January 19, 2025
Chinas Population Declines for 3rd Straight Year
This example of a global, principle of physics playing out before our eyes is a stunning reminder that "The Law of Cause & Effect” plays out whether it is about an individual, a family or group of individuals working together, a religion, a company or even in this case, a country! It describes how after years of treating women like third or fourth class citizens, the country is now facing a declining population, as women rebel against Marriage…
December 20, 2024
Bank of America Flagged Suspicious Payments to Epstein Only After He Died
Wow, another article about Jeffrey Epstein and a major bank, although this time it is Bank of America that is in the cross hairs of the regulators, rather than JP Morgan Chase! Otherwise, it's pretty much the same story, and it just won't go away. And this time the reference is to the "hundreds" of girls he abused. So is it true that "What Goes Around Comes Around." Certainly, there was a time when someone who knew Epstein would have used him…
December 12, 2024
Eyes Not Tech Led Police to Suspect in CEO Killing
What is the message here? It is to understand that if you want to protest something you think is unfair, then by all means pursue legal methods to get your satisfaction. Unfortunately for Luigi Mangione and his family, Luigi's frustration took over and he recklessly blundered in the worst possible way. Will his action alone change the health-care trajectory he railed against, as opposed to other directions he could have taken? We won't find that…
November 15, 2024
A Former Harrods Employee Accuses Al-Fayed of Trafficking
And now the cover gets blown off of the story about London's version of Harvey Weinstein. Eventually the truth comes out and the price is paid due to the inescapable fact that "What Goes Around Comes Around!" The price will be exactly what is appropriate for the offense(s). Moreover, all responsible will be revealed and remembered in the proper context, for who they REALLY were! In a U.S. court filing, a former employee says she was trafficked,…
November 14, 2024
Who Might Be the Next Archbishop of Canterbury
Well, well! Looks like the Church of England has the same disease as the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America! Namely, the abuse of children! It seems that the current Archbishop named Rev. Justin Welby failed to properly investigate claims of abuse of boys at Christian summer camps, perpetrated by a former evangelical leader named John Smyth. What is that about Rev Welby? Could it be that you were both in the same boat, so to speak?…
October 11, 2024
TD Bank Pleads Guilty and Pays $3 Billion to Settle Money Laundering Case
It was not that long ago that we witnessed the venerable Wells Fargo having to face the music for incredibly despicable practices, especially aimed at the oldest members of their clientele! What goes? At the very least is seems to be the participants lack of even the most fundamental ethics! That is not to mention disregard for the danger they were exposing their employer to. Foolish to a fault for somehow thinking they were protected by the…
October 11, 2024
Months Before Ethiopian Crash Boeing Turned Aside Carrier’s Questions
And so the downfall of America's once greatest manufacturing company, if not the world's greatest...continues!!! Sometime in the not-too-distant future, it may also become known as America's greatest corporate fraud! Then there are the wholly unnecessary deaths of the 346 passengers of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, whose families have suffered not only the loss of their loved ones but also the outrageous lies and…
October 5, 2024
Yoga to the People Founder Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion
What can you even say about this? Brazen? Idiotic? What did he think was the cover he was protected by? Doesn't even seem to have been one. It's just another of the "What was he thinking?" variety. He had a few good years of exploitation that will most likely be rewarded with a prison sentence and the rest of his life as an ex-con. Hey Greg! Did ya ever hear the saying, "What Goes Around Comes Around?" Guess what? It's TRUE! Gregory Gumucio,…
October 5, 2024
Shock in French Court Shown Videos of Men Accused of Raping Drugged Woman
It boggles the mind! Pure depravity with a capital D! What else can be said. How did this sick puppy and all the others who participated think this was going to go well? Bravo to Gisele for shining the light. Shame, shame & more shame on you Dominique, and the rest of you idiots for participating with this jerk. The problem? We just do a horrendous job on this planet of enlightening the populace that there are "rules of life" that you break at…
Robs Blog
Robs Blog
This blog is where I express things going on around me that confirm my belief that “What Goes Around Comes Around,” the title of my book! We all use those words in observation of others but may not, possibly to our misfortune, apply them to ourselves. Please let me know if you see what I see, or it’s just me battling windmills.
Robs Blog
Robs Blog