Did Eliot believe that "What Goes Around Comes Around" is true?

On March 10, 2008 it was revealed in the New York Times that Eliot had been caught ,through wire taps, arranging to spend the night with a high-priced prostitute at a Washington, DC, hotel. Further, that because he had paid for her to travel across state lines, the charges could be very serious. The investigation also showed that it was far from being a one-time event. We have all heard so many fall-from-grace stories over past years, that to some degree, we’ve become numb to the shock. Even so, Eliot’s was a stunner! A guy, who as the top cop in NYC had pursued and prosecuted crimes of all sorts, including prostitution, was now on the other side.

Overnight, he went from sitting Governor and possible future Presidential contender, to laughing stock, forced to resign, broadly reviled, and with little hope to recover. On countless occasions he was also the cause of some person, knowingly and dramatically, reciting the title of this book, while in the process of excoriating Eliot.  But why so harsh?

The answer can be found in Rob’s book, “What Goes Around Comes Around.” It involves a  personal experience Rob had with Eliot, which he has never revealed until now. At the time he felt it would just be gratuitous piling on,

On March 10, 2008 it was revealed in the New York Times that Eliot had been caught, through wire taps, arranging to spend the night with a high-priced prostitute at a Washington, DC, hotel. Further, that because he had paid for her to travel across state lines, the charges could be very serious. The investigation also showed that it was far from being a one-time event. We have all heard so many fall-from-grace stories over past years, that to some degree, we’ve become numb to the shock. Even so, Eliot’s was a stunner! A guy, who as the top cop in NYC had pursued and prosecuted crimes of all sorts, including prostitution, was now on the other side.

Overnight, he went from sitting Governor and possible future Presidential contender, to laughing stock, forced to resign, broadly reviled, and with little hope to recover. On countless occasions he was also the cause of some person, knowingly and dramatically, reciting the title of this book, while in the process of excoriating Eliot. ! But why so harsh?

The answer can be found in Rob’s book, “What Goes Around Comes Around.” It involves a  personal experience Rob had with Eliot, which he has never revealed until now. At the time he felt it would just be gratuitous piling on, and cause further unnecessary pain to Eliot’s family. But now, all these years later and given the purpose of this book, it is an important and true story from Rob’s life that must be shared. It alone, is worth many multiples of the price of the book or Kindle version.

Look for the book on Amazon – click books – enter the title – click on the cover – page down to see the reviews or add one – select book for kindle – most important of all,  Peace and blessings in ’19, best wishes on your journey, and may this shed some light!

Please click on the button below to purchase your copy of either the soft trade paperback or the Kindle version – best wishes on your journey, and may this shed some light!

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Eliot Spitzer and Wife (photo by NY Daily News)
Eliot Spitzer and Wife (photo by NY Daily News)