realize that there IS a "Law of Cause & Effect" and he just experienced it? Others will be pointing to this and saying, “See, what goes around comes around!” What will Novak take from this episode? What will we all take from it?

Scrambling but Undaunted the Met Opera Sings Through Omicron

How have they done it? Keep it going that is? Not diverge from their schedule? Maintain the quality of their performances? Since late November the NY Met has performed three dozen plus performances, with two dozen scheduled for January alone, involving hundreds of people and thousands of audience members. Much more than crossing t’s and dotting i’s, it is a Master Class in organizational skills, strict adherence to health protocols, creative casting and sheer determination. The message…What Goes In = What Comes Out!

Fugitive Italian Killer Finally Meets His Match in Google Maps

Who would have thunk it. Google, the sleuth that captures an Italian killer wanted for twenty years! Police nabbed him thanks to Google Maps, walking down a street in Spain where he had blended in as a chef in a local restaurant. 

The point here is that he probably thought off himself as the person who proves that the phrase, “What Goes Around Comes Around,” was nothing more than wishful thinking for fools and dreamers! Physics? A law of nature? Ridiculous!!! Look at him for example!


Sidney Poitier, Who Paved the Way for Black Actors in Film, Dies at 94

I must admit to having been embarrassingly ignorant about the life of Sidey Poitier. Of course I saw several of his movies in which he was always a striking and compelling presence. I remember “To Sir With Love” the best. 

But I had no idea about his younger life and struggles, until his passing and the pouring forth of tributes like this one to his fortitude and dogged pursuit of his dreams to be an actor. At least from a career standpoint, he epitomized the “Law of Cause & Effect" in the most positive terms. No matter of how bleak it looked for him professionally, he persisted and became a breakthrough icon and example for many to follow.

I still don’t know much about the rest of life for him other than he had six daughters from two marriages, which likely meant a great meny challenges and rewards. We know that one area of success does not necessarily mean the same for the rest of life. Rather each aspect is measured according to its own set of criteria. 

In Sidney’s case, he at least gets very high marks as the actor he dreamed of becoming and an example to inspire countless others to doggedly pursue their dreams. Thank you for that Sidney!

Teva Pharmaceutical Company Found Liable in Landmark Opioid Trial

It is really good to see this! The more of these cases that are prosecuted the better the chance that the Sackler family will finally be cornered like the vicious pack of vipers they are. 

The thing is, that when groups of smart people get together and work in tandem for an evil purpose, those collective minds all conspiring to keep their vicious deeds hidden in the shadows, may get away with it for a long time. Think Volkswagen, Wells Fargo and other combinations of people united around a duplicitous purpose!

The same applies to solo abusers who have a gift for charming their way out of tight spots so they can continue their weaving their evil web. Think Larry Nassar, Bernie Madoff. The light eventually gets them all, but in human terms it can seem like the bad people never get caught.

Not true! Ask Teva Pharma.

The Relentless Ego of Ghislaine Maxwell

So, Chapter Two of the Jeffrey Epstein saga comes almost to a close. Almost, because we won’t know the final ending until we hear the sentencing, which is likely to be a doozie! 

Sure, there will be an appeal and there have been shockers in the past, think R. Kelly in 2008. But this is not likely to be one of those. 

So Ghislaine, was it worth it? The ride you had with your buddy Jeff, that is? Did the two of you simply mock the concept of Karma, Cause & Effect, What Goes Around Comes Around, different ways to say the same thing? Did you just buy his line that you were  “Teflon Twins” and they’d never get you. What?

Please tell us, explain so there’s some way to think something good and worthwhile about at least you, cause its sure hard to find in this wreckage!

The Two Humphreys

Here’s a  weird and highly personal addition to my blog of illustrations about why the title of my book, “What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works” is actually true and a law of nature & physics. 

It certainly got my attention when I spotted this gent's obituary. 

My father’s name was Humphrey Davis. This guy was Humphrey Davies! They were the exact same age when they both checked out. 

My Dad was riddled with cancer from his prolific pipe smoking and being around my wonderful Mother, who was was a two pack, a day Chesterfield smoker until her mid-fifties. 

She made it to just past her 83rd birthday, when the lung cancer caught up to her. She hadn’t quit soon enough.

This new Humphrey died from complications of pancreatic cancer, almost certainly smoking induced!

How’s "them there" for some random coincidences?

The most regrettable thing about my mom and dad was that they were both from families with many who lived well into their nineties. They were a great couple and wonderful people, but they left so much on the table because of that demon, smoking! I hate it and it pains me when I see others going down that path.

And as if that wasn’t enough to make me a loather of pipes and cigarettes, both of my sisters, one younger and one older, were also smoking induced cancer victims, leaving me as the last one standing in my nuclear family. 

Thankfully there are other generations who I hope will remember me and us kindly, I hope the same for Humphrey number #2!

Former McDonald’s C.E.O. Repays Company $105 Million

Oh how intoxicating the power over another’s income or stature or comfort can be! It was enough to cause Steve Easterbrook's brain to shut down and believe himself to be protected by an invisible force in some impregnable place.

The story serves to remind how important it is for people in positions of power over others anywhere, but certainly in the workplace where there are rules and laws that clearly define acceptable parameters, to be vigilant about their own thoughts, words and actions.

That power can be intoxicating as reflected in this cringe-worthy story that illustrates the importance  of staying at all times beyond reproach, to behave at all times as if there is a camera recording every word and deed!

My guide has been, “how would I feel and act if my youngest child Genevieve was in the room.” Not to claim lifelong perfection, but that discipline has served me well. Steve has paid dearly to say the least, for not having such a filter.

Judge Overturns Purdue Pharma’s Opioid Settlement

In a stunning turn-a-round, the “Law of Cause & Effect” has prevailed, illustrating that What Goes Around DOES Come Around. It’s good news! The vile Sackler family is back on the hot seat. 

They thought they had escaped with a settlement that would shield them from personal liability for the death & destruction of hundreds of thousands of lives, wrought by the opioid crisis they created and has enriched them to the tune of more than $10 billion. 

Thank you Judge Colleen McMahon of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for stepping up to do the right thing now. It was the step needed to bring this evil family to justice sooner rather than later. 

Nassar Abuse Survivors Reach a $380 Million Settlement

Larry Nassar, the former national gymnastics team doctor set a new standard for child abuse. Research about career abusers of children who are clever enough to escape detection until their 60’s or after death, indicates that those individuals may have abused more than 300 children in their lifetime.

In Larry Nassar’s case the number exceeds an unimaginable 500 girls whose lives he irreparably damaged. It is a nasty story and includes a black eye for the FBI for their incompetence and mismanagement of the Nassar episode.

Of course he will spend the rest of his waking days incarcerated. And now U.S.A. Gymnastics and the U.S. Olympic & Parlympic Committee will pay a settlement of $380 million to Nassar’s survivors, But it won’t erase the mental and emotional scars those women will be saddled with for the rest of their lived.

Nassar’s case illustrates the way the Principle of “Cause & Effect” works, ie: that the longer and more evil / harmful an action or series of actions may be, the greater the consequences for the perpetrator(s) will also, in exact measure be!

Observing this situation we may the the words “what goes around, comes around,” about the participants. But it is the immutable law of cause & effect that makes it happen.

Happily, it works both ways and quality life results are derived from well-intentioned efforts.

Former D.E.A. Agent Sentenced to 12 Years in Drug Money Scheme

What a holy mess! A Federal D.E.A. Agent who drags his wife into the scheme. Now both go to prison for 12 years and 5 years respectively, leaving behind two young daughters for who knows what kind of damage they’ll suffer for losing both their parents. It is all about his choices. Now he says: “Unfortunately, there came a time when I made a decision that went against the person who I was, that damaged my wife and embarrassed my country,” Mr. Irizarry said, according to The A.P. “I should’ve known better and I didn’t. I failed.”But why? Why did he fail when all around him he saw criminals being caught and punished? And seeing all that, with two young kids he decides to jump in himself? I would bet there were many times when he spoke the words “What Goes Around Comes Around” about other people. Now other people are saying that about him! I feel bad for his wife, but most of all for his children. This will change the trajectory of their lives in a big way and its not likely to be a good one! I wish he had read my book. I’d like to think it may have deterred him. Perhaps wishful thinking, but I hope not.

Third Accuser Says Epstein and Maxwell Preyed on Her as a Troubled Teen

Reading this article about how Ghislaine Maxwell aided and abetted satiating Jeffrey Epstein’s voracious appetite for young girls, I found myself wondering what it was exactly that she got from this strange relationship and how it came about in the first place?

How did she meet Epstein and get drawn into having her life’s work become about his sex drive. It reminds of the R. Kelly saga, except that he had whole team of people on his payroll, supporting his brand of exploitation of young girls. It appears that Maxwell was a one-woman procurement operation, all by herself! But why?

Elite Wine Group Moves to Expel 6 Members in Sexual Harassment Inquiry

Here’s a case of “Group malfeasance, blamed on poor judgement, from the consumption of too much wine!” A nine month investigation of the American chapter of “The Court of Master Sommeliers” has revealed a widespread expectation/demand of sexual favors in return for mentoring female applicants, undergoing the rigorous exam process, required for membership and recognition as an official Sommellier.

This follows the complaint of 21 women that their supposed mentors, had pressured them for sex, apparently a well-established condition with a long history. So far 22 men have been investigated.

The point being, that when a lowly activity becomes “institutionalized” in a grouping of people, ie: company, sport, union, association, religion, etc, it can go on undetected for a long time. It may even acquire an almost “accepted as part of the game” kind of cover, with those participating considering it, "just one of their perks”, and no big deal! That is, until someone blows the lid off.

That’s when everything changes for those who took part. It is not after all, that they didn’t know there was something amiss about the game they were playing. They just thought they had a really good cover! Instead, that cover just went poof, as all covers eventually do. Just another example that, "What Goes Around Comes Around!” Its just difficult to predict when.

Art Dealer Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud Charges in $86 Million Scam

He was a rising star as an art dealer, who investors relied on to help them find good investments in the opaque world of fine art. Unfortunately, for both the investors and himself, he instead used his charm and twisted brilliance to perpetrate a complex and nasty scheme to defraud them. He had used the words "what goes around comes around" on many occasions in his life, to describe the foolish actions of others. Yet as of yesterday he stands convicted of wire fraud, facing a sentence of 20 years in prison. How is it that so many fail to see in themselves what is so easy to see in others? As the King said to Anna, “It is a puzzlement!"

Why the Global Methane Pledge Is a Big Deal for the Climate

The fundamental Principle of life that explains everything in nature and the sciences is The Law of Cause & Effect. Change the Cause and the Effect changes accordingly. Likewise, all Effects can be traced to a Cause. 

It is also the Principle that underlies the concepts of Karma and today’s way of expressing the same idea, namely “What Goes Around Comes Around." It applies to individuals, groups of individuals, companies large and small, religions, regions, countries and even planets, including notably the earth.New Review for What Goes Around Comes Around

The UN climate summit currently in session highlights an example applicable to the latter, as it relates to efforts by certain humans tout limits on the emision of Methane gas. Why should anyone care?

Perhaps because it is scientifically known that Methane traps more that 80 times the heat that the same amount of carbon dioxide does! Meaning that the enormous amount of methane released by oil and gas drilling is a big contributor to “global warming.” The question is do Nations of the world at large outlaw the release of methane by enacting laws and rules to restrict it…or not?

It is a clear case of “cause & effect” in action. What Goes Around, will like night follows day, Come Around. If the cause is not adjusted, the effect will be life changing in the worst way for future generations. Does anyone care? It remains to be seen.

Blackhawks Ignored 2010 Sexual Assault Accusation

The interesting point of this article is the “time” part of the equation. There were a number of people who knew about the abusive behavior of the N.H.L. Blackhawk’s video coach Brad Aldrich. They included the team’s President Stan Bowman and Al MacIsaac another senior management person.

While other senior management also became aware of them, the reports of sexual abuse committed by Aldrich were essentially buried, leaving him free to continue coaching and committing similar offenses for another ten years. He must have felt, and even looked to anyone who knew what the was doing, like he had some kind of invisible shield protecting him.

It is another refrain of the same tune we’ve heard repeatedly in recent years. In this case the offender himself and the management team that failed to act immediately all share blame. The question is, why did it take ten years for the whole story to surface and consequences be delivered?

There is an answer. It's in the book!

Jon Gruden’s Departure Means More Trouble for the Raiders

It is an old saying full of wisdom ie: “Loose Lips Sink Ships!” Now Jon Gruden, the former coach of  NFL Football's, Los Vegas Raiders, most likely gets the irony of how that saying also applies to him!

There’s a thing about those kinds of sayings. They have obvious wisdom and we can see the results for others when they disregard them, but then turn around and miss it in ourselves.

One would think that after all the examples of wayward emails being used for evidence of transgressions, and all the warnings given by parents and teachers and other advisors to NOT hit that SEND button unless you want the WHOLE world to see that email, that a person of Mr.(not coach anymore) Gruden’s stature would have been more circumspect than to share his racist underbelly so openly!

It is, however, a very good example of a “Principle” explained in the book, ebook & audio-book titled, What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works.

18 Former N.B.A. Players Are Charged in $4 Million Insurance Fraud Scheme

This is a classic. One wonders how many times these former NBA pros have smirked and spoken the words  “See, what goes around comes around,” about someone else's downfall, only to then participate in this harebrained scheme themselves! Gets back to that other saying, ie: "What is so easy to see in others is so hard to see in ourselves!"

Federal prosecutors said Glen Davis, Sebastian Telfair and Tony Allen were among the players involved in a plot to file millions of dollars’ worth of fraudulent medical claims.

Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Study of Humanity’s Role in Changing Climate

Food for thought…

On one day in the same newspaper, is a report by an independent commission that details how in France alone over the past seven decades, more than 210,000 minors, mostly boys aged 10-13, were sexually abused by clergy members. The number goes up to 330,000 when including other people who were affiliated with the church.

Juxtapose that report with the notice that three scientists who have devoted their careers to understanding the effect of human behavior on the earth’s changing climate and global warming, have just received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Some people go this way…some people go that way. Extreme examples for sure, but...

Nobel Prize Winners Rewarded for their light shedding achievements

My blog has examples I identify in my effort to prove the truth of the saying often used and also the title of my book, “What Goes Around Comes Around.” However admittedly, most of those examples are negative stories about people receiving their comeuppance for their regrettable deeds.So what a pleasure it is to find one like this. Yes, some people receive life in prison or worse for their efforts, while these gentlemen just received The Nobel Prize for theirs! It just goes to show that the fundamental law of all nature and science underlying all of this, namely "The Law of Cause & Effect,” operates equally on both sides of the equation! In simple terms, good begets good and visa-versa!Getting back to the book, it is full of true stories of people I’ve known that illustrate how “The Law” unfolds for all of us and how to work with it to produce the best life experience for ourselves and our loved ones.Hoping that it sheds some light on the path of many.

R. Kelly Is Found Guilty on All Counts Twenty-five Years Too Late

More on R. Kelly. This New Yorker article says that, "his conviction was twenty-five years too late!" However, in actuality it was just the time it took! It’s the same as all the others who eventually get revealed. Exactly how long it takes is based on how intelligent, clever, deceitful and evil they are, in addition to the resources they have available. The result is always in exact proportion to the input received and works on both sides of the equation. Some people who spend their lives in fruitful ways end up with Nobel Prizes, happy and peaceful lives, while others like Mr. Kelly, generate some other befitting end.

R&B Superstar R. Kelly Convicted in Sex Trafficking Trial

Well now we know the answer. R. Kelly won’t be abusing any more underage girls, or  any age girls this lifetime! Whatever hope he had of escaping justice, as he did in 2008 when the lead witness against him declined to testify, this was a different ballgame as described below, and he now knows two things:
Those famous words, What Goes Around Comes Around, are actually true.
All the escape in 2008 actually did for him, was deliver a far harsher sentence than he would have received back then.
We won’t know the actual sentence he receives until May 4th, but it is likely to be substantial. 

One question that now arises is, who out there is currently participating in R. Kelly type behavior and says to themselves, “Hmmm, maybe I better re-think this plan?"

R. Kelly Trial Nears End, as Prosecutors Paint Portrait of a Predator

The prosecutor’s racketeering case summation on Wednesday 9/23 took more than three hours, with more scheduled for Thursday. In the first trial against him in 2008 the key witness bailed and set him free. This time he had “no such luck, with many taking the stand.” and it looks like the jury’s turn soon. Whatever happens, other states eagerly await their chances to bring similar charges.

R. Kelly Trial Nears End, as Prosecutors Paint Portrait of a Predator

During the first day of closing arguments in Brooklyn, a prosecutor sought to knit together the government’s sprawling racketeering case.

They Worked for R. Kelly. This Is What They Saw

In the ongoing saga of, “Will R. Kelly Escape Once More?” more witnesses testify and the canvas fills out more about his years of seducing young girls and creating his own personal harem with the help of his hired & paid team of enablers.

 Is R.Kelly another Jeffery Epstein? Epstein escaped an onerous sentence in 2008, the same year that R. Kelly also walked from what looked like a slam-dunk conviction. We know how ir worked out for Epstein and his legacy.

Biles and Her Teammates Rip the F.B.I.

Here is precisely why the work done by Help For Children/Hedge Funds Care, is so crucial to our children and their children and all children! It is because the kind of abuse described here happens way more often than anyone knows...except that is... for the abusers and the abused!

Sometimes there’s a revelation, like an Olympic Doctor protected by the FBI, who is actually a serial sex offender of his teenage and younger, trusting patients!

Sometimes the unmasking of the horror comes quickly and is handled expeditiously. Other times, however, it can take a long, long time.

How could this Larry Nassar, get away with abusing countless children for years, with nobody the wiser? And yet this is just one of many such stories about abuse and neglect! 

The perpetrator’s hone their skill  because they are charming and smart and have some position that enables them to identify the innocent ones, lure them into the abuser's web and then keep them there out of fear, intimidation and embarrassment and too traumatized to know what to do.

Enter to evaluate the programs and agencies that provide the direct service to this and other brands of the abusive behavior of adults.

Thank god for HFC.

Somehow, Larry Nasser got away with his evil doings for an incredibly long time before he was finally revealed for the monster he is. But the rule is, that the longer a perpetrator gets away with their crime, the deeper the hole they dig for themselves when they are finally caught.  In Larry Nasser's case, it's the rest of his life!

Colombo Family Crime Boss and 12 Others Are Arrested

I thought same as you, that Tony was dead, both on the TV version of,“The Sopranos,” and in real life, as the actor who played Tony also passed away.

But now in a case of life imitating art,  we meet the real life version of Tony. His name is  Andrew Russo, a key player in an actual mafioso drama now unfolding in a racketeering case being pursued by the U.S. Attorney's office in Brooklyn. 

Whats more, apparently ithe gig has been going on for twenty-plus years! And here I’ve been thinking that in this day and age… way!. Well...Yes way!!!

"Colombo Family Crime Boss and 12 Others Are Arrested", Prosecutors Say

An indictment unsealed on Tuesday accuses the organization of orchestrating a two-decade scheme to extort a labor union.

I guess nobody told these folks that you couldn’t do this sort of thing anymore. I bet they  even watched every episode of The Sopranos and had a laugh doing so. Probably even got inspiration from the fake version.

Trapped in Basements and Cars, They Lost Their Lives in Savage Storm

This was an avoidable catastrophe. Same in New Jersey, New Otleans and elsewhere. Not avoidable in the sense that a storm would happen, but that building codes and construction supervision and standards are so antiquated and unrealistic. 

So now Mother Nature provides the test, and the frauds and incompetent ones are left scratching their heads about the devastation they just helped go down in the history books. Now yet one more time, the world will watch and see how its handled. Is it swept under the rug or addressed as it should be?

This storms devastation was as good an example of the Law of Cause & Effect in action, as you’ll ever find and on a multi-state level to boot! It was ignored in the past. What happens now is the question! As we see time and time again, what goes around, does come around!

Kind of a metaphor of our lives, wouldn’t you say?

Hedge Fund’s Insiders Agree to Pay as Much as $7 Billion to I.R.S.

This is a heartening case! It supports the notion that justice does prevail and what goes around, does indeed come around, The Law of Cause & Effect” in action!  It means a $7 Billion penalty owed to the IRS and I’d guess, considering the fees these folks paid to their tax advisors, they never expected this outcome. Don’t cheer too loudly though. It also means that Principle applies to everyone!

Hedge Fund’s Insiders Agree to Pay as Much as $7 Billion to I.R.S.

The agreement ends a longstanding tax dispute involving a decade’s worth of transactions at Renaissance Technologies, one of the world’s biggest and best-connected hedge funds.

In R. Kelly Trial, the Verdict May Hinge on a Circle of Enablers

An update on the R. Kelly case:

In 2008, the singer known as R. Kelly was able to escape prosecution for sexually exploiting underage girls, due to what was described as a “technical glitch.” This time prosecutors are pursuing Kelly in a novel fashion, based on racketeering charges that depict him as the “Kingpin” of a criminal organization assembled by himself to provide more victims. We’ll see...

After the searing testimony of the past few days, plus what’s still to come, the outcome may rightfully be quite different!

When Police Lie, the Innocent Pay. Some Are Fighting Back.

This is about  the issue of police who lie and distort the true circumstances of their interactions with people they come in contact with of color or otherwise, when they think that no one is watching or bears witness to what actually happened. In such circumstances, like the one described here, they may be tempted to lie and distort to their own nefarious end. 

Police reform such as now required body cameras, plus strategically placed security cameras, in addition to ubiquitous cell phones that can catch events unfolding almost anywhere, have changed the equation for at least some victims of police over-reach, exaggeration and misinformation, where once there was only the word of the officer in question.. 

This article points out one such example of how things are shifting from total domination of a police officers explanation of how events unfolded to a more even playing field. While it may not be viewed as such, it is a positive step forward for all concerned.

Video Shows Louisiana Trooper Beating a Black Man With a Flashlight

Wonder why we had to live through the “Black Lives Matter” uprising last year and ongoing calls for de-funding police budgets? Not that I’m advocating doing so, but the story presented in this article and so many others with a similar narrative, do speak to the need for significant changes in the selection, training process and supervision of who is privileged with becoming a law-enforcement officer in this country. 

Of course Jacob Brown will suffer the consequences and also bring dis-honor on his family and heritage as the son of a former Superintendent of the Louisiana State Police. He’ll also have to find another way to make a living and there may well be legal jeopardy in his immediate future, for his barbaric behavior in uniform. 

Former Netflix staffers charged for making $3m from insider trading

It is remarkable to think that after so many people have been nailed in the past decade for insider trading schemes, that this group of knuckleheads somehow believed that THEY had found the key! To say nothing of the fact that the regulators can see and follow the trading activity before and after every announcement of importance, of every public company. Yup, its a head scratcher, how people can choose to put themselves in such criminal jeopardy, let alone say words and take actions that are hurtful to their personal relationships.

With R. Kelly on Trial, What Has Become of His Music?

There are reasons why it can take a long time for some people or groups of people or organizations of many people, to face the consequences of their actions, as decreed by the words, What Goes Around Comes Around. So long a stretch of time in fact, that it can make us doubt those words are actually true, or that they also apply to us.

Those reasons may include various combinations of high intelligence, large monetary reserves and highly refined skills of charm & deception, & lying & more!

In R. Kelly’s case, we’ll know a lot more about the specifics of how he’s done it, as his case unfolds. Also, how he escaped conviction in 2008, about the same time that Jeffrey Epstein was slipping through a large hole in the net that had him in its grip. Both went on to nail many more under-age girls with their respective brands of abuse.

Will Kelly slip through again? I’d say very unlikely, but as we’ve learned, better to await the official word before answering that. So I’ll just go with…”We’ll see!”

What we do know, is that the longer these villains get away with their schemes, the deeper the hole they dig for themselves when truth does get revealed!. Yes…we’ll see!

The R&B superstar may have experienced a “social death,” with his music largely disappearing in public. But streaming data tells a more complicated story.

R. Kelly’s Last Criminal Trial Was in 2008. The World Has Changed Since.

Wow! Now here’s an interesting tussle. We’ve been commenting on the progress of the Sackler family saga and the various penalties and fines being levied on those who profited from the deaths of more than 500,000 Americans over the past years of the opioid crisis. Included is the $4.5 billion Sackler family pledge to settle the estimated 2,700 lawsuits and hundreds of thousands of claims that have been registered against the family and Purdue, going back to 2014.

Central to that deal offered by the Sackler family is personal immunity from prosecution for all members of the family and approximately 1,000 other Purdue Pharma related people who participated in the broad-scale deception. A series of hearings have been conducted be a Federal Judge who has been expected to approve the plan including the Sackler demand.

But now out of the blue, objections to the legal shield for the Sackler’s and their cohorts, has forced the judge to take a pause. In response the family threatens to withdraw their settlement offer and litigate all claims one by one, taking many years and much money to do so. However, its looking like a growing number of people harmed by the loss of loved ones, caused by the Sackler’s criminal activities, may have decided that getting that money today is not worth seeing the family walk from legal jeopardy they so richly deserve!

We’ll see…Either way the Sackler family members are facing a very long road of retribution.

In a rare court appearance, David Sackler said he and his family would withdraw their pledge to pay $4.5 billion, unless they are shielded from lawsuits related to Purdue Pharma.

Sacklers Threaten to Pull Out of Opioid Settlement Without Broad Legal Immunity

Wow! Now here’s an interesting tussle. We’ve been commenting on the progress of the Sackler family saga and the various penalties and fines being levied on those who profited from the deaths of more than 500,000 Americans over the past years of the opioid crisis. Included is the $4.5 billion Sackler family pledge to settle the estimated 2,700 lawsuits and hundreds of thousands of claims that have been registered against the family and Purdue, going back to 2014.

Central to that deal offered by the Sackler family is personal immunity from prosecution for all members of the family and approximately 1,000 other Purdue Pharma related people who participated in the broad-scale deception. A series of hearings have been conducted be a Federal Judge who has been expected to approve the plan including the Sackler demand.

But now out of the blue, objections to the legal shield for the Sackler’s and their cohorts, has forced the judge to take a pause. In response the family threatens to withdraw their settlement offer and litigate all claims one by one, taking many years and much money to do so. However, its looking like a growing number of people harmed by the loss of loved ones, caused by the Sackler’s criminal activities, may have decided that getting that money today is not worth seeing the family walk from legal jeopardy they so richly deserve!

We’ll see…Either way the Sackler family members are facing a very long road of retribution.

In a rare court appearance, David Sackler said he and his family would withdraw their pledge to pay $4.5 billion, unless they are shielded from lawsuits related to Purdue Pharma.

Ex-Cardinal McCarrick Faces Milestone Charges in Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis

It seems worth noting that the crime described in this article took place in 1974, 47 years ago. If you had known McCarrick

over those years and were aware of the abuse he inflicted on children, you would have laughed if someone asked you if you believed that “what goes around comes around.” 

You would have said, "no way! If it was true this supposed Priest would be serving time! But look at him, free as a bird with no vultures circling!”

But that person, who thought he knew the truth of the matter first hand, would have been wrong! There was a vulture of sorts, right there in the shadows, just waiting for the “right” time to appear. It’s name is "The Law of Cause and Effect," the fundamental law of nature and physics that explains literally everything that happens on this planet, including human behavior and consequences.

It is said that, "the blossom, whether flower or thorn, is in the very seed that is planted!"

Ex-Cardinal McCarrick Faces Milestone Charges in Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis

Theodore McCarrick, 91, is the highest-ranking U.S. official in the Roman Catholic Church to be charged with sexual abuse. He is accused of assaulting a 16-year-old boy in 1974. 

Former Long Island Prosecutors Sentenced in Plot to Protect Police Chief

Sometimes we need protection from “The Protectors!” In this case of duplicity, the guilty party’s thought they could rule by fear and intimidation, and did for some period of time. Yes, even the worst offenders can get away with their bad deeds as these jerks did, because of their positions as detectives and police officials or other angles.

“Yes, but how could they think they could pull that off, surrounded as they were by other such officials?” You might ask. Exactly! Idiocy!

They thought so, because like most of us they were not properly taught how the "Law of Cause and Effect" actually works! We don’t grow up learning about this fundamental Law of all nature and science, that explains everything that happens on this planet including humans and is embodied in the words, “What Goes Around Comes Around.” That we are not properly educated on this matter is precisely why so many people make such foolish and hurtful mistakes.

See the recent articles about what we’ve collectively done to our planet, to see this deficit at play on a global basis!

Reading the book with the title, "What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works, and available on Amazon, or at, is a good start for any individual to close that gap for themselves and those most dear to them.

Former Long Island Prosecutors Sentenced in Plot to Protect Police Chief

Thomas Spota and Christopher McPartland were convicted of obstruction of justice and other crimes for their role in a scheme to protect James Burke.
So here is a frightening example of how the Principle of Cause & Effect, embodied in the words "What Goes Around Comes Around" has played out, as Global Warming can no longer be referred to as a “hoax.” Everyone taking that position has now been “outed” by this as either ignorant or a fool.

The question now becomes, what steps are needed and taken on a global basis, to contend with the change in habits necessary to get a grip on the current, global, state of climate related affairs. It is in essence, a second pandemic for mankind to contend with that won’t go away without a measured and relentless global response.

Will one be taken with the same seriousness of purpose that Covid 19 has provoked? We’ll see!

A Hotter Future Is Certain Climate Panel Warns

A Hotter Future Is Certain Climate Panel Warns

So here is a frightening example of how the Principle of Cause & Effect, embodied in the words "What Goes Around Comes Around" has played out, as Global Warming can no longer be referred to as a “hoax.” Everyone taking that position has now been “outed” by this as either ignorant or a fool.

The question now becomes, what steps are needed and taken on a global basis, to contend with the change in habits necessary to get a grip on the current, global, state of climate related affairs. It is in essence, a second pandemic for mankind to contend with that won’t go away without a measured and relentless global response.

Will one be taken with the same seriousness of purpose that Covid 19 has provoked? We’ll see!

Cuomo Grilled for 11 Hours in Sexual Harassment Inquiry

Is it true that “What Goes Around Comes Around”? We may be getting close to another prime example of how that particular law of nature and physics plays out in the life of all humans, even those who have seemed impervious to its reach. Cuomo Grilled for 11 Hours in Sexual Harassment Inqui
Now that the lengthy inquiry into accusations of sexual harassment and other improprieties related to the Governor’s handling of Covid, nursing-home data and state resources he may have illegally used to publish his book so quickly has advanced significantly, we’ll soon know the results of what at least appears to be a thorough and exhaustive investigation. There is always the risk of jumping the gun and assuming the worst, which we want to avoid in fairness to all parties, including the Governor.

Drug Distributors and J.&J. Reach $26 Billion Deal to End Opioid Lawsuits

The chickens are coming home to roost as another shoe drops for the evil Sackler enablers. $26 Billion more in the pot to pay for their collusion in the deaths of more than 500,000 Americans! Is there any amount of money that is enough? No of course not. But its early in the process of settling this score and many more shoes to drop! And it does contribute to making the point!

Drug Distributors and J.&J. Reach $26 Billion Deal to End Opioid Lawsuits

The agreement would allow funds to begin flowing from the companies to states and communities to pay for addiction and prevention services.

Jury Awards $125 Million After Walmart Fires Woman With Down Syndrome

its a good example of how the Principle of nature and physics, that What Goes Around Comes Around, works. The story is further illustration that it (the principle) applies equally to single individuals, groups of people, companies large and small, governments and countries. In this case it is a huge company like Walmart stomping on not only an employee in good standing for 16 years, with an exemplary work record and many commendations, but also one with a Down Syndrome disability.

Out of the blue, the company suddenly insisted on changing Marlo Spaeth's work schedule in a way that created hardship and distress for her. When she requested a return to her previous schedule for explainable reasons, Walmart doubled down and fired her. A supervisor took her work vest and escorted her out of the door of the store where she had worked for those16 years. Very callous and downright mean, right?.

Drake Bell Given Two Years of Probation in Child Endangerment Case

Drake must have felt a sense of empowerment, the big star over the impressionable fan. It's been called intoxicating and at the right time and place, with the right profile of a fan it might indeed have been just a "good time!”

But when that person turned out to be a minor it was a whole other ballgame and now Drake is someone who has been charged with the felony of attempted child endangerment. It lead to a plea deal including financial penalties, probation with various conditions for a minimum of two years and registration as a sex offender!

Have to ask though as we always should, is it possible its not so black and white? Were there mitigating circumstances? Had Drake himself been a victim of child abuse? Was this a one-off mistake or just one of a series? Does it indicate a much deeper problem and need for help, but with the proviso to also keep him away from other potential victims?

A deeper analysis might answer those questions and let us have a dose of sympathy. But in the end, sympathy or not, he made the choices! He lured her in! He pounced!

There’s at least one thing we can be pretty sure he didn’t have, which is the insight that whether there seems to be someone watching or not, that there IS something taking note.That something is the universal Law of Cause & Effect which explains every action/reaction in the physical universe and nature, but also applies to all human thoughts, words and actions and their consequences.

In our time and culture, the common vernacular for this principle in action is the expression "What Goes Around Comes Around.” Most of us use those words, perhaps many times, but only when describing someone else’s misfortune. We didn’t understand at first, but when the facts came out we could see why it happened!

However another truth is that, what is so easy to see in others can be so hard to see in ourselves. Unfortunately for Drake, he didn’t either! If he’d only read the book I wrote with that title he might not be in this fix!

The former star of the Nickelodeon series “Drake & Josh” had pleaded guilty to two charges related to a girl he met online. She attended one of his concerts in 2017.

15 States Reach a Deal With Purdue Pharma

And so it starts to take shape. The result that is, of the Sackler family’s many year effort to enrich themselves by defrauding the medical establishment and American public about their product’s extremely addictive nature. It has led to enormous pain and suffering of victims and their familes and the deaths of more than 500,000 Americans and counting.

The opening salvo, described by nature’s most basic principle, The Law of Cause & Effect and it’s contemporary expression, “What Goes Around Comes Around,” is this $4.5 billion settlement with 15 states. It began with an offer from the family for $3 billion and includes no protection for family members from criminal prosecution. Hurray!

In human terms it has taken many years and incredible work and coordination by multiple prosecutors to bring this about. It seemed like the family’s villainous genius and enormous resources might fend off retribution forever. 

But NO! It has just begun and will be concluded in just the right proportion! It’s how it goes. It is the law! It is as Emerson said, “The bloom is already in the seed and will appear!"

15 States Reach a Deal With Purdue Pharma, Advancing a $4.5 Billion Opioids Settlement

The states, including Massachusetts and New York, agreed to drop opposition to the bankruptcy organization plan of the company, the maker of OxyContin.

Johnson & Johnson to Pay New York State $230 Million to settle one Opioid Case

The Law of Cause & Effect, the fundamental principle of nature and physics, also referred to by the term of art - "What Goes Around Comes Around" can be observed in the lives of individuals, groups of individuals including families, tribes, companies, religious orders, governments, entire countries and other.

As it relates to the Opioid misery the U.S. has suffered through, many individuals, companies, doctors, pharmacists, politicians, consultants and others have participated in the crisis. which has now lasted for more than 20 years and claimed the lives of more than 800,000 Americans, a number that is still climbing and will for some time. 

At the center of the slime is the Sackler family, perpetrators of the worst drug crisis to ever test the resolve of law enforcement and millions of families who have witnessed the raging effects of opioid addiction first hand.

Canada’s Nightmare!

You know, there’s an  expression that when a like-minded group of people join forces for a common goal, the power of their effort is multiplied many times over. Now we know, horrifyingly, that one of those common goals was the ethnic cleansing of Canads’s indigenous people. Yes, that saying works both ways, good and bad. It is expressed in many of mankind’s greatest achievements, but also in the lowest of it's low.

She Fell Nearly 2 Miles, and Walked Away

I have to share this story because it is such an incredible tale. I’m so blown away by it that I’m not even sure how to make a point about it. Maybe, that because of her experience she decided to devote her life to a cause near & dear to her heart and to the planet. Anyway, even if I’m stretching…ya gotta read this and take away whatever it speaks to for you!! She Fell Nearly 2 Miles, and Walked Away

She Fell Nearly 2 Miles, and Walked Away

At 17, biologist Juliane Diller was the sole survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon. Fifty years later she still runs Panguana, a research station founded by her parents in Peru.

Lifelong Exercise Adds Up to Big Health Care Savings

Now we actually have $ signs attached to the law of physics that “What Goes Around Comes Around” and how it plays out from a health standpoint, in dollars and cents! No longer is it just a “sense!” Heck, we all kind of know that regular exercise is “a good thing” and that we should do “more" of it. It is the rare person who does "too much" of it, that’s for sure! It is something I do think about and what gets me on my bike to ride from my house to traverse the Queensboro - 59th Street Bridge from Astoria into Manhattan. Then ride from there, over 61st St to enter Central Park across from the Plaza and begin the loop around the entire park, including the killer hills at the top, which I’m never quite sure I’ll make, but somehow manage to.

Two Montana Sweethearts Fatally Shot in 1956 and The Case Just Got Solved

This story presents a vexing question that has been raised many times about whether it is really true that, “What Goes Around Comes Around.” Specifically, what about if the bad person dies before they get caught, or the truth comes out? Good question right? 

In this case, two Montana sweethearts were fatally shot in 1956. The killer was never identified and repeated attempts to reopen the investigation turned cold. That is until the case was recently solved with genetic genealogy, using DNA from a sperm sample found at the crime scene and preserved all these years. The Cascade County Sheriff’s Office said it appeared to be the oldest homicide case in the United States to be solved with genetic genealogy.

So even though killer Kenneth Gould was cremated in 2008, he still could not escape his unmaking these 65 years after the fact, as the murderer and rapist he was.

But does this story either confirm or not, that What Goes Around Comes Around? 

We know from the article  that after the killings he left the area and never returned even to visit family. We know that his own three children participated in the investigation by contributing their DNA to help the families of the victims finally get clarity about what happened. 

But did Gould himself have consequences during the remainder of his life? I’d say yes, that at the very least his life was drastically altered. He was most likely, always looking over his shoulder and wondering when the knock on the door, or battering of the door, or announcement on a loud speaker that his house was surrounded and he should come out with hands raised, or arrest walking down the street would happen! 

But do I know for sure? Perhaps his three children will shed light on that. I am hopeful that more will be revealed about this person as the case is studied. We’ll see.

A High School Senior Won a $40k Scholarship and Then She Gave It Up

Here’s a feel-good story about a young woman making thoughtful decisions and planting very good seeds in her garden of life! It reminds of the Robert Louis Stevens' quote: “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.”

Growing up we hear these kinds of thoughts, particularly from parents or grandparents trying to impart good lessons to their offspring, even if their own lives don’t reflect it. They heard them as well as children and know they’re correct, but something keeps them from over-coming those things that come up to challenge us. They hope their children will rise to it, even where they, perhaps, did not. That is, to plant Tulip, and Petunia and other beautiful flower seeds in their garden of life, rather than the strangulating weeds and thorns that so many of us doom ourselves to experience, from the decisions we make.

Wherever we come out on the scale, we hope our children do better and that we live to see the fruits in our lifetime. With this one action, we kind of know that this young lady is on a good path, toward a garden of magnificent blossoms!

The Troubling Fourth Act of Bill Gates

Sooner or later, truth speaks for itself. Obviously there was more human foible there than met the eye at first blush. It is often that case, particularly for the more brilliant among us and a common malady we all suffer to a greater or lesser degree. Considering our common humanity, would that we could keep it on the “lessor!” Nothing personal Bill. Just trying to be helpful to as many as possible. Perhaps the light's finding of its way to you, will provide the service of helping some others to understand. There’s much there that is good. God speed on your recovery.

Former Mets Manager Placed on Baseball’s Ineligible List

Oh Mickey, oh Mickey. I mean I get it. Everyone is human and everyone has their challenges in dealing with their particular brand of insecurity or self-esteem issues that may cause painful consequences, or whatever brings about regrettable thoughts, words and actions. The thing in a case like this, is to be aware enough to grasp that what was considered normal or at least tolerable in the past, may no longer be so and then to have the self-control to adjust. There is no human on earth who has not ever fallen prey to lower instincts, desires and motivations.

The Crime Of The Century

"The Crime Of The Century” is certainly an appropriate title and there’s definitely an abundance of head-scratchers here about how such a travesty could still be going on, even as the opioid epidemic smashes through the 450,000 American deaths statistic. How far & how high that number goes nobody knows. Just that it does continue in spite of more than 15,000 lawsuits and multiple State Attorney General’s trying to bring them down and seize their vast fortune for at least some recompense to victims and their families. One can only conclude that as evil as it is, this family is also imbued with a genius rarely ever seen. 

Hurt by Losses, Credit Suisse Faces Reckoning Under New Chairman

In the case of the multiple mis-adventures described in this article, the global investment banking giant Credit Suisse, is now facing a reckoning with a new Chairman anointed to change a culture gone awry.Unlike the case of Wells Fargo, which perpetrated a coordinated, company-wide scam on their older customers, this case seems to be one of multiple individuals and departments operating independently and without coordination in duplicity. Time will tell us more, buy newly hired Antonio Horta-Osario, the former Chief of Lloyds Banking Group certainly has his work cut out for him. The enormous losses already suffered, indicates a corporate culture in bad need of a new perspective on “How Life REALLY Works!”  I’d also suggest in all due modesty, that they could use a few hundred copies of this book! Anyone know this fellow Antonio?

Roberto Alomar Is Removed From Baseball’s Present, if Not Its Past

Roberto Alomar was a dominating baseball player who made the All-Star Team twelve years in a row. Unfortunately for Roberto and what might have been a great legacy for future generations of Alomar's, he took that to mean that he was also free to violate Major League Baseball policy and engage in sexual misconduct. How many times have we witnessed stories like this across many parts of life? People who misinterpret their powers in some skill or art form or business and what it means about their right and ability to intimidate and illegally or unethically bend others to their will. As in others, we see in Roberto that greatness in one narrow area of life does not imply equal greatness in others. In Roberto’s case, we failed to teach him properly that "What Goes Around Comes Around," no matter how many hits or stollen bases someone achieves on the field.

An Evil Man Died and Victims’ Animosity Toward Madoff Outlives Him

The last word on Madoff - “What Goes Around Comes Around!"‘ An Evil Man Died’: Victims’ Animosity Toward Madoff Outlives Him. For many of the victims of Bernard L. Madoff’s enormous Ponzi scheme, his death on Wednesday did not assuage their bitterness.

Book by Officer Who Shot Breonna Taylor Is a New Test for Publishers

Book by Officer Who Shot Breonna Taylor Is a New Test for Publishers

Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, one of the officers involved in the fatal shooting, has a book deal with a small press, but its distributor, Simon & Schuster, in an unusual move, said it won’t ship it.

Empire of Pain, the American Dynasty Behind OxyContin

This article is about “Empire In Pain,” a new book on the Sackler family and their OxyContin driven, opioid crisis. It provides a look into how far back the treachery of the family goes, clearly the most villainous force in American medical history. How can it be that one family in broad daylight, could be responsible for the deaths of more than 450,000 Americans, with not one of them spending a day behind bars? Empire of Pain, the American Dynasty Behind OxyContin

Criminal genius and the resources to even enlist McKinsey, the top consulting firm in the world to assist in their scheming is the answer. But the worm is now turning. Thousands of cases are filed and Patrick Radden Keefe’s revealing new book will help it along.

Bernard Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Dead at 82

Bernard Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Dead at 82

He’s gone but won’t soon be forgotten. In his case, however, the memory will not likely soften. He had begged to be released due to his terminal illness, but the response was, “No dice Bernie.”

Now to his many victims the rejoinder will most likely be, “Rest in misery you bastard!”

Some may say he got off easily by dying only 12 years after his conviction and sentencing of 150 years. They’d have preferred him to live into his 90’s, the higher the better. But then no person could know what misery he lived with from the many close calls he survived in his deception, or how it felt to have to admit to his wife and sons what a fraud he was, or the death of both his sons shortly thereafter.

Whatever the case may be, the thorns he felt at the end were in the very seeds he planted. However, in a sign of the magnitude of his devious charm and intelligence, he was able to hold off the harvest for

a very long time. But "The Rule” is, the longer one is able to evade the light, the deeper the pit they dig for themselves when it finally reveals them. In Bernie's case, the pit had no bottom!

So long Bernie. You’ll likely be a long-term, case study for majors in criminal justice, but you won’t be missed!

Bernard Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82. His enormous fraud left behind a devastating human toll and paper losses totaling $64.8 billion.
SEC Accuses Actor of $690 Million Fraud Based on Fake Netflix Deal

Bernard Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Dead at 82

He’s gone but won’t soon be forgotten. In his case, however, the memory will not likely soften. He had begged to be released due to his terminal illness, but the response was, “No dice Bernie.”

Now to his many victims the rejoinder will most likely be, “Rest in misery you bastard!”

Some may say he got off easily by dying only 12 years after his conviction and sentencing of 150 years. They’d have preferred him to live into his 90’s, the higher the better. But then no person could know what misery he lived with from the many close calls he survived in his deception, or how it felt to have to admit to his wife and sons what a fraud he was, or the death of both his sons shortly thereafter.

Whatever the case may be, the thorns he felt at the end were in the very seeds he planted. However, in a sign of the magnitude of his devious charm and intelligence, he was able to hold off the harvest for

a very long time. But "The Rule” is, the longer one is able to evade the light, the deeper the pit they dig for themselves when it finally reveals them. In Bernie's case, the pit had no bottom!

SEC Accuses Actor of $690 Million Fraud Based on Fake Netflix Deal

So rather than being scared off by Bernie Madoff’s sentence to spend the rest of his life behind bars, this fellow decided that he had better way to take people’s money. And now we have a candidate who truly fits the description of a “Bad Actor,” even though we’re stretching it a bit in this case, as he was actually an actor! Its somewhat incomprehensible how he thought he could ultimately get away with such a scam and in the short run, collecting such a hefty amount he must have felt it was working. Well, now he finds out.

SEC Accuses Actor of $690 Million Fraud Based on Fake Netflix Deal

Zachary Horwitz never made it big on the Sunset Strip -- there was the uncredited part in Brad Pitt’s “Fury” and a host of roles in low-budget thrillers and horror flicks. But federal charges suggest he had acting talent, duping several financial firms out of hundreds of millions of dollars and enabling him to live the Hollywood dream after all.

Investment Firm’s Collapse Put Unseen Risks on Full Display

Shades of: The Financial Crisis Revisited…or... A cautionary tale about how the use of “shady” financial instruments called “swaps,”  can camouflage the true exposure/risk/leverage that large investors are able to take, and the resulting catastrophe they can cause.

To use them at all at a time like this, when stock market valuations are at all-time highs, is unconscionable and risky beyond description. Oh well…a lesson learned at great cost...once again!  Investment Firm’s Collapse Put Unseen Risks on Full Display

Investment Firm’s Collapse Put Unseen Risks on Full Display

Archegos Capital Management’s use of swaps helped conceal its exposure to huge blocks of shares but showed once again how lightly regulated derivatives can shake the financial system.

Judge Rejects Ghislaine Maxwell’s $28.5 Million Bail Proposal

Judge Rejects Ghislaine Maxwell’s $28.5 Million Bail Proposal

Ghislaine Maxwell was finally arrested and imprisoned in July 2020, following her years of grooming young girls for Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual abuse. Her bail request was denied at year-end and when she walks into the courtroom in July 2021 when her trial is scheduled, she will already have been in prison for a year. How many will follow we’ll only know when the jury’s deliberations are complete, but from what’s known so far it is likely to be a substantial number. From what’s been revealed, she was at his side as "chief procurement of young girls director” for a long time. Did it never occur to her to run as fast and as far away from him as possible? Hard to know, but not hard to see that the garden of life she planted for herself as part of the Epstein villainy is now over-run with very large thorns. Perhaps she thought that the $millions she accumulated from Epstein and offered for bail would always be enough to give her shelter. Oops!

Judge Rejects Ghislaine Maxwell’s $28.5 Million Bail Proposal

How Crying on TikTok Sells Books

The latest craze for selling books.

How Crying on TikTok Sells Books - “BookTok” videos are starting to influence publishers and best-seller lists, and the verklempt readers behind them are just as surprised as everyone else.

Loose Lips Sink Ships

“Loose Lips Sink Ships.” Boy do they ever! It is not for nothing that such kinds of sayings come to be, ie: “Play with fire and you WILL get burned," both subsets of “What Goes Around Comes Around.” 

Observe enough people making abusive, demeaning and thoughtless remarks, just to be crushed by the aftermath and one would think it would give pause to any adult to do so themselves. But no! Even in relation to such a high profile event as The Olympics and following the resignation of the Tokyo Olympic Committee President Yoshiro Mori after an equally nasty crack, this genius still thought it was a joke he should share with his buddies to get a good laugh! 

So rather than being remembered as the creative genius of the Tokyo Olympics, a title for the ages, he will forever be associated with one word…”Olympig!”

Think anyone observing this debacle has connected the dots? 

Taking Stock of James Levine’s Tarnished Legacy

James Levine…Maestro or Monster? Should have been remembered as the former, but unfortunately will be as a mixed bag.

The recently deceased James Levine was lauded for creating musical masterpieces over a long career and should have been remembered in the same light as Leonard Bernstein and other classical music greats. Instead that legacy will forever be overshadowed by allegations that he used his position and power as a platform to exercise his penchant for sexual abuse and harassment. He must have been certain that nobody would dare to reveal him. Oh, shades of Harvey, Andrew, etc, etc.

How far down is down for Andrew Cuomo and did he grope her?

Aide Says Cuomo Groped Her as New Details of Account Emerge

How far down is down for Andrew Cuomo? The thorns from the seeds he planted in his garden of life are now appearing big time. “Oh no, not another one," he gasps!” Yes, another accuser and this time its unwanted groping. This is what happens when “the pigeons come home to roost.” And why are there such expressions? This one and others such as “You made your bed and now you have to lie in it!” They are “folksy” versions of the same idea, that “What Goes Around Comes Around.” Yes, the results of the seeds that Andrew planted are guaranteed to be appropriate, ie: nasty for nasty! He is certainly finding that out now.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo characterized the new allegations as “gut-wrenching,” but insisted that he has “never done anything like this.”

They Spent 24 Years Behind Bars. Then the Call Fell Apart

It raises the question of whether the death sentence for murder should still be a conviction option in this country? That is, with the exception of “Timothy McVie” type convictions where there is zero question of guilt, and even the perpetrator agrees they are guilty? 

In this tale of three men, two twenty year-olds and a thirty-five year-old man with a wife and four children at the time, were convicted of murder and have just been released after serving 24 years of a 50 year sentence. Why you might ask? Because on Friday, a state judge threw out the convictions and admonished Prosecutors for withholding evidence from police investigations that should have been shared with defense attorneys and would have cast serious doubt on the voracity of the charges. Making matters even more egregious, this information has been known for the past year when the men should have been released, but has been sat on by the current District Attorney. It seems that she may have delayed with excuses, because of protecting one of the Prosecutors involved in the original convictions who still works in her office. Justice Zayas who freed the men, called the D.A.’s  position “perplexing,” saying prosecutors had hidden evidence and misrepresented facts. 

The men were jubilant as they reunited with their families. What a monumental tragedy if they’d been sentenced to the death penalty and already been killed?  

Cuomo Aides Rewrote Nursing Home Report to Hide Higher Death Toll

This is one of those, “What Was He Thinking!!!” kinds of articles. Unfortunately for the Governor, it is another in a series of them these past few days highlighting how Andrew has fallen prey to the feeling of invincible stature, that has led to the downfall of many! Think Clinton & Spitzer & Nixon to name just a few. The list is long and instructive. Even with SO MANY examples of why not to do things of the nature they all succumbed to, they go ahead and commit them anyway! I wonder if Andrew is thinking, “Damn, why didn’t my parents teach me that its true!!! What Goes Around COMES Around!
The intervention was the earliest action yet known in an effort by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo that concealed how many nursing home residents died in the pandemic.

Cuomo Is Accused of Sexual Harassment by a 2nd Former Aide

The 25 year-old woman said that when they were alone in his office, Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked if she “had ever been with an older man.”

 Oh golly! Andrew Cuomo, what hath you wrought??? 

You lived through Bill Clinton’s debacle and saw how it destroyed the legacy of his Presidency! What is the first thing that people think about when the subject of Clinton comes up Andrew?  You also saw it play out countless times from Bill Cosby & Harvey Weinstein on…ie: "Older guy using the power of his position, to hit on younger woman!" HELLO!!!

Did that not even cross your mind as you were asking inappropriate questions of this young woman? Did you think you were being so subtle and clever that the innuendo was not so thick you could cut it with a knife? “What ME???”

ANDREW! Finding a new relationship is what friend’s introductions and DATING APPS are for, not innocent assistants, just starting out and trying to get a foot-hold in this world. Good people leave them better off for having been around them! You lost a golden opportunity to do that. 

So now you become the poster boy for that “acid” question…”WHAT WAS HE THINKING???” Not to mention the commentary, “What an A#s H&#e! It may or may not completely blow-up your political career, but it sure won't help! 

Boeing: The Fall of a Titan!

What was once an impeccable giant of American engineering and industrial might has fallen from grace in stunning fashion. The investigations into the two deadly crashes have largely ended, but the scope of the penalties are just beginning to be revealed and the news keeps getting worse!

Boeing 777 Makes an Emergency Landing in Moscow After Engine Warning

Pilots diverted to an airport in Moscow after an indicator warned of a possible engine failure on the airplane, a week after engines failed on two other Boeing jets.

Saudi Crown Prince Is Held Responsible for Khashoggi Killing in US Report

On a level, its pretty cool to know right? I mean it would be preferable that it was not necessary. But seeing that it is necessary, its good to know that even a Crown Prince called MBS is not above the law! No, not the law of Saudi Arabia, or the law of the U.S. What I’m referring to is the universal Law of Cause & Effect, central to the expression we’re familiar with, that “What Goes Around Comes Around.” 

With the release of the intelligence report just issued by the U.S.that spells out MBS’ role in the assassination and dismemberment of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi in riveting detail, MBS long-term prospects to take over from his father as the King, have taken a devastating hit. All those who are sorry about that raise your hands. What! No hands?

Most likely, MBS will have to be replaced in his role as Crown Prince, as others were before he stepped in. The opening salvo was Biden sending a message, by placing his first Saudi diplomatic call as the new U.S. President to the father (the King) rather than MBS. Step two was making the report referred to above, public.

MBS must have thought that he was so clever and powerful as the de-facto Saudi big-cheese , that he could literally get away with murder and send a message to his current or potential detractors. “Dare mess with me huh? What he surely did not figure was that the entire episode, including Khashoggi’s murder and dismemberment would be recorded and captured for posterity or that he would be so clearly implicated for his role.

He and “the powers" thought he could escape from “the light” shinning on him and that nobody would dare attempt to do otherwise. They even sacrificed eight other people to deflect the guilt away from him. 

How sad that Khashoggi thought he was going to the Embassy in Turkey to get a marriage license to wed his sweetheart. Also, that aside from the Saudi dictators he exposed in his journalism, he was broadly admired and revered by many. Very sad indeed. 

However, as night follows day, What Goes Around Comes Around and MBS will pay!

Ravi Zacharias Influential Evangelist Is Accused of Sexual Abuse in Scathing Report

Have we had enough of hearing about the downfall of religious or corporate or political or sports related people with  powerful influence over the lives of others, abusing that position of honor purely for their own gratification? That is one question, The other is, can we see that all of them reflect the important principle of nature and physics that "What Goes Around Comes Around?” Can we really now, finally believe it? Because here’s yet another example!

This one also raises the question of whether or not it matters, if a person who perpetrates some nasty behavior is caught before they die? Its why some people say, “No I don’t really believe it’s true because some people die without ever getting caught! And that may be true, but a quick read of this tale of woe reveals a fake who lived in constant fear of being outed and ruined.

No, he did not escape because he died. Rather, he suffered dearly as his family will continue to do. But imagine if he had used all those communication skills and genius for the RIGHT ends? He might have been awarded a Nobel Prize for his humanity. Instead he goes down in history as a blight and warning of the evil that exists in certain people. 

The really big question is what lesson we take from this, back to our own lives?

An investigation found credible evidence of sexual misconduct spanning many years. Several massage therapists made accusations against Mr. Zacharias, who died last spring.

A Tale of Two Lives reported on the same day!

A Tale of Two Lives reported on the same day!

How is it that two people can attract such different ends? One solves an intractable medical puzzle that will save countless lives. It will earn him the everlasting appreciation and acclaim of his profession not to mention untold numbers of grateful families whose loved ones are spared because of his efforts. The other a Canadian multi-millionaire now at 78 years of age, being held in a Winnipeg, Manitoba jail on charges of Jeffrey Epstein style sex trafficking, racketeering, conspiracy and other crimes involving dozens of women and teenage girls.

Here are their stories. The question to ponder is, how were these outcomes determined? Was it random luck, or the result of a fundamental law of life embodied in the title of the book, finally playing out for these two “What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works?” Is it true or not true? That is the question! I guess you can probably discern my answer. What about you?

~ Rob

McKinsey Settles for $573 Million Over Role in Opioid Crisis

McKinsey Settles for $573 Million Over Role in Opioid Crisis

McKinsey Settles for $573 Million Over Role in Opioid Crisis. The consulting firm has reached the agreement with 47 states because of its advice to drugmakers, including Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer of OxyContin.

Ok, so we now know the initial, cash-out-of-pocket price McKinsey has to pay for their mind-numbing, descent into the gutter of unfathomable deceit, in leading the charge in the name of McKinsey’s vaunted consulting practice, on behalf of one of the most evil families and companies in the history of the world. They contributed directly to the descent into hell and deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Now those “Senior Advisors,” who generated significant fees in glee and joy from their "beloved” firm's even more beloved clients, the sickening Purdue Pharma and the vicious Sackler family, have to face their music from hell.

Will the fine be the end of it for McKinsey and the senior advisors in charge of “the Sackler/Purdue accounts? We’ll see. These kinds of deeply degenerate behavior, funded by vast wealth and equally vicious defense attorneys can drag on for a long time. Most likely though, this fine is just the beginning with a good deal more to follow!” ie: The rule is that the longer it takes to be revealed and get past all the clever distractions, the deeper the pit they dig for themselves. It is a principle of life and nature that we are not properly taught when growing up, but is invaluably to grasp if we wish to live the best possible life.

One could say that proof of the veracity of the title, “What Goes Around Come Around,” has already been achieved by the fine to McKinsey. I’d add however, that it has just begun with other charges hopefully criminal in nature to follow! As Emerson said, “the blossom is in the very seed that is planted.” In this case it was a weed seed of the nastiest possible variety and it is reasonable to expect they will find themselves right square in the middle of a comparably, nasty garden of thorns!

Can a President Govern in Poetry?

All politics aside, now that the dust has at least somewhat settled, there are a couple of observations that are timely. One is that the many struggles suffered by the Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman as a young child (google Amanda Gordon), have forged a lovely and immensely talented young woman with a bright future ahead. 

The other is that, like him or not, after two previously failed attempts at the Presidency, and the level of acrimony just endured, you have to give Biden credit for hanging in during the early days of the primaries and keeping his head up during the ensuing colossal struggles that has led to his current status.

Personally, since it is what it is, I take at least some comfort that after serving in the Senate for more than 30 years and being Vice-President for eight, he should have some idea of how things actually work in his new job. He also already knows many if not all the key world leaders, as well as many of those he has to work with in his new role, in order to effectively lead the U.S. out of the immense mess we now face.

As a person with a one-half Irish background and as you may have surmised, a strong belief that What Goes Around does Come Around, I wish him the very best in what is likely to be his final “round-up” in the “cauldron” he once-again finds himself in. 

However...To succeed, Biden will need hope and history to rhyme…

Ex-Coach Sentenced to 10 Years for Raping Star Skater

So its not just young men or women in the U.S. who come under the influence of powerful and manipulative coaches of football or basketball, gymnastics, figure skating or some other sport. It happens elsewhere as well, with abuse that may go on for years by that coach, or doctor, or other trusted adult. In this case it was South Korea, where to the victim disclosure may seem more painful than the abuse itself. It may provide the perpetrator with a kind of shield and sense of invulnerability from capture which may persist for some period of time. It may even embolden the evil further. It just begs the question, that with so many of these situations having been revealed, with reputations not to mention livelihoods ruined that took years to build, how can someone with this guy’s stature be so mindless to embark on this path in the first place? Do they just think THEY are so masterful and have SUCH skill that THEY ALONE will never be caught?I know one thing for sure! The speed-skating coach in this story either was never effectively taught that What Goes Around Comes Around, or he sure didn’t think it applied to him! He was wrong on both counts!!!Ex-Coach Sentenced to 10 Years for Raping Star SkaterCho Jae-beom, who had been fired from South Korea’s national team, was accused of sexually assaulting a two-time Olympic gold medalist starting when she was 17.

The Hall of Shame Remembered

The list below serves as a reminder of all the self-defeating things people are led to do through ignorance of the most basic of all Laws of Life, that as sure as day follows the night, “What Goes Around Comes Around!” Every one of those listed below or their group (two or more joined in the lowly deed), fell into the trap of thinking that nothing or nobody was watching while they carried out their nefarious actions. It begs the question of what or who failed them and why it is that we don't teach it properly to our children? Could it be that we don’t actually believe those words ourselves? Or do we realize that if we do teach it, then we’ll have to live accordingly ourselves and we’re not so sure we want that, or perhaps not so sure that we can actually live up to it ourselves? Or…while we do use those words when describing someone else’s predicament, do we simply not get how distinctly they also do apply to ourselves? Yes it really is a conundrum! At least we know we’re not alone. In fact this entire list of people, which includes many high-performers, also did not get it. (Let us know if there’s someone else we should add to the list. No politics please)

My Thoughts About the Covid Vaccines

Please read the enclosed article. It is sent to share my thoughts with the best of intentions, because of who you are to me. Of course I am not a doctor, so my opinion about vaccines should be viewed in that context. I have however, had the opportunity to delve into the scientific explanation of many drugs over my Wall St years and am discomforted by Pfizer’s entry.

As a result, although I already qualify to receive Pfizer or Moderna's vaccine, I’m waiting for JNJ's vaccine which I expect to be approved for fast-track status very soon. Of course it assumes approval of their trial results which I expect by month end or shortly thereafter.

My reasons are mostly reflected in this article, but include that JNJ has far more experience with safe and efficacious vaccines and is using a technology that they’ve used multiple times in the past for other viruses. Moreover their monkey and human Phase I & II trial results have been very encouraging with minimal problems.

Contrast that with Pfizer which made a deal with a German company that actually developed what is being called “the Pfizer vaccine," and is using a technology that has never been used before. Plus, I believe I am correct that the German company in question has never produced a successful product until now. In addition, a small but concerning % of people have reported issues.

JNJ Trumps Pfizer in Covid vaccine race

For a number of reasons, including the recent news about people getting the Pfizer vaccine who then get the virus, I am personally skeptical about taking it. This article in the NYTimes, - which sought to explain why its just fine and nothing to worry about, but left me with more questions than answers. 

First off, when we hear about the Pfizer Vaccine it is easy to get the perception that it was developed by the mighty Pfizer with its deep scientific team and know-how. But in fact, PFE had nothing to do with its development. Rather they put up development money for a small German company which consists primarily of one very smart couple who developed the vaccine’s mRNA science, which to the best of my understanding has had minimal success until now. 

Inside TikTok’s First Year-End Music Report

Did you know? As it relates to venues to show off your music, TikTok’s year-end numbers are even bigger than one might expect: Its report says that more than 176 different songs surpassed 1 billion video views, making the platform an indisputably reliable predictor of hits. In fact, the songs featured in its Year On TikTok, Top 100 retrospective, racked up over 50 billion video views on over 125 million home-made videos. Moreover, five of them reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.

A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning

This is a story that all parents should require their kids to read and discuss. It tells the tale of the damage that mindless postings can cause, even years after the deed and is a perfect illustration of the Law of Cause & Effect embodied in the words, What Goes Around Comes Around.Its all about How Life REALLY works.Check the book below for further elaboration.   A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning

A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning

A white high school student withdrew from her chosen college after a three-second video caused an uproar online. The classmate who shared it publicly has no regrets.

~ Rob

The disappointing downfall of Dr. Deborah Birx

Now here is an interesting take on how the law of nature and physics, “What Goes Around Comes Around” plays out. there are subtleties involved but it is clear and we all watched it unfold, why Dr. Fauci has been invited in by Joe Biden and Dr. Birx has not. Its just the way things go down…every time! My wise old Nana used to say, “Well Robin, You made your bed, now you’ll have to lie in it!” Well Debra...

Congress on the brink of major FAA oversight

So, Congress and the Justice Department have finally finished their many, months-long investigation into the Boeing crashes. This article spells out the changes that Congress will insist be implemented going forward to avoid the kind of scheming and criminal negligence that caused all those families to lose their loved ones. But other than being the end of the story, ie: change this, change that and life goes on, it is just the beginning of the misery for those people responsible. Now the fireworks, the criminal charges, the many lawsuits against management and the Board of Directors, can really begin. In fact, with all the deflections to blame anything and anyone other than management and the Board, as advised by Boeing's lawyers to "change the narrative" (most likely the most expensive, corporate defense team ever assembled), the suits could not actually start until now. They needed the proof outlined in this report.

They needed Peter DeFazio, Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation to hold his Congressional hearings where they grilled Boeing Chairman Dennis Muilenburg. They needed the time to interview dozens if not hundreds of people to understand, catalogue and confirm what really happened and why. Now the Justice Department and the lawyers representing the families have all that ammo to go after the bastards. It will still be some number of years before it all sorts out, but don't think it won't. What we know beyond a doubt is that "What Goes Around Comes Around."

The time it takes to come around can be deceptive from case to case depending on the resources, charm, cleverness and intelligence of the offenders (none of whom obviously believed those words applied to them), but at the end of the day, rest assured they will all pay exactly the right price. Note the sad-sack Sackler family and their enablers, the famous McKinsey Consultants as they squirm under the glare. Note the Boy Scouts of America, The Catholic Church, Bernie Madoff, Eliot Spitzer.

It takes however long it takes for reasons difficult at times to discern. But the rule is that the longer that time is, the deeper the pit is dug when the light finally shines on them with no place left to hide. For Boeing's management and Board that calculation is just getting under-way.

Ex-Modeling Agent and Epstein Associate Is Arrested in France

The light shines on yet another Epstein co-conspirator! Jean-Luc probably thought that he was home-free with Epstein gone. But nope! No doubt the anxiety of other participants in Epstein’s crimes has just been ratcheted up a notch, as they wait for that knock on their door. We can’t tell right now how many will be swept up in this. But we do know they are now getting a lesson it is a shame they didn’t learn and take to heart long before. Ex-Modeling Agent and Epstein Associate Is Arrested in France

Ex-Modeling Agent and Epstein Associate Is Arrested in France

Jean-Luc Brunel was arrested at an airport near Paris by French authorities investigating possible sex crimes committed by Jeffrey Epstein and his associates.

Carnegie Hall’s Chairman Robert F Smith at the Abyss

Here’s a particularly intriguing story to contemplate. This gent named Robert F. Smith perpetrated what federal prosecutors call the largest tax evasion case in U.S. history, having “willfully failed to report income of more than $200 million," going back twenty years! What muddies the water is that he is also the Chairman of Carnegie Hall and a major contributor, having given roughly $40 million to Carnegie since 2014! Carnegie Hall's Chairman At the Abyss with Tax Evasion

The operative question is, should he be fired? Plus if not, should he remain Chairman? Complicating matters and judgement, is how difficult it might be to replace him? Hmmm, what should be done here? 

The thing is, he’s already taken a beating. He's been cooperating with the authorities since being defrocked more than four years ago and aside from his fall in the eyes of many, he’s had to pay huge fines and penalties since. Should he get piled on more or had enough? Confusing the picture is that the Carnegie Board fully supports him. They've taken the stance that everyone makes mistakes, but that he's paid the piper and deserves a clean slate.

So what do we think? Is that enough of a price for his transgression or should/will there be more shoes to drop? We don’t know and can only speculate! What we do know, is that twenty years ago he didn’t believe that what goes around comes around. Oh, he said the words, but he certainly didn’t know them for himself! Does he now, or just consider it bad luck? 

How about us? Can we see the connection and how it has played out for him? Personally, I doubt that he would get it. Only time will tell, but I’m hopeful that he and all of us, can take it as an object lesson we can grow from!

Robert F. Smith has acknowledged his involvement in a 15-year scheme to hide more than $200 million in income and evade taxes, but he retains the support of the hall’s board 

More Than 100 Accusers Seek Restitution From Jeffrey Epstein’s Estate

One would hope that these payouts to his victims described in the article will mark the end of the Jeffrey Epstein saga. However, there is still the matter of Ghislaine Maxwell to be settled. In addition, there are likely more waiting for the “other shoe” to drop, about their personal involvement with Epstein’s obsession with underage girls. So unfortunately it may stay with us as an unfolding tale for some time to come. More Than 100 Accusers Seek Restitution From Jeffrey Epstein’s Estate

Obviously all those involved must have felt comfortable that their participation was shielded in some way from future scrutiny. They must not have believed that What Goes Around Comes Around was a law of nature they should consider first. They are learning that now!

McKinsey Apology for Role in OxyContin Sales

So the story unfolds, as the thorn & weed seeds planted by the Sackler Mob and their McKinsey enablers are coming up in their respective gardens of life to strangulate their future and cut off their routes of escape. Its just how it works. What Goes Around Comes Around! None of those involved were ever effectively taught that those words are a law of nature and physics and that there’s no way around them. However, they are learning that now!

McKinsey Issues a Rare Apology for Its Role in OxyContin Sales

The firm faced criticism after a report revealed that consultants had discussed destroying documents related to the opioid business and proposed that a drugmaker pay its distributors rebates for overdoses.

More Than 30 Charged in Scheme to Fix Coast Guard Test Scores

A woman intelligent and smooth enough to get hired by the U.S. Coast Guard as a “credentialing specialist,” ie: the person who signed off on a test called,”Mariners Knowledge and Training to Safely Operate Under the Authority of Licenses,” has been charged with taking bribes.

The result was multiple people getting licensed for important officer-level jobs such as Master, Chief Mate & Chief Engineer. Between co-conspirators and those paying the bribes, 31 defendants face up to five years in prison and fines of $250,000.00.

This woman must have thought she could bring in several of her colleagues and take bribes from multiple people without it ever coming out. Yet even with exposure to all those people she went about charging thousand of dollars and splitting the money with her helpers, to put people in positions they were unqualified for.

The Oxycontin Sackler Plot Thickens and Sickens

See what I mean? This unravelling of efforts to evade penalties for Sackler family/OxyContin treachery and more than 450,000 lives taken, is just getting started. There is no escaping it. They thought they could. They have the best lawyers that money can buy and the top consulting firm in the business! And yet the Sacklers are now firmly headed in the same direction as Madoff and all the ones who cheat, lie and hurt others in the process.

Maybe they thought that with all their resources they could get "home clear" But there is no such thing as “home clear” when ruined lives and tears and literally death are the products of your effort, because as sure as night follows day, What Goes Around Comes Around!

OxyContin Maker Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty in Criminal Case

Its not the first time that guilty parties have seemed to slip away from the jaws of justice. And now we have the evil, Purdue Pharma and the infinitely more evil, Sackler family back in the news about the company’s guilty plea in Federal Court, for its part in the Opioid epidemic that has taken more than 470,000 American lives, but apparently convicts none of the crooks themselves.

Sainted Too Soon Vatican Report Cast John Paul II in Harsh New Light

Oh my! Right on the heels of the truth coming out about Alexander Hamilton’s slave ownership and participation in slave commerce, comes the disturbing story about Pope John Paul II’s fall from grace, as evidence piles up that he persistently turned a blind eye to the crimes of sexual abuse in the Church. More specifically, to his enabling of disgraced former prelate and serial abusing monster, Theodore McCarrick.

Alexander Hamilton: New Research Says He was an Enslaver

The question has lingered around the edges of the pop-culture ascendancy of Alexander Hamilton: Did the 10-dollar founding father, celebrated in the musical “Hamilton” as a “revolutionary manumission abolitionist,” actually own slaves?

Some biographers have gingerly addressed the matter over the years, often in footnotes or passing references. But a new research paper released by the Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site in Albany, N.Y., offers the most ringing case yet.

In the paper, titled “‘As Odious and Immoral a Thing’: Alexander Hamilton’s Hidden History as an Enslaver,” Jessie Serfilippi, a historical interpreter at the mansion, examines letters, account books and other documents. Her conclusion — about Hamilton, and what she suggests is wishful thinking on the part of many of his modern-day admirers — is blunt.

“Not only did Alexander Hamilton enslave people, but his involvement in the institution of slavery was essential to his identity, both personally and professionally,” she writes.

“It is vital,” she adds, “that the myth of Hamilton as ‘the Abolitionist Founding Father’ end.”

This Year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry Honors a Revolution

When Jennifer Doudna was in sixth grade, she came home one day to find that her dad had left a paperback titled “The Double Helix” on her bed. She put it aside, thinking it was one of those detective tales she loved. When she read it on a rainy Saturday, she discovered she was right, in a way. As she sped through the pages, she became enthralled by the intense drama, filled with colorful characters, about ambition and competition in the pursuit of nature’s wonders. Even though her high school counselor told her girls didn’t become scientists, she decided she would.

What Trump’s Positive Coronavirus Test Means for the Presidential Campaign

If this isn’t the mother of all examples that “What Goes Around Comes Around,”  then may I pass out right now on the spot! But now that I mention it, there are other very good examples and we have been discussing them in our blog postings for some time. However, this is in a very regrettable way, a remarkable turn of events.

Of course, our hearts go out to the President's family and we wish him, the First Lady and Hope Hicks a speedy recovery. Its just that having written a book as I have titled “What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide to How Life REALLY Works,” whether Republican or Democrat (in truth I am an Independent, having never registered for either party) this is a rather unbelievable example of the Law of Cause & Effect (the fundamental law of physics and human experience) playing out, though the timing is rarely this distinguishable.

S&P Index Manager Charged With Insider Trading Scheme

Could it be true that after all the arrests, fines, ruined careers and incarcerations resulting from the insider trading scandals of a few years ago, not to mention the advanced technology and systems in place to identify any perpetrator foolish enough to still think they can get away with it, that someone would think THEY had the fool-proof system that WOULD work?

Its another case of folks who really should have read THE book. Unfortunately nobody grabbed them by the lapels or throat and insisted that they sit down and read it NOW, before they had a chance to also ruin their lives. 

My goal is to get the book I was gifted with writing in as many hands as possible, to prevent people from these kinds of mindless mistakes that destroy lives and hurt loved ones by explaining why the words in the title are true and a law of nature and physics and how it works. 

If you have anyone who you want to start or stay on the right track and save from the possibility of going off the cliff like these folks did, please get a copy to them asap!

An index manager of S&P Global Inc. was charged on Tuesday with being part of an insider-trading scheme that netted more than $900,000 in illegal profits by trading hours ahead of public announcements that companies would be added or removed from a popular stock market index.

Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli Get Prison in College Admissions Case

The “College Admissions Scandal” is back, as Lori Laughlin and husband Massimo Giannulli return to the headlines about their respective prison sentences. It is instructive in that it has taken this long to get the official word, which is just part of the confusion as to whether it is true that “What Goes Around Comes Around,” and whether it also applies to each of us.

Even though we see it in others, as we clearly can now do in this case, we may still not apply it to our own words and actions. In so doing we may say thoughtless words or commit regrettable actions ourselves, that tear down rather than build up the quality of our respective lives. 

New York Has Tamed the Virus. Can It Hold Off a Second Wave?

It is much easier these days to find examples about how “What Goes Around…” does indeed “Come Around,” from the negative side of the ledger. So it is with pleasure that I’m able to throw in this prime example of how the “law” works both ways. Add the fact that I am a New York City resident and have seen Covis-19’s nasty impact up close and personal on multiple levels, including the suffering of family members and friends.

In addition, I’ve witnessed and participated in the mass exodus out of Manhattan bound for other parts and the deterioration of life in what was one of the world’s most vibrant centers of business and the arts.

But I have also been profoundly proud of how seriously New Yorkers have bitten the bullet and adhered to the basics. Out walking on the street you see 90% of people wearing a mask and exercising social distancing. In a very real sense it has been a vast example of doing the right thing.

The result is aptly depicted in this article. However, as it says, “now is now.” It remains to be seen what six and twelve months down the road will teach us. So far, every time the pressure is lifted the virus reasserts and teaches us that it’s just lying in the shadows waiting for us to lower our guard. How long will that go on? We don’t know! What we do know is that What Goes Around Comes Around and right now, in NYC, we’re seeing the plus side of that rule.

New York Has Tamed the Virus. Can It Hold Off a Second Wave?

The sustained low rate of infection has surprised local health officials. But a resurgence may be inevitable, despite the state’s and city’s best efforts.
That, of course, was before streaming services arrived, upending everything with a ruthless logic and coldhearted efficiency.

That was never more clear than on Aug. 7, when WarnerMedia abruptly eliminated the jobs of hundreds of employees, emptying the executive suite at the once-great studio that built Hollywood, and is now the subsidiary of AT&T. In a series of brisk video calls, executives who imagined they were studio eminences were reminded that they work — or used to work — at the video division of a phone company. The chairman of WarnerMedia Entertainment, Bob Greenblatt, learned that he’d been fired the morning of the day the news broke, two people he spoke to told me. Jeffrey Schlesinger, a 37-year company veteran who ran the lucrative international licensing business, complained to friends that he had less than an hour’s notice, two other people told me.

The Week Old Hollywood Finally Actually Died

For decades, the best thing about being a Hollywood executive, really, was how you got fired. Studio executives would be gradually, gently, even lovingly, nudged aside, given months to shape their own narratives and find new work, or even promoted. When Amy Pascal was pushed out of Sony Pictures in 2015, she got an exit package and production deal worth a reported $40 million. The Week 

That, of course, was before streaming services arrived, upending everything with a ruthless logic and coldhearted efficiency.

That was never more clear than on Aug. 7, when WarnerMedia abruptly eliminated the jobs of hundreds of employees, emptying the executive suite at the once-great studio that built Hollywood, and is now the subsidiary of AT&T. In a series of brisk video calls, executives who imagined they were studio eminences were reminded that they work — or used to work — at the video division of a phone company. The chairman of WarnerMedia Entertainment, Bob Greenblatt, learned that he’d been fired the morning of the day the news broke, two people he spoke to told me. Jeffrey Schlesinger, a 37-year company veteran who ran the lucrative international licensing business, complained to friends that he had less than an hour’s notice, two other people told me.

The Virus Turns Midtown Into a Ghost Town Causing an Economic Crisis

Editors and account managers at the Time & Life Building in Midtown Manhattan could once walk out through the modernist lobby and into a thriving ecosystem that existed in support of the offices above. They could shop for designer shirts or shoes, slide into a steakhouse corner booth for lunch and then return to their desks without ever crossing the street. The Virus Turns Midtown Into a Ghost Town Causing an Economic Crisis

To approach this block today is like visiting a relative in the hospital. The building, rebranded a few years ago and renovated to fit 8,000 workers, now has just 500 a day showing up. The steakhouse dining rooms are dark.

On a sidewalk once lined with food carts, a lone hot-dog vendor stood one recent Friday on a corner below the building. His name is Ahmed Ahmed, and he said he used to sell 400 hot dogs a day.

How many now? “Maybe 10.”

The Sad Sacklers Are Back In the News

There is a concern, as expressed in this OP-ED article in the NY Times, that the villainous Sackler family who owns Purdue Pharma, maker of the OxyCotin pain-killer that was responsible for the opioid epidemic in America and the deaths of more than 200,000 people, may slither their way out from under the retribution they so richly deserve, via a bankruptcy proceeding that will allow the family  to retain the vast majority of their fortune beyond their multi-$billion offer of settlement. 

Rob Davis and Help for Children

Some information about Rob, the philanthropy he established in 1998 "Help For Children / Hedge Funds Care,” and more.

What began as a single event in NYC is now an international organization with chapters in twelve cities and six countries, which Rob continues to serve as Chairman Emeritus. He is grateful beyond description to his industry friends and colleagues who have joined together these past twenty plus years to donate more than $50million, through more than 1,000 grants, to save countless children and families from the trauma of abuse.

Police the Good and the Bad

Oh my gosh, it is so interesting how this all works! This NY Times article tells such a story! Its the explanation of how a police officer who has been on the Force for years could find himself so mesmerized and blinded by his stature as a senior law enforcement official, endowed with protection by the brotherhood of the force itself and the Union that represents it, that he could keep his knee in another man’s neck until that man was dead.

Lionhearted Girl Bikes Dad Across India Inspiring a Nation

The purpose of this blog is to explore real-life events that prove the truth of the title of this book. To do so we often use stories about bad people doing bad things that are eventually revealed and punished. How great it is, to have the pleasure of referring to a different kind of story to make the same point.

It is about an incredible act of courage and sheer determination that has just unfolded in India. That is, about a fifteen year-old girl named Jyoti Kumari, who was concerned about her injured and marooned Dad. He was in bad shape due to a work injury and the coronavirus shut-down of the country. Jyoti, determined to get him home, travelled 700 miles to find him. She then purchased a $20.00 bike and rode it all the way back home, with him perched on the back!

Boeing’s Problems Predate the Virus. Should the U.S. Come to Its Rescue?

So Boeing, which was $380/share when we started writing about the fraud-ridden, 737 Max debacle that drove the stock to break $100/share on 3/16/20, has now recovered to $145/share based on the hope that a very large sum of new government capital to fight the effects off the coronavirus will soon land in their bank account courtesy of Donald J.Trump.

The World of Books Braces for a Newly Ominous Future

In these isolated times, many people are inside reading, but the book business, like others, is bracing for catastrophe. Major literary festivals and fairs around the world have been canceled. Public libraries have closed. Author tours, signings and bookstore appearances have been scrapped.

Ex Priest in France Is Convicted of Abusing Dozens of Scouts

So the Catholic Church in France is now absorbing blows of compensation for their crimes of sexually abusing children and the culture of silence and cover-up about abuse allegations over a long period of time. In this case it is the conviction many years later of a French Priest named Bernard Preynat who committed many sexual abuse crimes and had seemed to have slipped from the noose of justice. 

Coronavirus Swamps Local Health Departments

Many state and municipal health departments saw budget and staffing cuts a decade ago that were never restored.

Now we are learning that the Principle of Life embodied in the words, “What Goes Around Comes Around” operates the same way for countries as it does for individuals and companies. Budget cuts for public health staffing and infrastructure over the past decades, at the same time as countless $billions have been wasted in mindless wars, has left the U.S. in woeful condition to confront and get ahead of the coronavirus outbreak.

Weinstein Sentencing Note

So in the end, Harvey Weinstein did indeed get what was coming to him and the rest of his life will be very different from what’s come before. Ralph Waldo Emerson, perhaps America’s greatest philosopher likened a person's thoughts words and actions to seeds they planted in their garden of life that would, in their own time blossom into experiences in kind. “However,” he allowed, “it may take a long time for the bloom or thorn to appear.” Why that is the case and why the explanation evaded Emerson is a discussion for another day.

The Emotional Wreckage of a Deadly Boeing Crash

They have to pay, these lying bastards from Boeing and the FAA. I’ve heard that the Justice Department’s criminal investigation is at the stage of presenting people who they’ve concluded need to be subpoenaed, to a Grand Jury. What fines, penalties and charges  are in the end assessed remains to be seen. However, Volkswagen ended up with $30Billion in fines and people went to prison for their emission scandal... and nobody died.

One year after a second 737 Max jet went down, the victims’ families press on in memory of their loved ones. “They were an extraordinary group of people.”

~ Rob

The Harvey Weinstein Verdict Is a Watershed and a Warning

What can be said? These photos speak volumes though I can’t help but wonder what his demeanor would have been, if he’d been cleared of all charges and allowed to walk away? Would he have been a much more, spry 67 year-old, even skip out of that courtroom while giving everyone left behind the finger! That was the concern and more, the fear that after all this, all that’s happened in the #MeToo movement, it would be back to square one! 

The Price of Wells Fargo’s Fake Account Scandal Grows by $3 Billion

And so, finally an end comes to the nefarious “Fake Account & Bogus Charges: case of consumer fraud perpetrated by a broad swath of Wells Fargo employees from the top down, all acting in concert to defraud their customers and enrich themselves for at least 14 years.

Boeing Employees Mocked FAA and Clowns Who Designed 737 Max

Not good ! The company expressed regret at the embarrassing communications it sent to investigators on Thursday, which included a comment that “this airplane is designed by clowns, who are in turn supervised by monkeys.”  Boeing Employees Mocked FAA and Clowns Who Designed 737 Max

~ Rob
Presumably with the approval of the F.A.A., the board has chosen two of the ultimate insiders, David Calhoun and Larry Kellner both who have been Board members and close Muilenburg associates for more than ten years, to manage the company going forward.

Boy Scouts of America Is Sued Over Sexual Abuse Allegations

We don’t know exactly why the stigma of sexual abuse, or abuse of any kind has such a long grip on those who are the victims and ravaged by the effect. We have sort of learned that the pain can last for the rest of however long a lifetime continues, felt as intensely with each thought of it, as if it happened yesterday. 

Chanticleer Review of What Goes Around

“What Goes Around Comes Around – A Guide to How Life REALLY Works” achieves its highest 5 Star Rating! The author's philosophy as expressed, makes effective use of humor, humility, and logic! Drawing insight from personal parables, Davis has constructed a manual of straightforward and sensible life skills designed for those who genuinely want “What Goes Around Comes Around” to yield the most positive, possible outcomes!

The Boeing story just got worse

The Boeing Board of Directors, facing a class-action lawsuit from the families of the Boeing crash victims, and under scrutiny by way of the Justice Department’s ongoing criminal investigation, just chose a classic “Circle The Wagons" strategy to manage the mess bequeathed to them by Dennis Muilenburg.

Presumably with the approval of the F.A.A., the board has chosen two of the ultimate insiders, David Calhoun and Larry Kellner both who have been Board members and close Muilenburg associates for more than ten years, to manage the company going forward.

Justice Department’s criminal investigation of Boeing moves along

In his Essay on Compensation, Ralph Waldo Emerson said that the result of any action is already in the seed of whatever thought, word or action that we plant in our garden of life, but that the blossom of the seed may take a very long time to show up. It raises a central question that adherents of every major world religion and philosophy seek the answer to. Why do some people seem to get their retribution quickly while others appear to escape discovery and payback way longer, or even completely!

Walls Closing in on Boeing

In what may well go down as the biggest tragedy of American corporate history, Boeing and its management team are sliding off the cliff from what little credibility they have left, into the abyss of ignominy and very possibly criminal charges leading to massive fines, and a thorough cleaning of house. Moreover, while it is too early to know for sure, incarceration for the leading players in what was most likely a fraudulent certification of the 737 Max that ultimately lead to the death of 346 people cannot be ruled out for individuals at both Boeing and the F.A.A.!

Russia’s Doping Violations Are Cheating Its Own Athletes

Oh boy! Now we have a whole country out to prove the value of reading my book, “What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works, about why the words in the title, that we’ve all said many times, are indeed true!

Thank you Vlad! You’ve done me a solid!

Now what you need to do is take steps to obfuscate and deflect the guilt from you just wanting those darn gold medals so badly! Heck Vlad, you know that a Russian could never, "straight up,” beat an American!

Listen, we know its tough to take and we sympathize, even though the sympathy is for the athletes, not you! They train their butts off and could at least win some silver and bronze. But no! Thanks to you they can’t even get into the playground!

Boeing Directors Sued Over Missed Warning Signs on 737 Max 8

The Boeing facade just took a direct hit from the filing of the first shareholder lawsuit against the Board of Directors, for failing to provide proper oversight to the development and commercial launch of the 737Max.

Of course they have the best Officer and Director’s liability insurance that money can buy to protect themselves personally. But if charges emerge from the Justice Department criminal investigation still underway, “Katie Bar the Door!”

With the balance sheet being gutted by the day, still no timetable for the re-launch of the Max and a growing possibility that it may never do so, who knows whether that insurance will do the job.

Prince Andrew Talks About His Ties to Jeffrey Epstein and Britain Is Appalled

Don’t you think that Prince Andrew wishes someone had taken the time when he was a wee lad to explain that “What Goes Around” does indeed “Come Around!” Apparently he had no idea - thought he was above the need for such awareness - was a Royal - was born into some kind of divine protection from the basic "Law Of Cause & Effect" that all nature including humans, is subject to!

Look! Its not something we are taught about in school. We hear all these platitudes in church or from our Granny, but we shrug them off. They are too “out there!” We don’t know how to get our arms around conceptual notions like “As You Sow So Shall You Reap,” or this era’s version and the title of the book, “What Goes Around Comes Around - A Guide To How Life REALLY Works.” We hear and say those very words many times in our lives about the plight of “OTHER” people, but rarely apply it to ourselves.

How many times has Prince Andrew said those words? Now they’re being said about him! Are the people saying them in reference to him considering the kind of seed they are planting in their own garden of life by letting those words come out of their mouth?

FAA Chief Urges Employees to Resist Pressure to End Max’s Grounding

The F.A.A.'s New Chief Urges Employees to Resist Pressure to End Max’s Grounding.  His video message acknowledged “a lot of pressure to return this aircraft to service” but told workers to “focus solely on safety.”

It's about time! The F.A.A. has a new chief in Stephen Dickson and he’s not wasting any time in establishing that this F.A.A. is no longer the “Boeing F.A.A. of the past. He just sent this message to his team making it clear that things have changed and all decisions going forward have to be based solely on safety with no consideration to the marketing, production and revenue ramp-up schedules of the manufacturers they regulate. Their only responsibility he stresses is to the flying public who count on the F.A.A. to protect their safe passage.

Scientists Declare A Climate Emergency Warn Of Untold Human Suffering

The law of life expressed in the common vernacular by the term, “What Goes A round Comes Around,” operates on many levels to define the human experience and as we are witnessing, the global state of being as well.
The saving grace is that behavior on the individual, the collective and even the global levels can be adjusted, even reversed, creating a new path forward. The question always, is will the adjustment happen.
Surely nothing could be more important to the entire human race than the recognition by 11,000 scientists noted in this HuffPost article of the dire position the earth has been placed in by the actions of humans and the denial of responsibility by them.
But as our children tell us with increasing urgency, it starts with us!

~ Rob

OK Boomer Marks the End of Friendly Generational Relations

We have talked about how the concept of, “What Goes Around Comes Around” plays out on multiple levels. For example, we all say those words about individuals we see going through something they brought on themselves through their choices. How its painfully obvious when we see it unfold in someone else’s life, but oh so difficult to see in ourselves.

The effects get magnified even further when it becomes a joint effort of collusion on the part of multiple people working together for some nasty purpose, a partnership for evil with the intelligence & cleverness of brains working together to multiply the spoils and avoid detection. In such cases the scheme may go on much longer than would otherwise be the case, for which Enron, or Volkswagen, or Wells Fargo would be prime examples, with the Catholic Church and Sackler Family vying for the “All-Time Evil Award!”.

But this story is about how ...

More Parents Plead Guilty in College Admissions Scandal

And just when we thought we’d heard the last of the sad-sack parents caught cheating to get their kids into elite colleges…Nope! There’s more!  Another wave of them – three dozen more caught in USC’s “fine-tooth” investigation of their student body, their follow-up to the initial revelations. These are all people who have said the words “What Goes Around Comes Around” dozens if not hundreds of times in their lifetime…always about other people. Sound familiar? Yea, we all do it. The question is, why does it take something like this happening to drive it home that the same principles apply to all of us. It is why I wrote my book, very uncreatively named, “What Goes Around Comes Around – A Guide To How Life REALLY Works,” (see what I mean:) found on Amazon or .

The question is, why does it take something like this happening to drive home that it is a law of life and applies to all of us. We hear it constantly, in many ways growing up. Every Grandmother has her version. Mine was, “You made your bed young man, now you’ll have to lie in it!” Another was, “Don’t touch that fire or you’ll get burned!” Then of course, “You WILL reap what you sow!” It took me years to figure out that meant planting seeds rather than fixing a tear in my shirt or pants :)

These folks are getting a good dose of it, completely self-inflicted. Writing my book, very un-creatively named, “What Goes Around Comes Around – A Guide To How Life REALLY Works,” is my contribution to trying help others avoid the need to go through what they’re now facing

Stunning messages from 2016 deepen Boeings MAX crisis

Yes, it is true that “What Goes Around Comes Around,” and the hardships that Boeing’s people and the Company itself are going through, are both totally self-inflicted and a great example of why having a thorough understanding of this Life-Principle is so important. What’s more conditions for BA et al are about to get worse as the extent of Boeing management’s lies and culpability come more sharply into focus. The “Breaking News” report below says it all.
However, to add some perspective, Volkswagen’s little excursion into deceit ended up costing the company several prison sentences plus $30Billion in fines. But as nasty as it was and as full of (#^>&%) that Volkswagen management was, nobody that we know of died. Likewise, in this case it would not be a surprise to see more onerous repercussions.
In the end, it is a matter of physics. Some intelligence in life observes what goes down and responds in equal measure! Is there any person on earth who actually knows? Someone who can explain what or who came up with and figured out how to deliver the appropriate payback, good or bad or in-between? Nope! But is it actually true? Yup!

Tentative deal reached with Purdue Pharma

The tragedy of a deal like the one being offered (i.e. Tentative deal reached with Purdue Pharma) by the Sacklers is that the family has long since transferred much of its interests to an entity named Rhodes Pharmaceuticals in Coventry, RI. Rhodes was set up in 2007 to sell generic opioids and provide a potential refuge for family interests. Rhodes in turn has made distributions to The Rosebay Medical Company and the Beacon Company owned by trusts set up for the Sackler. As Purdue has faded Rhodes has grown. Also that Forbes estimates the families fortune to exceed $13 billion.

Still you ask, "Why do some people who do bad things, seem to never get caught and punished like they deserve?”

The Boeing Big Conundrum as the Max 737 Crisis Unfolds

This is about the case of the Boeing big conundrum as the Max 737 crisis unfolds and why did two brand new jetliners crash, killing all passengers and crew?  It is an extremely disturbing situation, and unfortunately has the potential to be an American tragedy of unprecedented corporate corruption and malfeasance! Thankfully, the one thing we can be pretty sure of is that the truth WILL come out! In fact, as we speak:

Epilogue for the Jeffrey Epstein Fiasco

Oh Jeffrey, Jeffrey! Can you hear me crying out from wherever you are? I want to know! Did you read my “Game, Set & Match” blog post and let it upset you this much? Did you become distraught at the realization I pointed out that the Jig was up?
But its so, not nice of you to leave this entire mess to Ghislaine Maxwell to explain. Who else could and /or would?

Game Set and Match for Jeffrey Epstein

Much will be written about Jeffrey Epstein’s transgressions against young girls over the coming months, including where his wealth came from, how he escaped from prior charges in 2008, and more. However this note is not about any of those things. it is only about the following:

The Boeing 737 Max Crisis Is a Leadership Failure

That the article, The Boeing 737 Max Crisis Is a Leadership Failure, was written by two former members of the “watchdog," National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is significant. Their comments should bring scant comfort to CEO Dennis Muilenburg and even less to senior FAA officials, who in a “foxes guarding the henhouse“ scenario, seem to have largely abrogated their responsibility as watchdogs of our aviation safety.

Jeffrey Epstein Gets Schooled by Ralph Waldo Emerson

How can one be alive and breathing and not be appalled, shocked, angered, saddened, and concerned about what happens next that will hopefully assure this villain never again sets foot outside of prison walls?

We know now that the authorities had him in 2007. We also know that following a discreet breakfast meeting between Epstein’s attorney Jay Lefkowitz and then Miami’s top federal prosecutor, Alexander Acosta, also President Trump’s just departed Secretary of Labor,

EURO Regulators Take the Ball from the FAA in Accessing Boeing

Now that EURO Regulators have taken the Ball from the FAA in Accessing Boeing, the Boeing saga gets worse as EASA completes its broad  scale, independent assessment of Boeing’s 737 MAX family of jet airliners.

The Good People of the Greenwich House

I’ve been writing a lot about the evil perpetrations of this disastrous Pope and the astounding criminality he presides over and the Sackler family, villainous perpetrators of more deaths wreaked by the opioid crisis than all who died in the Vietnam War and the lying murderers of Boeing’s management, responsible for the 346 deaths of those aboard their two crashed flights.
And thankfully they don’t tell the whole story anyway, as there are also countless people like the author of the letter below, Roy Leavitt. He is the long-time Executive Director of Greenwich House, the West Village Community Center in NYC  that offers services for people in need throughout the community.

Catholic Church Spending Millions

The Catholic Church has been spending millions of Dollars to Stop legislation Helping Victims.  We know without question that "What Goes Around Comes Around.” There’s even  a new book out there explaining it all (Amazon) The very tricky part is getting arms around how some villains seem to get away with their evil doings for a long time or seemingly forever, before getting caught. When Emerson wrote about it a century ago in his "Essay on Compensation,” he said the outcome is in the seed (thought,word, action) when its planted and will be there when it blooms. He then added that it could take a long time, even many years for that bloom to appear. He might have embellished on what might happen when the perpetrator is not an individual, but rather an institutionalized effort of many in league.