Ex-Officer Testifies Against His Former Colleagues in Tyre Nichols’s Death

"Omerta!" The code of silence/ agreement among criminals, to avoid interference with the illegal activities of others! Particularly insidious when practiced by the very police officers we trust with carrying out our laws of the land. And yet apparently, many officers do live by that secret pact, ie: "I won't tell on you when you break the rules of good policing if you don't tell on me!!!"  It is akin to a deadly disease attacking our…

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Norfolk Southern Fires C.E.O. After Ethics Investigation

There are a couple of fascinating things about this stunning example of how true it is that "What Goes Around Comes Around!" To begin with this guy had worked at the company for 30 years, so he obviously knew the corporate rules of ethics and behavior, particularly the one against personal relationships among employees. Then to exacerbate the matter to certain calamity, the pair would travel together to various events that other execs were also…

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Peter Nygard, Former Fashion Mogul, Is Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison

He was convicted in Toronto of sexually assaulting four women in his company’s headquarters and also faces trials in Montreal, Winnipeg and New York.  He was a fashion industry star and got away with his crimes for a long time. But the way the rules of life, otherwise known as "The Law of Cause & Effect" work, is that the longer the offender gets away with their nasty behavior, the deeper the pit they dig for themselves when the truth finally…

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NASA Extends Boeing Starliner Astronauts’ Space Station Stay to 2025

Aha!!! More evidence of Boeing management's decline from the teams that built America's greatest manufacturing company and largest exporter, to the incompetence and benign neglect of more recent ones, that took root well before the crashes and has continuously been revealed since. Where once those management teams were all about attention to detail and excellence, the recent versions have stressed maximizing profits and the stock price, to…

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George Santos Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud and Identity Theft

Has it ever not been obvious that it was just a matter of time before George Santos got served his rightful medicine? Of course it is the same for us all, but George takes the cake for being the most obviously deserving that any of us have seen for a long time!  The same is true for all of us, as far as being deserving of our rightful medicine. Hopefully the rest of us realize the metaphor he represents and determine to stay on the right side of…

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Justice Thomas Failed to Reveal More Private Flights

Is it true that where there's smoke, there's fire? Looks like we are in the process of finding out in the case of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' intransience. Yes, it is true that these Judges exist within an invisible cloak, which largely protects them from the scrutiny of their behavior.  But it is also presumed that these Judges are people of honor who make required disclosures honestly and in a timely manner. That may now be…

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He Took His 68-Year-Old Secret to Court and Finally Confronted His Ghost

Robin Davis spent a long career in finance and philanthropy, haunted by what had happened to him as a boy. Could an unusual trial on Long Island help him find peace?

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California education official embezzled over $16 million

Isn’t it true that they do come in all sizes and shapes?  This gent thought he had a fool-proof way to take a good position in a school district for disadvantaged children and turn it into a cash-flow machine for his bank account. Moreover, he got away with his deception for 7 years. However, he missed the fact that there is a Law that applies here, ie:  “The longer someone gets away with duplicitous & evil behavior, the deeper the pit they fall…

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What a Professor’s Firing Shows About Sexual Harassment in China

It seems it is no less true in China than here! The word “Karma,” "The Law of Cause & Effect,” and the meaning behind the popular expression, “What Goes Around Comes Around,” all of which mean the same thing, is alive and well in Beijing. Of course different cultures have different ways of dealing with such behavior, but eventually every action creates a reaction. Moreover, it looks like the professor in this case has “made his bed,” and soon…

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Robs Blog

Robs Blog

This blog is where I express things going on around me that confirm my belief that “What Goes Around Comes Around,” the title of my book!  We all use those words in observation of others but may not, possibly to our misfortune, apply them to ourselves. Please let me know if you see what I see, or it’s just me battling windmills.

Robs Blog

Robs Blog