The Parents in the Middle of FTX’s Collapse

In the American banking/brokerage system, investors assets are segregated from those of their custodians. That is the case, so that if the custodian has problems or goes under, the investor’s assets cannot be touched for legal expenses or any other kind of expense and are eventually returned to their owner. However, that was not the case in Cripto-Land, which luckily, except for a token toe in the water, kept me away. For those not so lucky, the path forward is likely to be rough at best.

Distressing beyond belief, however, is that this Bankman-Fried yokel even brought his parents, unsuspectingly (I think) into his deception. But why? Two respected Professors from Stanford University, forever now famous for their son’s fraud and possibly their role in it, whether wittingly or unwhittingly. Whichever way that goes, there won’t be much holiday cheer in that household this year.

It all boggles the mind, but not the understanding that “The Law of Cause & Effect,” obviously now in motion, will do it’s thing and provide just the right results for all the actors, including these and others we haven’t met yet. I expect we’ll be watching it unwind and unfold for a while. Just another example that “What Goes Around Comes Around,” also the title of my book on Amazon & Audible.

Find Rob’s book & ebook “What Goes Around Comes Around – A Guide To How Life REALLY Works” at  Amazon or Audible
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A stable, nonpreachy, objective voice makes the book stand apart from others in the genre. A successful guide that uses anecdotes of real human experiences to reveal powerful truths about life.

Sam Bankman-Fried’s Parents Were There for FTX’s Rise, and Now Its Fall

Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, both professors at Stanford Law, have remained in the Bahamas with their son since his firm’s collapse

Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested: What’s Next for FTX Congressional Hearing

Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas on Monday, a day before he was expected to testify on the sudden collapse of FTX before the House Committee on Financial Services. WSJ’s Alexander Saeedy explains what to expect during the hearing. Illustration: Jacob Reynolds

Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of the collapsed exchange FTX, always stood apart from other cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, and it wasn’t for his baggy shorts or taste in videogames.

Both his parents, as Mr. Bankman-Fried would note in meetings with Washington policy makers, are professors at Stanford Law School. Their reputations were a credential to their son as he grew his crypto empire, even to those inclined to see little value in the industry.

FTX failed last month, brought down after revelations that it used customer funds to prop up a sister trading firm. The company is in bankruptcy proceedings. Regulators and prosecutors are investigating. Customers don’t know if they will ever get their money back. And now Mr. Bankman-Fried has been arrested in the Bahamas.


Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried remained by Mr. Bankman-Fried’s side—as legal advisers, one person familiar with the matter said, but mainly as parents to a son who is in deep trouble.

Before FTX’s collapse, Mr. Bankman was a paid employee of the company for almost a year. He joined his son in meetings with Washington policy makers, expanded its philanthropic endeavors and helped connect his son to at least one major investor. And when Mr. Bankman and Ms. Fried visited their son in the Bahamas, where FTX is based, the company provided a place for them to stay.

They have been in the Bahamas with their son for more than a month, as the company’s problems have cascaded. They have told friends that their son’s legal bills will likely wipe them out financially.

“We hope this gives us some wisdom,” Mr. Bankman said recently, according to people close to him. “Otherwise, it would be too hard to take.”

Where Did the Missing Money Go? Sam Bankman-Fried Says He Can Only Guess

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried sat down with The Wall Street Journal to discuss what happened to the billions of dollars deposited by the exchange’s customers. This interview has been edited for length. Photo: Kenny Wassus/The Wall Street Journal

A spokeswoman for Mr. Bankman and Ms. Fried wouldn’t comment on whether they are giving their son legal advice. Their friends, some of them legal scholars themselves, have said Mr. Bankman-Fried’s frequent media appearances are a mistake that could put him deeper in legal jeopardy.

“They want him to protect himself, and he won’t,” said Larry Kramer, a former dean at Stanford Law and longtime family friend. “They’ve decided, ‘We’re not going to fight with our son.’

Mr. Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas after the United States filed criminal charges, the Office of the Attorney General of the Bahamas said on Monday.

U.S. authorities are likely to request Mr. Bankman-Fried’s extradition, the Bahamas attorney said. The U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York said late Monday the government expects to unseal on Tuesday an indictment filed against Mr. Bankman-Fried.

On an FTX podcast in August, Mr. Bankman confirmed that he had become increasingly involved with FTX’s philanthropy over the past year. One project was figuring out how to get bank accounts and crypto wallets to unbanked Americans, he said.

Mr. Bankman said on the podcast that he started working with his son at Sam’s request.

“I think any parent would love to hear that,” Mr. Bankman said then.

Mr. Bankman helped his son find outside counsel for his crypto-trading venture, Alameda Research, in 2017, the year Alameda started, according to a person familiar with the matter.

There was certainly a need.

“I mean the company didn’t have any lawyers,” Mr. Bankman said in the August podcast. “So I think my utility there was pretty obvious.”

Mr. Bankman later served as a paid employee of FTX for 11 months, primarily focused on its charity efforts, the spokeswoman said. Ms. Fried wasn’t involved in the company, the spokeswoman said.

Sam Bankman-Fried has made frequent media appearances.PHOTO: KENNY WASSUS/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

Mr. Bankman-Fried visited Washington often to lobby for the crypto industry. On several occasions, Mr. Bankman joined his son and his team for meetings with policy makers and other officials, people familiar with the matter said. Mr. Bankman didn’t contribute during the meetings, one former FTX executive said, but the team found his insights helpful.

Last year, Mr. Bankman spoke to Orlando Bravo, the private-equity titan. Mr. Bravo had been Mr. Bankman’s law student and the two remained friends. Mr. Bravo was interested in investing in FTX and Mr. Bankman helped connect him to his son, people familiar with the matter said. The discussions were reported previously by the Financial Times.

Mr. Bravo’s firm, Thoma Bravo LP, would later invest $130 million in the upstart exchange.

In the Bahamas, FTX spent millions of dollars on housing for employees in exclusive beachside developments, The Wall Street Journal previously reported. FTX also bought a home that Mr. Bankman and Ms. Fried frequently occupied.

Reuters reported that Mr. Bankman and Ms. Fried were listed as signatories on one home in Old Fort Bay, a gated community.

“Joe and Barbara never intended to and never believed they had any beneficial or economic ownership in the house,” their spokeswoman said. “Over the summer, they requested FTX counsel and outside counsel take steps to clarify the company’s beneficial ownership of the house.”

They are no longer staying at the house, the spokeswoman added.

The new FTX chief executive and board, who are seeing the company through its bankruptcy, are trying to reclaim FTX assets to return money to stakeholders.

Sunday dinners

Ms. Fried and Mr. Bankman met in the late 1980s, when they were both teaching at Stanford.

On campus, colleagues said, they would lend behind-the-scenes support in intradepartmental squabbles. Students, some of whom have gone on to become federal judges, Silicon Valley bosses and billionaire investors, repeatedly voted them their favorite teachers.

Ms. Fried co-founded a super PAC known as Mind the Gap, which aims to use statistical analysis to help determine which Democratic candidates to support financially. She has resigned as chairwoman, her spokeswoman said.

Mr. Bankman has pushed for a system where the government would perform the role of tax preparer for American workers. Tax preparers lobbied against it. He poured $35,000 of his own money into counter-lobbying in California.

“He said, ‘Look, Jay, I could remodel my kitchen, or I can do this on behalf of taxpayers,’” said Jay Soled, a professor at Rutgers Business School who has known Mr. Bankman for about 20 years.

Friends and colleagues said Mr. Bankman, who is also a clinical psychologist by training, abhors conflict. When discussions at the Bankman-Frieds’ Sunday dinner parties turned contentious, Mr. Bankman on occasion would step out of the room, friends said.

“Joe likes people and wants people to be comfortable,” Mr. Kramer said.

Ms. Fried and Mr. Bankman raised their two sons on the Stanford campus, near a student house known for its vegan food and nude parties.

Ms. Fried and Mr. Bankman often spoke to their young sons as if they were adults and encouraged others to do the same, friends and colleagues said. While many of the other children would leave the table at the Sunday dinner parties to watch TV in another room, Sam and his younger brother, Gabe, usually stayed with the adults.

“As a kid I would talk, I think, as much with adults as I would with kids,” Mr. Bankman-Fried said in a recent interview with the Journal. “It was somewhat academic of an upbringing, but also somewhat relaxed.”

Matt Nass, whose father was also a Stanford professor, was a childhood friend of Sam’s. When Mr. Nass’s father died suddenly in 2013, Ms. Fried and Mr. Bankman offered him a place to stay. He lived with them for several years.

“From then forward,” Mr. Nass said, “I thought of them as parents.”

Several of Ms. Fried and Mr. Bankman’s friends said they rarely drew attention to their sons’ achievements.

“I literally had no idea about anything until [I saw] a big profile on Sam calling him the king of crypto,” said John Donohue, another Stanford Law professor.

FTX’s troubles, and Mr. Bankman-Fried’s central role, have reverberated through faculty lounges across the country. Last month, Stanford colleagues bristled when Bill Maher took aim at Mr. Bankman and Ms. Fried during a segment on his HBO show.

Mr. Maher noted essays by Ms. Fried that seem to categorize personal responsibility and blame as outdated. “You were raised wrong,” the comedian said, punctuating with a profanity.

FTX collapses

In early November, as FTX’s problems spilled into the open, clients raced to pull their money from the struggling firm. Mr. Bankman-Fried told his parents that his businesses were in trouble.

Mr. Bankman phoned an old friend, David Mills, another Stanford Law professor who specializes in criminal defense: There was a run on his son’s firm, Mr. Bankman told him.

A few days later, Mr. Mills could see the writing on the wall for FTX and Mr. Bankman-Fried’s future. He called Mr. Bankman. “Sam needs lawyers, and desperately,” Mr. Mills told him, according to people familiar with the conversation.

Mr. Mills agreed to serve as a consultant to Mr. Bankman-Fried’s legal team, the people said.

As FTX’s future hung in the balance, Mr. Bankman tried to remain upbeat with his son and others at the firm, people familiar with the matter said.

When an FTX executive spoke to Mr. Bankman on Nov. 9 about whether Binance, FTX’s big rival, would proceed with its plan to bail out his son’s exchange, Mr. Bankman remained hopeful.

Later that day, Binance said it wouldn’t acquire FTX after all, citing issues “beyond our control or ability to help.”

That week, other members of the legal team asked Mr. Bankman to try to persuade his son to step down as CEO. Mr. Bankman-Fried resigned on Friday, Nov. 11, and FTX filed for bankruptcy.

Many FTX employees have since left the Bahamas. Mr. Bankman and Ms. Fried remain.

Mr. Bankman’s law class that was supposed to start in January has been postponed until the spring. Ms. Fried, who retired in September, hadn’t planned to teach this year. Their spokeswoman said she looks forward to teaching again in the future.

Miriam Gottfried and Alexander Osipovich contributed to this article.

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“I’ve read a number of books that focus on sharing a similar message, including “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, “The Answer” by John Assaraf & Murray Smith, “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield, “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill, and I must say that I find Rob’s to be my favorite. – Sheryl Woodhouse, founder of Livelihood Matters LLC

The Parents in the Middle of FTX’s Collapse

The Parents in the Middle of FTX’s Collapse

…And here is a genuine story about how even minimal effort to bring comfort to another human can result in outsized and wonderful results. How different the world might seem to many if that kind of true effort actually ran wild! It is a thought worth considering. It is also a siren call to each of us!

New research shows small gestures matter even more than we may think.

I wonder about when this train actually went off the rail and Balwani and Holmes both knew it. It reminds me somewhat of Bernie Madoff’s $20 Billion deception in that if Bernie had fessed up when his performance first went south and he tried to cover it up, only to make it worse, he might largely have been forgiven and returned to his original trading business. But he just couldn’t do that and as time went on…well we know the result.

Was there a similar trajectory for this pair? A time when they looked at each other and said, “Uh oh!” Not that it matters really. Somewhere along the way they knew what was going down and kept it going for as long as they could. Now have to face the music as eventually, always is the case. It is simply “The Law of Cause and Effect” unfolding. Hopefully for them there will be less tragic endings than Bernie. It depends on how they handle what they have wrought! We’ll see.