How Boeing CEO’s Catastrophic Reign Could Become Criminal

Actually, what is emerging now is just the tip of the iceberg, of the most significant fraud in American corporate history! In fact, the soon to be removed CEO Calhoun, is just one of the gang of thieves. They enormously enriched themselves at the cost of Boeing’s once pristine and well earned reputation as America’s greatest company! Then there are the wholly unnecessary deaths of the 346 passengers of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian…

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Neil Goldschmidt Portland Mayor Who Abused Teenager Dies at 83

Another sad story about someone who could have been remembered for all the good things he did. Instead, however, he’ll forever be known as someone who took advantage of his position to abuse and ruin the life of an innocent young girl. He must have thought that he was surrounded by a protective force of some kind because of his celebrity. It is a common trait of abusers. They are always mistaken. What is never wrong is “The Law of Cause &…

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Paul Pressler Disgraced Christian Conservative Leader Dies at 94

The first thing I thought when I saw this was, “how must this obituary headline make his family, siblings, children, grandchildren feel? Did he ever consider that as he was sexually abusing people? I guess not! People who sexually abuse others seem to have the common characteristic of believing that their actions are sufficiently hidden from view to avoid being nailed. That they are too smart & clever to be caught. Actually, the unfortunate…

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What Have We Liberals Done to the West Coast

Looks like its just a matter of time before Senator Bob Menendez will run out of maneuvers to avoid "the Light of Truth" finding him in the shadows and revealing the truth. He's been going from shadow to shadow to hide from it for a while now.

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Sean Combs Charged with Sex Trafficking

For quite a while Sean Combs was on an upward trajectory, eventually reaching the pinnacle of a large and profitable business. How he got there was not a mystery. He did because of his talent, intelligence, charm and ability to make positive, creative choices that benefited all involved. Somewhere along the way those choices shifted, and his current downward spiral appears headed for oblivion! What happened and can he recapture the persona of…

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Nine People Arrested in $14.5 Million Gold Heist

It makes you wonder, right? What must have these nine people have been thinking, in order for them to take part in this fiasco?  Was it that there's safety in numbers? Or that's its a once in a lifetime opportunity for riches, so therefore worth taking the risk of spending a good part of the rest of your life in prison? Who knows!  The only certainty now is that their lives and the lives of those closest to them, have changed in the worst…

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How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Sentence Compares With Other White-Collar Cases

This is a big one, ie: example of "the law" unfolding. He's only 31years old and already Sam Bankman-Fried is on trial for one of the most outrageous and costly frauds ever witnessed, with billions of investor funds up in smoke. Think Madoff for the size and devastation. But Madoff was by far the more-clever fraudster, largely by virtue of keeping his circle of conspirators extremely small.  In this case, all three of Bank-man Fried's "close…

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Charlie Hustle

While reading this story, I could almost picture Pete Rose, super-star of my "Babe Ruth League" baseball youth, like it was yesterday. There he’d be arguing with the Ump, or exasperating the other team by digging out an extra base that nobody else would even try! In other words pure fun to watch and a good reason why his nickname was "Charlie Hustle!” That he ultimately became a victim of his own rebellious nature, as every baseball fan of a…

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Mississippi ‘Goon Squad’ Police

This article reminds me of stories about gangs of white boys from all-white neighborhoods carrying baseball bats and going hunting to find black kids to beat the crap out of. That didn't happen in my town, which was racially diverse from kindergarten on up. The cops in this story were just older and poorly educated versions, who'd replaced their bats with billy clubs & were still looking for black heads to smash! They planted their seeds. Now…

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Robs Blog

Robs Blog

This blog is where I express things going on around me that confirm my belief that “What Goes Around Comes Around,” the title of my book!  We all use those words in observation of others but may not, possibly to our misfortune, apply them to ourselves. Please let me know if you see what I see, or it’s just me battling windmills.

Robs Blog

Robs Blog