Plea Deal Requires Weisselberg to Testify at Trump Organization Trial

Oh Allen? What would your mother say if she was here to see this dismal news of her son, “The Accountant” and his extraordinary fall from grace? You’re the one she was so proud of, the smart one! If she’d been asked if you would ever be caught with your pants down like this, she’d surely have said, “Oh no! Allen is the last person who would ever be caught doing something so stupid! He’s an accountant! He would know better!

Sad…right? Allen. Please go to Amazon and read my book, “What Goes Around Comes Around – A. Guide To How Life REALLY Works.” Or here’s an idea. Get the audio book on Audible so you can listen to it while you serve your time. At least then, perhaps you can turn that lemon to some degree, into lemonade. And if you need to read a review to convince you, go to Kirkus Reviews and look it up!

The chief financial officer of the former president’s business is expected to admit to 15 felonies on Thursday and to take the stand at the company’s trial.

Plea Deal Requires Weisselberg to Testify at Trump Organization Trial

Woman Testifies R Kelly Sexually Abused Her When She Was 14

Woman Testifies R Kelly Sexually Abused Her When She Was 14

Kirkus Reviews, the gold-standard for independent & accurate reviews, has this to say about

What Goes Around Comes Around:

A stable, positive, non preachy, objective voice makes the book stand apart from others in the genre. A successful guide that uses anecdotes to reveal powerful truths about life.

~ Kirkus Reviews

“The author gives readers not just points or principles to ponder, but real human experiences that demonstrate them!
Kirkus Reviews
Buy What Goes Around at Amazon

“I’ve read a number of books that focus on sharing a similar message, including “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, “The Answer” by John Assaraf & Murray Smith, “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield, “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill, and I must say that I find Rob’s to be my favorite. – Sheryl Woodhouse, founder of Livelihood Matters LLC

Plea Deal Requires Weisselberg to Testify at Trump Organization Trial

Plea Deal Requires Weisselberg to Testify at Trump Organization Trial

We have been following this sad saga for a long time, wondering what the final result would be. Now we know! R. Kelly will now spend virtually the rest of his life behind bars. No more using his celebrity and considerable talents for the wrong purposes. Interesting that if was right on the heels of the Ghislaine Maxwell sentence of 20 years. Also interesting in a sickening kind of way, that both Jeffrey Epstein & R. Kelly were razer close to being put away in 2008 and yet both escaped to continue their ugly malfeasance for another ten plus years. Why, is a reasonable question to ask? What is there about the Laws of Life that enabled that to happen? It is one of those mysteries that we have not yet found the key to unlock. But rest assured we wil!, and when that happens we will also get a more clear vision of why it took so long. Its just like every other study of Physics, Biology or Chemistry. The advances happen incrementally over the years, with every now and then a quantum leap. The same is happening here and for the moment we’ll have to be satisfied that these villains are off the street and others in the future will be quicker to be revealed and removed. It is “The Law of Cause & Effect” in action, because what goes around does come around!

R&B Superstar R. Kelly Convicted in Sex Trafficking Trial

New York (AP) — R. Kelly, the R&B superstar known for his anthem “I Believe I Can Fly,” was convicted Monday in a sex trafficking trial after decades of avoiding criminal responsibility for numerous allegations of misconduct with young women and children.

A jury of seven men and five women found Kelly, 54, guilty of all nine counts, including racketeering, on their second day of deliberations. Kelly wore a face mask below black-rimmed glasses, remaining motionless with eyes downcast, as the verdict was read in federal court in Brooklyn.

Prosecutors alleged that the entourage of managers and aides who helped Kelly meet girls — and keep them obedient and quiet — amounted to a criminal enterprise. Two people have been charged with Kelly in a separate federal case pending in Chicago.

He faces the possibility of decades in prison for crimes including violating the Mann Act, an anti-sex trafficking law that prohibits taking anyone across state lines “for any immoral purpose.” Sentencing is scheduled for May 4.

One of Kelly’s lawyers, Deveraux Cannick, said he was disappointed and hoped to appeal.