What Goes Around Shop

A successful guide that uses anecdotes to reveal powerful truths about life.

  Kirkus Reviewshat Goes Around Shop

I’ve read a number of books that focus on a similar message; “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, and I find  Rob’s to be my favorite.

 ~ Sheryl Woodhouse

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What Goes Around Shop

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Rob’s  Story Behind the Story – As a young elementary school teacher, I saw the effects of child abuse on some of my nine and ten year-old students and got personally involved in correcting the situation. Later in the business world I started www.HFC.com, a non-profit with the mission of preventing child abuse and providing treatment to those who had been victimized. One of my first actions was to forge an agreement with the Columbia University School of Social Work, to partner with HFC in determining which programs should receive grants and then to evaluate the effectiveness if each grant, to measure results. Since those first formative days more than 1,000 grants have been made to organizations devoted to saving children from the trauma of abuse, in financial communities throughout the US and five other countries in a global force for good.

Now, some twenty-years plus later, having gained insights about abusers that apply to all evil doers and the large and small mistakes that people make, I have written this book. It is intended to awaken the reader to a “truth” that has been taught throughout the ages but remains as camouflaged from clear vision now, as it has always been. As you’ll note, the current vernacular to describe what has been referred to as karma and other terms and also the words in this title, “What Goes Around Comes Around,” are familiar to most people. You may even have used them yourself, perhaps on multiple occasions. What has been revealed, is that they are primarily employed by people when pointing out the folly of some other person, but rarely considered about one’s own, ie: “What is so easy to see in others is so hard to see in ourselves!” 

The reason is that we’re not properly taught as children why the title is not only true, but an actual law of nature and the mechanics of how it plays out in our lives. That is not too surprising as there are very few teachers, who themselves are equipped to do so. This book is a start in the direction of correcting that deficit and now that you’re reading this, it begins with you 

I’m told the magic is in the stories, which cause readers to self-reflect about their own lives, the positives and what they could have done better. I hope you will find some of that magic too!Rob has spent many years in the study of comparative religion, philosophy, metaphysics and science of mind. Some time ago, he began to write stories about people he knew, who he thought illustrated the results of both constructive and destructive choices made. Over the years the collection of tales grew and the concepts he came to  understand evolved and deepened. “What Goes Around Comes Around – A Guide To How Life REALLY Works” is the result so far! 

Rob is a great-grandfather, has enjoyed a Wall Street career, is the Founder of Help For Children/Hedge Funds Care – HFC.org, a marathoner plus competitor of multiple sports, a singer/songwriter/performer, motivational speaker and author.

Rob’s  Story Behind the Story – As a young elementary school teacher, I saw the effects of child abuse on some of my nine and ten year-old students and got personally involved in correcting the situation. Later in the business world I started www.HFC.com, a non-profit with the mission of preventing child abuse and providing treatment to those who had been victimized. One of my first actions was to forge an agreement with the Columbia University School of Social Work, to partner with HFC in determining which programs should receive grants and then to evaluate the effectiveness if each grant, to measure results. Since those first formative days more than 1,000 grants have been made to organizations devoted to saving children from the trauma of abuse, in financial communities throughout the US and five other countries in a global force for good.

Now, some twenty-years plus later, having gained insights about abusers that apply to all evil doers and the large and small mistakes that people make, I have written this book. It is intended to awaken the reader to a “truth” that has been taught throughout the ages but remains as camouflaged from clear vision now, as it has always been. As you’ll note, the current vernacular to describe what has been referred to as karma and other terms and also the words in this title, “What Goes Around Comes Around,” are familiar to most people. You may even have used them yourself, perhaps on multiple occasions. What has been revealed, is that they are primarily employed by people when pointing out the folly of some other person, but rarely considered about one’s own, ie: “What is so easy to see in others is so hard to see in ourselves!” 

The reason is that we’re not properly taught as children why the title is not only true, but an actual law of nature and the mechanics of how it plays out in our lives. That is not too surprising as there are very few teachers, who themselves are equipped to do so. This book is a start in the direction of correcting that deficit and now that you’re reading this, it begins with you 

I’m told the magic is in the stories, which cause readers to self-reflect about their own lives, the positives and what they could have done better. I hope you will find some of that magic too!Rob has spent many years in the study of comparative religion, philosophy, metaphysics and science of mind. Some time ago, he began to write stories about people he knew, who he thought illustrated the results of both constructive and destructive choices made. Over the years the collection of tales grew and the concepts he came to  understand evolved and deepened. “What Goes Around Comes Around – A Guide To How Life REALLY Works” is the result so far! 

Rob is a great-grandfather, has enjoyed a Wall Street career, is the Founder of Help For Children/Hedge Funds Care – HFC.org, a marathoner plus competitor of multiple sports, a singer/songwriter/performer, motivational speaker and author.