Sam Bankman-Fried Steered Misuse of Funds

This is a big one, ie: example of “the law” unfolding. He’s only 31years old and already Sam Bankman-Fried is on trial for one of the most outrageous and costly frauds ever witnessed, with billions of investor funds up in smoke. Think Madoff for the size and devastation. But Madoff was by far the more-clever fraudster, largely by virtue of keeping his circle of conspirators extremely small.

In this case, all three of Bank-man Fried’s “close friends” and “partners in crime,” have admitted their own guilt and agreed to testify against him, which pretty much blows any chance he has to walk away unscathed. The others will likely get reduced sentences due to their cooperation. However, Bankman-Fried is toast and will likely have a long time to consider whether his short reign competing for the title of “Guru of Crypto,” was worth the price he now faces.

Not to mention that his parents are also at risk, from however they may have been ensnared in their son’s criminal enterprise. They seem simply to be loving parents, but even giving them the benefit of doubt, they must be asking themselves how they had raised one of the worst business cheats/criminals in history and where they went so wrong? Certainly, they  flopped badly in teaching him “The Law of Cause & Effect,” even though I’d bet all three of them used the words, “What Goes Around Comes Around” many times in describing the foibles of other people!

Actually, it is an object lesson for all parents! Children need to know that “Cause & Effect” is the fundamental Law of Nature, every branch of science and all human experience! In other words, an unavoidable “Law of physics.” How we teach them, is a function of how we live that truth, in our lives!


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A stable, nonpreachy, objective voice makes the book stand apart from others in the genre. A successful guide that uses anecdotes of real human experiences to reveal powerful truths about life.

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What Goes Around Comes Around:

A successful guide that uses anecdotes to reveal powerful truths about life.  

The stable, positive, non-preachy and objective voice makes the book stand apart from others in the genre.

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“The author gives readers not just points or principles to ponder, but real human experiences that demonstrate them!
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“I’ve read a number of books that focus on sharing a similar message, including “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, “The Answer” by John Assaraf & Murray Smith, “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield, “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill, and I must say that I find Rob’s to be my favorite. – Sheryl Woodhouse, founder of Livelihood Matters LLC

Sam Bankman-Fried Steered Misuse of Funds

Sam Bankman-Fried Steered Misuse of Funds

…And here is a genuine story about how even minimal effort to bring comfort to another human can result in outsized and wonderful results. How different the world might seem to many if that kind of true effort actually ran wild! It is a thought worth considering. It is also a siren call to each of us!

New research shows small gestures matter even more than we may think.

I wonder about when this train actually went off the rail and Balwani and Holmes both knew it. It reminds me somewhat of Bernie Madoff’s $20 Billion deception in that if Bernie had fessed up when his performance first went south and he tried to cover it up, only to make it worse, he might largely have been forgiven and returned to his original trading business. But he just couldn’t do that and as time went on…well we know the result.

Was there a similar trajectory for this pair? A time when they looked at each other and said, “Uh oh!” Not that it matters really. Somewhere along the way they knew what was going down and kept it going for as long as they could. Now have to face the music as eventually, always is the case. It is simply “The Law of Cause and Effect” unfolding. Hopefully for them there will be less tragic endings than Bernie. It depends on how they handle what they have wrought! We’ll see.